Hundreds of years before the Spanish came to South America, this temple should have been abandoned, because according to carbon fourteen measurements, this remains the closest layer to modern time, which is also a thousand years ago.

   Unexplainable engineering technology, the Aymara ancestors 2500 years ago, or the indigenous peoples who ruled here earlier than the Aymara ancestors, could they have such technology at that time?

The time of the existence of the Tiwanaku culture is currently estimated to be from the 5th to the 10th century AD. The original construction time of this jaguar temple was built one kilometer away from the ancestors of the Aymara people. Much earlier!

   Soon, most of the people who came together on this trip thought it was a good idea not to think too much if they didn’t understand it, so as not to crash their heads and go to a dead end.

   An interesting temple, the largest building construction boulder actually weighs hundreds of tons. According to current research, it is known that the stone production area is still hundreds of kilometers away...

   "How did you bring it here?"

   is another question.

  The ancient transportation of boulders, land transportation is not big enough to use rolling wood and winter splashing water to freeze. The altitude here is high, and there is a way to freeze in winter, but this wood...

  Fetching wood is a big project!

   This is a plateau with an altitude of 4,000 meters. Above the tree line, it is not a mountain. There are forests under the mountain. The wood-producing area is not close to this.

   That big stone is transported by water?

   seems to be fine.

   Hans-Simmer told everyone that according to research, 1,000 years ago, Lake Titicaca was so much larger than it is now. At that time, this temple and the city of Tiwanaku, one kilometer away, were next to the lake shore.

   As for now, almost 20 kilometers away from the shore of the lake, the lake has receded.

   It is still the problem of the tree line. The locals who live in Lake Titicaca now use reeds and cattail grass woven into a small boat called "Totola" for fishing and tourism. There is no wood!

  It is estimated that there is still a way to transport a few tons of stone by grass ship, hundreds of tons?

   Guinness World Records does not bring such a play.

   That way plus water transport?

   I'm too lazy to think about it.

   Just as everyone decided not to dig their heads anymore, Zhang Nan, who had been carefully looking at the details of these big stones, said something that was a bit elusive.

  "Excavated in the 1960s, Bolivia was a military government at that time, right?"

  The person he asked was Hans.

   "Yes, from 64 to 1982, Bolivia was a military dictatorship." Hans Simer replied.

   "In what year was this temple excavated? Who was the president at that time? And, do you know what that guy’s personality is like?"

   Zhang Nan asked three more questions, now it’s all right, Hans was dumbfounded.

   He understands Inca culture, but he is not an expert in Bolivian modern history. Isn’t that embarrassing.

   "Mr. Allen, this...I am a Peruvian. I went to West Germany to study in 1963 and only returned to South America in 1972. This is really unclear.

   However, I can ask a few friends.

   is the personality of this person. It may be difficult to get an accurate answer to this question. "

   Zhang Nan smiled and said, "It's not necessary, I just ask casually."

   At this time, Andre, who came with him, said: "I know one, cruel and arrogant, Rene Barrientos, a guy who didn't know the heights of the sky, died in an air crash in 1969.

   If it were not for a plane crash, he might still be able to rule Bolivia for more than ten years.

   Of course, it’s an air crash, but it’s hard to say how you actually died. "


   "Yes, just one. I hadn't graduated from elementary school at that time."

   Andre doesn’t like nonsense. It means: I’m from the Soviet Union. We can know one of the leaders of Bolivia in the 1960s. It’s already very good!

   Looking at the boss’s expression and reaction, Andre knew Zhang Nan’s doubts: "I know one, why is it so clear?"

Forget it, there is no need for Zhang Nan to ask. Andre said again: "Boss, Barrientos ordered Che Guevara to be shot and killed the captured Che Guevara. He was deliberately fired nine shots, and he deliberately cut Guevara. The hands that pull hold the fingerprints and confirm the identity."

  Well, unlike China, in the Western world, that idealistic communist fighter is very famous, and he is considered to be the perfect revolutionary/destructor in the Western world.

   Even if Andre is a Soviet, it’s normal to know what Barrientos is because of this. Who made him a former KGB colonel?

   Only then did Zhang Nan remember that Guevara, whose head was always printed on the chest of his clothes, was sacrificed in Bolivia.

   Now, for Andre, he said that the president did not live or die. It makes sense to think about it: He ordered Che Guevara to be shot, fired nine shots, and cut off his hands. How many people would want the life of this cruel guy!

   is more dangerous than the US$20 million bounty offered by the United States!

   died in an air crash?

Is    a real plane crash?

   God knows.

   Speaking of which, what is the relationship between this temple site and the president of the military government at that time?

   Zhang Nan didn't explain, but the next conversation with Hans made everyone who came with him understand.

Zhang Nan used the short shrubs and dead branches blown by the root wind to scrape the perfect inner right angles of several large rocks, and deliberately touched the right angles between the flat inner cut surface and the exposed outer surface, and asked: "Han Si, how many stone products have you seen buried in the soil for more than a thousand years?"

   When I heard it, I would think that I was going to test someone, and try to test how many catties the expert is.

   Sure enough, Hans Xinmo was taken aback for such a wild question, and then he said: "I didn't pay attention to this, it's not too much."

   Zhang Nan smiled and said, "I have seen a lot of all kinds of stone.

   Look at those portraits. "

He said that there are a few convex images of human faces that are said to be carved out of the stone wall in the second period, 1500 years ago, and said: "These facial features are all weathered and choking. The stone face and these few inner right-angled stones should be The same type of sandstone.

   Five hundred years of wind and rain, some stones did nothing, and some carved noses fell off.

   But as long as it is a processed stone, it will be eroded unless it is a neutral marsh soil.

   The granite may be less damaged, but the erosion rate of the quarried stone will be higher than that of the rock.

   These exposed faces were first exposed to the wind and the sun for more than 1,500 years, and then buried in the soil for a thousand years, they are still so flat...

what! "

   Zhang Nan stopped talking, but turned and walked towards the car, "I'm gone, let’s see that Tiwanaku, I hope it’s not like this."

   What did Zhang Nan say?

   Everyone understood, it seemed that he didn't say anything, and it seemed that he had said a lot, but no one would compete with him if it was right or wrong.

  I can’t do it, it’s just a site that makes people feel that extraterrestrial technology participates in the construction. It is true or false, or modern people have insufficient knowledge, and at the same time they don’t understand or understand the ancients, who knows.

   If you find the person who discovered this through President Gonzalo de Losada, it is not difficult to get the answer, but the sentence is still not guilty.

  This mystery, there are always so many wealthy idlers from all over the world who come here to travel, and then consume a lot of dollar bills, marks...

   Why do you ask some unpleasant questions?



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