The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1819: Dig like in the movie

The hill is less than a hundred meters above the lakeside plain. The whole mountain is covered with veins, supplemented by surface mines on the ground, mainly underground veins, and extends to the deep underground of the plateau on the east side.

Fortunately, the gold mine is on the east side of the mountain. If it is on the west side, the Bolivian government may ban the mining of this mine in order to protect Lake Titicaca.

Mining is like growing scars on the earth, even if it is pure underground mining. The accumulation of mines, waste ore piles, and the factory buildings are an eye-catcher.

The Great Lake on the west side is not just the holy lake in the hearts of the aborigines, but also a naval base plus a tourist attraction. What is it to see a gold mine next to the lake?

Bolivia has gold mines, and there is no shortage of them. This one is not big, not small, and not up to the bottom. It is lucky to be born on the east side of the mountain, but you can't see it over the lake!

It's okay if you don't see it, it won't be unsightly, and the pollution caused by mining won't have any direct impact on the Great Lake. Just circle the place and dig at will.

Zhang Nan came down from the top of the mountain and walked to the platform below, looking at the group of local people who had temporarily turned from digging gold into migrant archaeological workers.

Good work, the digging of the earth and rocks, the transportation of the earth and rocks with trolleys and back baskets, the one that is slightly farther away with the big sieve that is used to filter the earth and rocks is even more dusty.

Twitter, all the people at work still have free time to chat, this scene is almost full of laughter.

"Brother, this group of people is really interesting, we are digging the remains of their ancestors, and we are glad that we didn't object."

It was Charlize Theron who was standing next to him in an outdoor outfit, and she and Guan Ge walked back to La Paz yesterday evening.

Guan Xingquan stayed in the UK for a few days. His wife over there was busy filming. After the gathering, he dumped him and flew directly from Heathrow Airport to South America.

As for Charlize Theron, when he heard that the plateau hadn't knocked down his brother, he thought it was not dangerous, so he volunteered to accompany him.

Anyway, there was nothing important recently, and she came here in her "Charlie".

Come on, the brother who has been with you almost every time you dig the earth is not there. It seems that something is really missing.

Regarding this sarcasm that Charlie deliberately said in Chinese, Zhang Nan also said in Chinese: "What's weird, we are digging pyramids in Egypt, and the locals are not like that."

Charlie immediately retorted: "That's not the same. Those are Arabs. There are few descendants of ancient Egyptians in Egypt.

Besides, what we did that time was also in the name of cooperating with the Egyptian government in archaeology.

this time..."

Pointing to the dusty construction site, "This is how the company asked them to dig and dig the remains of their ancestors."

"Haha..." Zhang Nan smiled, "Listen carefully, what language does the worker speak?"

"I don't understand!" Charlize Theron was slightly unhappy.

It's not difficult for people, who can understand what those people are saying.

"Our Bolivar manager said that these are all Aymaras, and they speak Aymara language, which is different from the language spoken by the descendants of the Incas.

The government here says that the illiteracy rate of the common people is less than 40%. It's a lie, and those who can write their own names are even literate.

Most of the hundreds of people below are completely illiterate and have not gone to school for a day.

The rest, except for a few foremen, had read books for up to one or two years, and did not say that we were going to steal ancient relics, that is, to check the company’s mine land.

Who is the foreman?

Black person!

Black hands and black hearts, black people from head to toe, who are not black enough can not be the confidant of our manager.

The salaries of these miners for this trip are 150% of those who go to the mine. They don’t have to take risks and it’s easy. The mine is still in charge of three meals. How much awareness do you expect them to have?"

Negro, not the skin color, but the heart, here is the mine!

The mine cannibalism hundreds of years ago is different from a company in Chile that directly manages large mines. Today's small mines in Bolivia can actually eat people!

Charlize Theron couldn't speak to his brother, so he was reluctant to surrender because of his sanity.

Large-area field archeological excavations are still done by professional miners. Even if it is purely manual work, the amount of earthwork on this day is too low.

At a glance, the scene of the Brit excavating in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt at the beginning of the same century was half a catty, at least in the movie.

After speaking, Zhang Nan had already walked to a clearing on the upper wind.

I enjoy it all the time. It's really the same as digging the pharaoh's cemetery in the movie. One top and three sides are covered, and only one large four-corner awning of canvas is left. There is a square table in the middle and several chairs.

There are mineral water, drinks and fruit bowls on the table, and Mr. Monte Bolivar, manager of Guan Lao Datong Gold Mine is sitting on the table.

The altitude is high, the temperature is not high just after noon, and a gust of wind may even be a little cold.

But the ultraviolet rays are strong. If there is no thing to block your head, you can get a tan in a few days!

Zhang Nan has joked: "Do you know why blacks and Indians have such dark skin?

Expose it! "

I think today's Boss Guan is particularly fanciful. He is actually dressed in a brown vintage hunting suit with a white and black-rimmed Panama hat on his head.

From a distance, it's so cool!

It’s good to wear a hat. It protects you from ultraviolet rays and keeps you warm.

But it also depends on who wears a hat, anyway, Zhang Nan did not wear a Panama hat today.

It’s not that I don’t have it, but if I also wear the most expensive Bolivian Seiko Panama hat, I will stop by the side of Brother Guan...


Ge Guan has always only paid attention to the safety of the environment, never, and there is no need to care about whether he is occupying any ABCD position or not.

There is a slight difference in height and body shape. As long as Guan Ge wears a Panama hat, Zhang Nan always feels like Xu Wenqiang, and he becomes the surnamed Ding next to him.

Therefore, when the boss is not killed, Guan wears a similar hat when wearing a Panama hat!

But you can’t wear a hat. Not only is this problem of strong ultraviolet rays, but Ding doesn’t seem to wear a Panama hat sometimes. What should I do?

At this time, Zhang Nan wore a top with colorful trim, a wide-brimmed alpaca hat often worn by native Bolivian men, and there were about a dozen of those working miners.

Local, UU reading migrant workers are migrant workers, better than those with the surname Ding.

Bolivians wear hats almost every day, like indoors and outdoors. This is a custom.

Managers like Bolivar, in places like the hotel lobby, are in front of themselves, and do not wear a hat out of respect for the big boss.

You must know that when Zhang Nan never wears a hat in the indoor environment: the habit left in elementary school, going to school in minus seven or eight degrees weather, even if there are many people in the classroom, it is cold enough.

But try it with a hat!

Zhanbi, have you ever endured such a punishment?

Painful memory.

The big boss doesn't wear a hat, how can Mr. Manager wear it.

This will be outdoors, not so particular, the manager who is getting close to Boss Guan also wears a hat, Zhang Nan looks from left to right and this guy is like a little follower of Brother Guan.

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