The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1812: Mirror of the Sky

The Great Salt Lake of Uyuni is located on the western plateau of Potosí Province in Bolivia. The altitude is about the same as the capital La Paz, 11,995 feet, nearly twelve thousand, or 3,656 meters.

As for Uyuni, it is a poor, highland town with a population of less than 10,000, and it can be regarded as a local trade and mining center.

The smaller towns near East Plakayo and Huanchaca are rich in silver, bismuth, and zinc mineral resources, and not far to the west of the small city itself is the world's largest salt lake.

There are at least 65 billion tons of salt in the salt lake, and there are countless abundant non-ferrous and precious metal deposits nearby. It is a place completely surrounded by abundant mineral resources.

Poor, it is because of lack of investment funds.

Holding the golden bowl to beg for food, doing things withholding money, I always thought about doing it myself and not letting foreign multinational companies make money. As a result, I had more than enough energy but not enough energy.

The per capita GDP was US$784 last year, which is more than one hundred in the world, and the gap between the rich and the poor in China is huge, so here is really poor.

This trip is a bit of determination, but if you are poor, you will change.

Of course, most people on the planet know that this per capita GDP data is actually a hooliganism. In some countries, because of the low domestic consumption level, people’s lives are actually okay, but on average, when measured by GDP, it’s a direct result. The data pauper".

The opposite is also true. The per capita GDP of some countries seems to be quite high, but the vast majority of the people are "averaged" objects, and the overall standard of living is terrible. For example, Bolivia is a typical representative of this situation.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. Last year, China’s per capita GDP was US$377, which is less than half of Bolivia's!

La Paz is the capital of Bolivia. After seeing and hearing in these three days, Zhang Nan can be sure that ordinary people in Bolivia are definitely much poorer than Chinese people!

Double the GDP to get money?

The data is rogue.

To travel from La Paz to Uyuni, ordinary people will choose trains or buses, especially buses, because of the number of flights, they are more popular here than trains.

Zhang Nan and his group do not choose road traffic, even if they are in their own bulletproof car, it is not suitable, too tired!

This is a high mountain and plateau area. The two places are more than 400 kilometers apart. Even if it is driven by a local driver who is very familiar with the road conditions, it will take at least twelve or three hours to get there.

Even fifteen hours is not too slow, and you can definitely sit back and back pain.

Fortunately, even if Uniu is poor, it still relies on the world's largest salt lake and has an airport.

There are few locals who fly by plane, and the fare is expensive; foreign tourists choose planes only if they are stupid and daring and add more money.

According to President Gonzalo de Losada, Bolivia still has plans to expand the airport, but it is still short of funds.

This is looking forward to Zhang Nan's investment, but he didn't have much money to invest in the idea of ​​building an airport in Bolivia: he builds his own mine, and asks for a mao airport where the railway is connected, and he is not engaged in tourism development.

As for tourism, this ghost place at the corner of the corner, except for a few people who burn a lot of money, will go to the Salt Lake. For example, he himself, if he wants to earn back the investment funds of the airport, he has to go every month.

Inconvenient and inconvenient, although the runway of Uyuni Airport can be more than 2,000 meters long, the supporting facilities are simple.

And there is a plateau. The 2000-meter runway is not lower than the altitude. There are not many types of fixed-wing aircraft suitable for takeoff and landing—especially mainline airliners. Unless it is a model with excellent short-distance takeoff and landing performance, it is best not to go. there.

There are not many wealthy tourists and the flights are not fixed. Like President De Losada's trip this time, he just wanted to use a civilian Bell helicopter without considering fixed wing at all.

Using Bell’s helicopter on the plateau here, in Zhang Nan’s view, is playing and dancing on the tip of a knife!


If it is a "Black Hawk" with excellent plateau performance, or a Mi-17 with a good plateau performance, Zhang Nan dares to sit on the premise that he must be his own pilot.


Forget it, he doesn't want to fall in a daze!

Since I have a great family, the money is too much to count, and I want to live to be 100 years old.

Try to stay away from danger as much as possible. Private jets and crews are at least one master in a thousand, just for safety.

Zhang Nan refused to take a helicopter. Mr. President thought that Mr. Allen did not like flying, and once again proposed to change to a train.

But that also took more than ten hours. Zhang Nan was too lazy to waste time and said directly: "Mr. President, I think we will fly over, and I will have someone transfer the 757 from Peru.

There is no need to take off and land with full fuel at the distance. At 3700 meters above sea level, a two-kilometer runway is enough, which saves time. "

If the company thieves have money, there are a few airplanes that are allocated to mining groups in South America. Marseille-Saros said about it yesterday.

The largest of these is the Boeing 757, which has been modified for use on "high plateau" routes.

There are passenger planes in Bolivia, but Zhang Nan doesn't trust any airlines in South America, even the air forces of all these countries!

Whether in this life or in the last life, I have watched the movie "Legend of the Day", and I don't want to have an accident because of airplanes and pilots.

There is a real case. Like in the movie, someone will survive an air crash above the snow line. It is impossible to be eaten by others. No one will eat him. According to the weight of the human body, Zhang Nan's body is still strong muscles. One hundred percent of the world's unit price.

Even if the airline pilots, flight attendants, or South American escorts are killed, the bodyguards will not use the boss's muscles as food.

However, he doesn't want to eat human flesh on the snow-capped mountains!

Since I don't trust others, although my own 767 can take off and land at an airport with an altitude of 3,700 meters and a runway of 2,000 meters, the crew members think it is a bit reluctant.

Then adjust the plane. The crew members of the South American Group have all been to Uniu’s airport and are familiar with it. When the time comes, it will be fine to add a private crew member of their own and stare at the backup.

This time I came to Bolivia. There were two crews on the plane, and both captains flew over the 757, although the time to fly the narrow-body airliner was not long.

On the morning of November 12th, a group of Zhang Nan, together with President De Losada and his more than 30 entourages, boarded a Boeing 757 that was just transferred from Peru yesterday at La Paz Airport.

Only then did Zhang Nan understand that the terrace surrounding the airport can cover an area of ​​more than 100 square kilometers, and the residential area with an altitude of 4,100 meters does not belong to La Paz, but a separate city, El Alto, so this airport is also Known by the locals as El Alto Airport.

The boundary between it and the city of La Paz is the dividing line between the plateau and the valley. It is really hard for Zhang Nan to imagine what it is like to live in such a high place all year round.

What is even more incomprehensible is: how much Bolivians love football!

Looking down from the air, La Paz has dozens of football stadiums, not to mention it. Even in the amazingly high-altitude city of El Alto, there are nearly 40 standard football stadiums with turf! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

A group of players trained in the 4100-meter-altitude stadium ran to 3637 meters to meet a group of guys who like to play beach football on the beach. They are bullying people at all!

The length of the cabin of the Boeing 757 is not short, and it gives the illusion of being particularly narrow as soon as it enters.

Fortunately, this is the company's own aircraft. The cockpits are all equipped with two single cabins on the left and right, which is equivalent to the first-class cabin, otherwise it will feel even more awkward.

Zhang Nan sat in the first half with Mr. President, and Andre was a guest translator. There is no air service on this flight, no need, 400 kilometers, and it will be there in a while.

Without much effort, the huge salt lake appeared in sight.

Mr. President on one side of the aisle looked out the window and turned back to talk to Zhang Nan on the other side.

He couldn't understand it. Andre translated: "Mr. President said that we came at the right time and luckily. It has already rained here."

"It's raining? What's wrong with the rain?" Zhang Nan was puzzled.

Andre almost choked!

Hold it back, and then say: "Boss, you should look out for yourself, I can't tell you that."

Andre feels like he has run into a dumpling and is hopeless!

The plane is about to land, and you can see the endless Great Salt Lake a few kilometers away from the porthole.

Hasn't Zhang Nan never seen the salt lake, the salt lake in the image is nothing but a vast expanse of whiteness, and hasn't he never seen it.

I've seen it in my previous life. In this life, I went to Chang'an after digging the king's tomb in Jingjue Ancient City with Ge Guan. I saw it in Haiqing Province. A section of it is hundreds of kilometers away. There are salt marshes and salt lakes on both sides of the highway.

That's it.

But this will...

Zhang Nan's eyes lit up!

He saw a mirror of the sky!

The sky on the plateau is dazzling blue, the clouds floating in the sky are as white as cotton in Western Xinjiang, and all the aerial scenes are perfectly reflected on the endless lake!

A salt lake of tens of thousands of square kilometers, or a large salt pond with no water, would actually become a large, flawless mirror that perfectly reflects the sky.

Blue sky from above and below!

The rainy season is here, and a small amount of rain leaves a thin layer of water on the lake.

At high altitude and low temperature, the water will not evaporate at once; too much salt, the rainwater will be saturated with salt immediately, and it will not be absorbed by the salt lake.

There is still no wind today. Zhang Nan saw the most beautiful and famous landscape in Bolivia, Uyuni’s "Mirror of the Sky"!

The president was on the plane and saw that Zhang Nan was a little fascinated by the sight of the outside world. He knew that the feeling of seeing the "mirror of the sky" in the air would be different from that on the ground, so he suggested that the plane take more time.

No problem, oil is available, and no other planes occupy the route anyway, so the pilots greeted the airport tower and flew for more than ten minutes before landing.

The runway is not short, the airport is simple enough, not even barbed wire!

The terminal building is simply a two-story building, and the ladder to get off the plane was actually pushed by manpower, and it was deadly steep.

The plane is too high to reach it if it is steeper.

The Boeing 757 is the size limit of the aircraft that can take off and land at this airport, and it has to control the load and fuel capacity.

If it is fully loaded, regardless of whether it is a 757 or a smaller 737, it will simply rush off the runway during takeoff, using the Great Salt Lake as a forced landing field.

Looking at the beautiful scenery, Zhang Nan still has no plans to invest in building an airport, so let's not do business at a loss.

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