Wu Wei took a chocolate from his pocket and stuffed it in his mouth, a bit like talking to himself: "There is a man in my hometown who is younger than me. A few years ago, he went to Beijing to build real estate, which is more expensive than the real estate speculation in Qiong Province. It's not too late, it's posted.

I heard from a newcomer to Italy that this kid gets married and sends a \\luoin to every friend after dinner. Many people still think that he is a wild and face-saving person, and he is really sick in his mind.

In fact, most of this is learned from Xiangjiang movies. There are a bunch of underworld movies in the video tape, and a bunch of big brothers call friends and call friends to **** together.

I often see films like this in Italy. Needless to say, they are flooded in China.

A rotten movie is a cancer, and some young people watch too much and go to school, causing their families to be ruined. "

As a native of Wenzhou, my hometown was developed early, and I have seen and heard a lot of messy things, knowing how harmful the poison is.

At this time, a Shandong man named Kong Chuzhi who was transferred from Gambia said: "So, don't be polite when you come across drug dealers. Drug users are ruined, and drug dealers are frantic!

A fellow of mine is an armed police and is still in the team. During the anti-drug campaign in Yunnan Province the year before last, a town became a den of drug dealers, and it could not be managed for several years. More than a thousand armed policemen attacked the city like a siege.

Drug dealers have machine guns and grenades. Many houses are simply built like bunkers, with shooting holes reserved.

Explosive packs were used to enter the fence, but that was in China. In addition to drug dealers in several drug-trafficking villages, there are always children and old people who have not participated in the crime. If the fence is blown in, the house cannot be bombed again.

As a result, people can only rush inside and sacrifice a few, but what a pity!

In the end, more than a thousand guns were paid, with more than a ton of Hai\\Luoin, and more than 10 million in money.

The law says that for drug trafficking more than 50 grams can be shot, and more than one ton is enough to kill 20,000 to 30,000 people.

This was only found once. The place had been selling drugs for several years. That time, more than 800 drug dealers were arrested, and one point was divided by head. Each offal was enough to shoot dozens or hundreds of times.

In international drug trafficking, one or two caught can be killed. Drug dealers don’t want their lives. It is difficult for them to surrender. Anyway, catching them is a death.

I don't know what the laws of Peru are like, but since they are abroad, don't be polite to them.

In a few days, I will take all the ‘ashmir’ with me, and I will carry one on my back. Every house will be sent and all problems will be solved. "

At this point, sitting next to him, there is a rare surname, and the guy named Lianjie said to Kong Chuzhi: "In the past few years, we have been outside, but we don't know much about domestic affairs.

Three months ago, I had just returned to my hometown in Shanxi Province and had a drink with a friend of the Narcotics Control Commission. Hearing him talk about it, it sounds like a fantasy.

By the way, my friend said that the Ministry of Public Security and the Narcotics Control Commission are making a drug control documentary.

Some people don't understand, go to drugs in a daze, regretting that they have nowhere to buy them.

Watching Hong Kong and Taiwan movies, I feel that drug abuse has a face, and my family promotes more about the dangers of drug abuse, and I hope that there will be less terrible things in China. "

Seeing everyone talking a little boring, Jiang Hongrong said, "I said, then we will use cloud bombs from a distance, so that we can't see the heart and don't bother, lest we can't handle it if we see a child in that factory. "

Stopped, spitting, "Fuck! The US government has to give us medals. This is free for them to help."

At this moment Karimi stood up and said with a smile: "Cook, speaking of our boss and the president are very familiar, do you want the boss to talk about it?"

He saw from a distance the pick-up car on the curve of the mountain road came.

Jiang Hongrong and others also got up, cook, Jiang Hongrong's code name, appropriate. As for Karimi, the codename is white, whoever makes him look right is a white man.

Lian Jie’s code name is an electrician, because he already has an electrician qualification certificate, or he is qualified to operate at high voltage and low voltage.

For several other people, Wu Wei gave himself the code name of "shoemaker", saying that he has a good shoemaking craftsmanship and learned it in Italy.

The old gun, named Li Xiaojun, is handsome, good at blasting and using mortars.

Given such a unique code name, to put it bluntly, I have spent too much time in the Beijing Military Region. I think the old guns in Beijing have their own personality, and they have nothing to do with the cannons.

Lu Sen, slightly fat, big like Kong Chuizhi, code-named Camel, doesn't talk harshly, and carries a hundred kilograms of equipment without being tired.

Camel, good physical strength!

Shi Tao, a native of Altay in Western Xinjiang, codenamed Angel. I originally gave myself the code name of a sinful red angel, which is very western and fashionable...

However, they were unanimously rejected by everyone. It's too long, cut two-thirds off, and it's finally smooth.

Mo Ren'an, codenamed Sparrow, was originally a scout of the border troops of Guangxi Province.

Even if someone else has been fighting for more than a year, he has a lot of qualifications. He has been in the army for eight years and spent most of his time with the Vietnamese monkeys. He is more familiar with the old forest than the mountain sparrow!

Ma Zhiqiang in Henan Province, the code name is unknown, the legendary martial arts master is said to be even better than the monks of Songshan Shaolin Temple.

As for the code name, I'm sorry, the sequelae of martial arts.

As for Kong Chuizhi, despite his burly appearance, his code name is a shadow.

A scout who has been working for eight years, his actions were silent in the woods, and his teammates couldn't hear his footsteps, just like his own shadow!

The last one is Ma Zhiqiang, code-named Wrench, who is best at making life-threatening traps in the woods, and there are more tricks than Vietnamese monkeys.

As for the code name, he was a soldier at the age of 19, and in the previous 16 years he entered the factory as an apprentice to his father who was an eighth-level fitter. After three years of work, he actually became a third-level fitter.

According to his words, he has at least five or six levels of fitter skills, and whoever makes fitter level can only be tested once a year.

If this club is still in the factory, it will be the highest and fifth-level fitter among the newly established fitter levels.

When the car arrived, it was actually a truck. Except for Karimi and Jiang Hongrong who sat in the cab, everyone else got into the cargo compartment.

It's only ten kilometers, not far away.

As soon as I get to the refinery, I just wash my face and hands. At this point in the afternoon, I don’t even sweat.

This matter saw Guan Xingquan coming, and the first sentence was: "Jiang Hongrong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hurry up, find two people to the kitchen, just over there, see what we can do.

This horrible place, food is out of my appetite! "

Jiang Hongrong shook his head, sighed, and said: "Why do you bully the cook..."

After speaking, he shouted: "Sparrow, shoemaker, give me a hand!"

A border guard for eight years, it is indispensable to go to the cooking class to help the kitchen.

The other has been in Italy for three years, and the consequences of not learning how to cook by yourself will be very serious!

As for calling code names, for the sake of familiarity and convenience in action, they will not call each other's names these days.

"Wu Wei stay, I have something to look for him." Guan Xingquan said.

Here, Luxon said: "I'll go."

Short and without explanation, it suits his camel's code name.

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