The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1798: Nothing is fair here

   The heavy cabin door opened, and the cold breeze blowing in with a hint of dryness, but without any other smell, it was quite fresh and clean.

   "Don't run on the plateau, be careful to run out of emphysema!" Zhang Nan has known it for the rest of his life. When he was a child, he heard his brother-in-law say it several times.

   In fact, let alone running, as long as the altitude is high enough, even walking faster, accidentally will make people chest tight, blushing, panting, unspeakable uncomfortable!

  Get off the plane. In addition to our own security personnel who arrived early, there are also some senior officials from the Bolivian commerce, mining, and foreign affairs departments on the tarmac.

   Ordinary business receptions do not have this treatment, let alone a large number of armed security personnel dispatched by the "United Forces" in advance, and security vehicles are prepared.

   This is not Mexico, nor Panama. The influence of the United States is great here, but it is not yet able to do whatever it wants here.

   Fortunately, Zhang Nan is not only a wealthy Chinese-American businessman. He is also a real power in Botswana. His Royal Highness, an important member of the Council of Chiefs, has the same official status as the head of state in international diplomacy.

During the preliminary negotiations, the name of the Botswana Mining Company, a subsidiary of the mining group, was used for this trip. It is still the decision of the housekeepers: these American countries are not so stable. Ten years ago, this place was still a military government. God knows in the future. When will there be a coup or revolution for you?

  Today is the obedient boy in the United States. In the blink of an eye tomorrow, he will be able to burn the Stars and Stripes on the street to show you!

   Now this method is very good. Even if the contract is signed with a Botswana company, in fact, everyone knows who invests and who controls it.

   If there is a real problem with the investment land one day in the future, this will become a protective shell, at least not a big target when the anti-American trend is frequent.

   It is not US-owned. In case, there is a saying in the international community.

   As for whether you can keep your own interests when that day comes, it depends on the interests themselves, as well as the capabilities and energy of the company!

   Welcome to the process, these officials are very enthusiastic, Zhang Nan, the God of Wealth.

   Bolivia has resources. What is less is investment and technology. The God of Fortune is here, and the God of Fortune is making a fortune. Everyone can make money.

   In Zhang Nan's eyes, some of these officials had a completely European white appearance, and some looked like mixed races, and two of them were South American Indian native officials with old oak bark-like faces.

   Both sides exchanged greetings. The other party speaks Spanish and has a professional translator. There is no need for someone from the Red Devil to appear, but the communication is not hindered.

   But not much greetings, not suitable.

   This is the southern hemisphere, and summer is about to enter in early November, but this is more than four kilometers above sea level, and it is still an airport on a large terrace!

   Several beautiful snow peaks in the far east stand tall against the blue sky. On the apron, although the wind is not strong, it can make Zhang Nan in a suit feel cold!

   This horrible place, it would be colder than New York, Zhang Nan felt that it would kill him by ten degrees!

   La Paz is more than ten degrees south latitude, but the four seasons of the year have at most early spring and late autumn, let alone summer, the record for the extreme maximum temperature for half a century is 25 degrees Celsius!

   Usually the end of the year, at the hottest time, it will reach 15 or 6 degrees in a few days!

  According to Zhang Nan's view, this is winter all year round, and at most it is the difference between a warm winter and a severe winter.

  The official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responsible for the reception and coordination once again introduced the arrangements. The meeting with the president is tomorrow. This is for the guests to consider: It is best to adapt to La Paz for a day or two.

  Drink more hot water at ordinary times, don't eat too much, and talk as little as possible before the body adapts!

   It is said that if you talk less, you are also saving yourself some oxygen consumption.

   Since we don’t talk about saving oxygen, the reception staff can't drag the guests to talk about the mountains because they are too enthusiastic, so they fainted, right?

  Get in the car and go to the old city. That is the best place in La Paz.

   got on the car and the police car cleared the road. The red flag Zhang Nan was sitting in was the sixth car in the convoy. There was a red flag on the front and the back, and the ambulance was behind.

   When he left the airport, even the high-ranking local officials who accompanied him in other cars couldn't figure out which car Mr. Allen was in.

Zhang Nan in the car looked through the car window. The airport was surrounded by irregular grid-like residential areas that could not be seen at a glance. It is obvious that there are no rich people who like to be neighbors with international airports on the poor people’s site. Not to mention it's an airport nearly 4100 meters above sea level!

   This huge terraced residential area can have more than 100 square kilometers, most of which are simple bungalows, and rich people will not live so high.

   However, in Zhang Nan's eyes, the situation here is much better than outside the Mumbai International Airport in India. At least the place is big and spacious enough. The houses are basically "single houses", and the per capita living area will be very spacious.

   The city center is more than 3,600 meters above sea level, the lowest part of the old city is more than 3,500, and the terraces are more than 4,000, nearly 4,100 meters.

   Three thousand five hundred and six and 4100, this is on the plateau, the air and oxygen content you breathe is only four to five hundred meters above sea level, but this quality is a big difference!

Looking at the landscape near the outside and the valley and basin that is getting closer and closer to the east, Zhang Nan said to Andre, who was sitting next to him, “I’m in some cities in other countries, such as Mumbai, India, where the gap between the rich and the poor is the largest. At least one thing is equal between the rich and the poor.


   The rich man who has private rooms in the Taj Mahal Hotel in the south of the city all year round, the air he breathes when looking at India Gate is no better than the talking animals in the slums in the north of the city.

   can be here..."

   Zhang Nan shook his head slightly, "The higher you live, the poorer you live. The richer people are at the bottom of the ditch, which is interesting."

Andre did not answer. It was the first time that La Paz came to La Paz, but I heard the Red Devil’s subordinates who had been here talk about this alternative city, so when the boss asked him to prepare a few days ago, he was able to say a few things. One, two, three.

   This will listen to the boss, and he also thinks it is true: if the poor in other places laugh at themselves, they can at least say that the air they breathe is fair.

  Here, even the air is not fair!


  The road condition is average, don't think about any two-way six-lane road, it is not much better than the one coming out of the Mumbai Airport, it is much less than the car, and it is not blocked.

   As soon as the car approached the edge of the platform, looking at it, the mountain city, and the Xichuan mountain city in Zhang Nan's memory, are even more extreme than the mountain city in Xichuan!

The whole city is built on the valley **** between the snow peaks the La Paz River and along the mountain, the houses are laid out in stages. The houses are divided into layers, and the houses are stepped and densely packed. The density is higher than that on the airport terrace Several orders of magnitude!

   The terraces are basically bungalows, and those on the slopes in the basin can be seen from a distance of two or three floors. The lower the terrain, the higher the floor.

   Build the house on the hillside, no matter how high it is, the altitude is lower than the airport terrace!

   Looking at it from afar, many streets can have a **** of 30 to 40 degrees, and residential areas are like grandstands on professional football stadiums!

   is steep, even a bit oppressive.

   "There are not many people who live in the valley who ride bicycles, right?"

   This thought suddenly flashed through his mind, and he wanted to laugh a little.

  On the ground, I have seen a few bicycles from a distance. As soon as this car enters the valley, whoever rides is a fool!

   Looking down, there are quite a few modern buildings at the bottom. It is said that there are still many Baroque buildings from the Spanish colonial period.

  The residential houses are arranged in order from low to high, and there are almost no exterior walls painted, which is ugly for thieves!

   Except for the government districts and high-end commercial districts at the bottom of the valley and the foot of the mountain, the upper part is the wealthy area. The more you go up, the less money you can live, and the poor live on the top of the mountain.

  Indians’ houses are usually high-rise on the hillside. This convoy can be seen from the terrace. The streets are narrow, and Indians in large cloaks can be seen everywhere. .

  The lower the convoy, the better the houses on both sides. After many large circles, there are not only buildings on both sides, but also many beautiful stone buildings that look like the Spanish colonial period and are three to four hundred years old.

   The city center has arrived.

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