The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1415: Fulfilling childhood wishes

Zhang Nan doesn't care if the people underneath do nothing when necessary. Who makes him a capitalist?

I have seen many similar things in my previous life. I want to put an end to such formalism, and it is probably harder than sending astronauts to Mars!

As long as the mine can create enough benefits for himself without causing major troubles, he will not care about the production safety and the health of the workers.

Besides, it is not him who has to worry about these messy and troublesome things and specific operations.

There are so many CEOs, general managers, and management underneath, who are eating dry food?

As for Mr. President, he was even more satisfied with what he saw today. On the way back, he said with Zhang Nan: “Placka called me for the first time. This is a good situation. The American-style mining development method is combined with the actual local situation in Bolivia. The situation in Potosí, where I've been before, is much better.

Potosi tin mine labor and production health protection is almost equal to zero, and there are still people in the small mines where Rico Mountain digs residual silver mines, and that is even worse.

Spain began mining silver mines there in 1544. After nearly 300 years of digging, at least 8 million people died. They were said to have been mined out, but there are still people digging into it.

Every month, there are accidental deaths in private mining. Tourists from Europe also like to drill inside, which causes headaches!

The whole mountain is empty, and those who go down to dig don’t need any protection, and they can’t afford it. They just use the ancient\Ke Ye to top it..."

The president said a few words at random. Apart from facing top foreign capitalists like Zhang Nan who don't care about those things, no one can complain about his country like that.

The President of Bolivia, in fact, mostly used American thinking, and the impression left by his growth experience cannot be completely eliminated.

Zhang Nan felt a little fluttering as he listened, and did not go to hear what the president was saying.

He remembered a very distant event in his memory-very interesting, that event did not leave any memory in this life, but the memory came from 1980 in the previous life, or was it 81?

I can't remember, anyway, I seemed to be in elementary school at that time.

One plus for two lifetimes, most of the memories of more than 40 years ago are vague, but some details are very clear.

When his thoughts came back, he said to the president sitting aside: "Is the place you mentioned high in elevation?"

Delosada didn't ask him why he asked, so he said: "Potosi City is almost like this, four thousand and one hundred or so. Are you asking about the mine or the city?"

"What you said about Mount Rico, just mine the silver mine."

"The peak is about four thousand and eight. Hundreds of years ago, it was said to be higher. The inside collapsed many times, and it was tens of meters short.

The mountain was a miracle 400 years ago. The shepherd made silver by burning a fire. The richest ore actually contained 40% silver!

But now that tin is still worthy of industrial-scale mining, and the remaining silver mines are small mines to kill.

At the beginning, the entire volcano was a big silver mine, with at least half of the world’s output. Now the entire mountain is empty. For hundreds of years, only God knows whether thousands or tens of thousands of mines have been dug in the mountain. It will collapse at any time. "

Zhang Nan is almost geographically blind in Bolivia, and history knows the tip of the fur. At this time, he asked: "How far is Potosí from here?"

"180 kilometers, less than two hundred."

At this point, President De Losada also heard something different: Mr. Allen would actually be interested in that ghost place, which is weird!

"I want to go there, Gonzalo, is there an airport over there?

See if you can arrange it. Of course, if you are busy with work, you don't need to accompany me, just have someone who can arrange it. "

When Gonzalo De Losada heard this, he smiled and said, "I have no important work arrangements for the last three days. Besides, I am not a very busy president as the president. It is okay to spend a few more days with your friend. of.

There will be no opinions from the parliament, and they also want to benefit from your investment.

However, Ellen, Potosina has no special features other than a volcano and a mint-renovated museum. Don't regret it when you go! "

"Haha...Thanks!" Zhang Nan smiled and said, "I don't regret it if it doesn't exist. It's a wish or a thought when I was a teenager."

Speaking of this, Zhang Nan paused and found that there was no suitable English vocabulary to describe what he wanted to say.

Since I can’t figure it out, I’ll just put it in the vernacular: “To be honest, I’m a Bolivian geographic blind, and I don’t know much about Bolivia’s history.

Five minutes ago, I thought the Rico mountain you were talking about was in Chile or Peru. I saw it in books before..."

Zhang Nan slowly said, Mr. President now knows why he suddenly wants to go to see where he is.

The world is amazing. I saw a few scarce Eastern European movies as a child, but that feeling was just telling a story.

In 1980, he saw a copy of "Window of the World" at his sister's house. That magazine opened Zhang Nan's first window into the outside world!

In 1980, how many Chinese people knew what the outside world was like?

Even in 1990, ten years later, when Yang Ma released a "Zhengda Variety Show", it goes without saying that the popularity was due to the curiosity of the Chinese people towards the outside world at that time.

I can't remember what month the issue was. It's been decades, too long, but there are three articles in it. Zhang Nan still has special memories.

A long story is that in 1979, there was a general strike by the New York transportation department. In order to commute to get off work, New Yorkers showed their magical powers. Mr. Mayor stood on the Brooklyn Bridge as a cheerleader, cheering for the commuters!

The other is a short story about the impact of the New York supermarket on the traditional small grocery store for couples. Even the illustrations of the grocery store have vague memories.

In fact, at that time, Zhang Nan only knew what a grocery store was and what a supermarket was?

Probably a very large department store?

Super Supply and Marketing Cooperative?

In the third part, a reporter visited a volcanic silver mine and tin mine that had been mined for hundreds of years. It was said that they were at the very end of the 1970s, and the miners were still risking their lives to mine.

The mine cemetery is covered with bones, millions of grieved souls are wailing, and there is one sentence that I remember best: the miners chewed on the coca leaves, and the green saliva dripped from the corners of their mouths...

At that time, Zhang Nan was thinking, what exactly are those places like?

As written in the text?

There are only a few illustrations, and the rest depends on my own imagination.

The curiosity of the teenager, the search for knowledge of unknown things, when the memory of decades ago struck, that feeling, even though it has been so long, instantly feels like it happened yesterday.

New York, where he now has a home;

Supermarkets, he has a large number of Wal-Mart stocks, this is only one of them, he basically has the stocks of several major retailers in the world;

But here in Keshan, if it hadn't been mentioned by the president, Zhang Nan would not have brought back memories from more than 40 years ago.

He was going to see the **** on earth described in that magazine, but he realized the desire of his youth to see how different reality was from his own imagination back then.

"Gonzalo, I still have a question, I don't know what the problem is."

This Mr. President looks like "whatever you say".

"In my memory of that article, there is no image of Bolivia at all. Peru should be mentioned many times. Yes, it is Peru. So I always thought that the Cannibal Mountain in the article was in Peru."

The question in Zhang Nan's heart is that he won't be able to get all the 80-year-old "Window of the World" on hand, so he can't help but ask, because it feels more and more difficult to find the answer.

Since I am a little bit obsessive-compulsive, the less I can find the reason, the more I want to find the answer as soon as possible.

My mind suddenly turned around, thinking that perhaps Mr. President, as a local, might have any explanation.

Gonzalo de Losada is a cultural man. He turned his mind and said: "It may be a memory deviation. I haven't read that article. I guess it may be that the author made a comparison between our mining situation in Bolivia and Peru. Compared.


The man was talking about Bolivia in history. During the colonial period, Bolivia and Peru belonged to the same viceroyalty, and it was called Peru in a large area, or to be more precise, Upper Peru.

These are the two biggest possibilities, of course I am just guessing.

You really want to get the answer and let people find a way to find the magazine every month that year. I think you should have a way. "

"Haha..." Zhang Nan laughed, "Insane. When I get back to the hotel, I will call and let people go to the cultural relics market and the used book market to find them."


Bolivia, which became part of the Inca Empire in the 13th century, was conquered by Spain at the end of the 15th century, and became a Spanish colony in 1538.

Historically known as Peru, it belongs to the Governor-General of La Plata, Spain.

550 years ago, that is, in 1544, a very accidental event led to many major changes and changes around the world: everything originated from the temporary overnight move of an Indian shepherd on a cone-shaped mountain.

The terrain is too high. In order not to be frozen by the cold night wind, the shepherd made a large and fierce bonfire for himself.

The next day, the unfrozen shepherd stumbled upon the ashes of the campfire before leaving the camp for the night. There was a lot of silvery metal on the original stone.

Take a closer look, this is silver!

The shepherd was very happy, but then he did something stupid: After going down the mountain, he told the Spaniards who ruled here about his discovery, hoping to be rewarded by the Spaniards.

He got it, and the Spaniard's reward is: death!

Soon, the Spaniards investigated the mountain. It turned out that it was a volcano. What the shepherd found was a silver mine, a silver mine that was beyond imagination!

Inside the huge volcanic cone is the silver mine itself, and the highest silver car in the ore actually reaches 40%!

The shepherd is dead, the Spaniard sent it!

In the second year, the Spanish rulers began to build settlements for mining at the foot of the mountain, which is now Potosí.

The lowest point of the city is more than 4,000 meters above sea level. As for the mine itself named Rico Mountain, from more than 4,200 meters to 4,850 meters, the height of this huge silver mine is as high as the volcano.

In its heyday, Potosí, the huge volcanic silver mine that supported the Spanish Empire, produced half of the world's silver production!

Because the Middle Ages were from 476 to 1453 AD, and some believed that the Middle Ages lasted until 1500, but no matter what the algorithm, the Potosilico Mountain Silver Mine was the largest silver mine in South America in the Middle Ages.

Even during the enlightenment period and the period of bourgeois revolutionary revolution, it was also the biggest silver mine!

The Spaniards who ruled Potosi back then could use silver for horseshoes, and there are even rumors that silver tiles were used to pave the ground.

The authenticity of the latter is unknown, but the silver horseshoe is a fact. You can imagine the glory of the silver mine back then.

Of course, its splendor started from killing the shepherd, or from the earlier Spaniards entering this land, it was destined to be built on blood, because the white people from the civilized world ruled here!

From 1544 to the early 19th century, the silver mines of Mount Rico were basically exhausted. In more than two centuries, at least 8 million Indian natives and black slaves from Africa died unnaturally in the cannibal mine of Mount Rico. .

The huge silver wealth from **** not only supported Spain's 300-year glory, but this silver mine even indirectly led to the demise of China Daming tens of thousands of kilometers away.

One is Yangyang Daming on the other side of the ocean, and the other is a volcano (Silver Mountain) with an altitude of more than 4,000. It seems that the two are irrelevant. Can this be put together?

Is it weird?

Not surprisingly, during the Great Navigation Period, Ming Dynasty was a silver-based currency dynasty, but China has always been a relatively silver-deficient country.

At that time, there was a huge price difference between China and the Americas in the price of silver, which led to crazy arbitrage of international capital.

The silver mines from Upper Peru, Potosi, Bolivia, and the huge amount of silver from Mexico eventually caused the financial crisis of the Ming Dynasty, which indirectly led to the decline and demise of the Ming Dynasty to a certain extent.

This is the Potosí that Zhang Nan wants to see and fulfill his childhood wishes.

It is only a trivial matter to have the president come forward to make a temporary trip to Potos by a special plane.

The next morning, the Boeing 757 boarded by Zhang Nan and others landed smoothly at Colonel Nicholas Rojas Airport in the southwest of Potosi City.

It is 3935 meters above sea level, and there are also top seats to sit in in the top ten airports with the highest altitudes in the world.

After adapting to the past few days, Zhang Nan at this meeting has little fear of the altitude of about 4000 meters.

When he saw the towering Rico Mountain in the sky just now, but because of hundreds of years of excavation and mining, it became a different color from the surrounding mountains and plateau. He made up his mind to look at the cone!

See how different there is from what you imagined more than 40 years ago!

On the tarmac were only a few off-road vehicles and an old-fashioned bus that were temporarily sent by the local city government to pick up people. There were no other high-end vehicles. Naturally, the Land Cruiser Zhang Nan took yesterday was not there.

Except for the thin air, toxic groundwater and soil caused by hundreds of years of smelting and beneficiation, there is no danger here, as well as the hollowed-out Rico Mountain not far away.

At least for Zhang Nan and Mr. President, protected by a group of private professional bodyguards with live ammunition and members of the Presidential Guard, it is safe.

Moreover, just before the plane took off, the president’s special plane would arrive at Potosi Airport before notifying the Potosi City Government and Colonel Nicolas Rojas to the airport.

Even if someone is disadvantageous to Mr. President and Zhang Nan, it will take many hours to get there, and there is only one highway in that place The president is going, and the highway will soon be set up with checkpoints. Dangerous elements cannot get in at all.

Temporary notice, it looks like a game, if it is done in some large international airports, it will cause the air traffic control and the airport to be busy for a while, but President Gonzalo de Losada who proposed to do so told Zhang Nan that there is no problem. .

Because Potosi’s location is remote on the air route, no other route passes nearby except for the planes taking off and landing there, let alone the flight time to Potosi. Someone in the president’s entourage knows clearly. Chu.

Go here if you want, no problem.

Standing on the tarmac, Potosí, a little higher, is like a big village. There are no tall buildings or mansions. The "big brick factory" is even stronger than this.

It’s true in my memory. The book says that this is poor and backward, and that’s how it looks.

The next step is to work hard, hungry and hungry, to satisfy the wishes of a teenager, and take a good look at this "cannibalistic mining city in distant memory."

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