The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1854: Japanese features

Kobe does not have an international airport, but it has the largest heliport in Japan, and the airport is also equipped with professional rescue helicopters.

Of course!

Six hours after the earthquake occurred, the heliport was still quiet, and the rescue helicopter showed no signs of being dispatched at all.

As for a large number of professionals, including aviation emergency ambulance personnel, who have not been shocked into fools, they are all in a wait-and-see state.

Since it's okay and idle, you can stand on the airport apron and look towards the city: a large swath of thick smoke in the sky obscures the sky, the whole city is on fire, and many blocks have a tendency to burn.

It's spectacular!

The bureaucracy and dogmatism that the little devil has always had, today after the earthquake, have been brought into full play!

Including the faxes sent by the Star International Rescue Team, many international rescue notification letters are still lying in the Guizi's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, unattended.

It's not that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ate and did nothing, but that they didn't take the earthquake seriously!

Not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not take it seriously, but the entire Japanese government did not take it seriously: Isn't it an earthquake? What's so strange?!

A bunch of faxes, in the eyes of the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the countries and organizations that sent the faxes are really fussy and unaware.

There were two earthquakes in the Hanshin area today. It was a rare earthquake in the Hanshin area today. It was normal: the morning TV news in Japan marked the occurrence of a magnitude 7.2 earthquake in the Hanshin area as "regular news."

It's not an emergency, it's a routine, common little thing.

The Prime Minister learned of the earthquake two hours after the earthquake. No one thought it was necessary to disturb Mr. Prime Minister’s sleep before.

After watching the earthquake news on TV, I saw fires in some places in the Hanshin area, but I didn't take it seriously: in the government news that the Prime Minister received at this time, there were only four deaths from the earthquake.

There are only four real trivialities. The Japanese government directly classified the earthquake as a "local issue" and left it alone for the time being.

Then Kobe and Osaka should be busy on their own. Local affairs should be resolved locally.

Regardless of the central government, a big problem was discovered at the local level: how can I manage it!

In the past, all Japan believed that the "Kansai area" where Kobe was located would not have a major earthquake. As a result, the infrastructure to fight earthquakes was badly built.

Fire-fighting capabilities can only deal with urban fires in normal times. Earthquakes have become local affairs, which means that there is no outside support and a lot of trouble!

After noon, the Japanese government realized that the problem seemed a bit serious, and the Prime Minister asked someone to hold a meeting.

The cabinet meeting started slowly, and it came out before it started. Kobe began to burn the camp!

In Kobe, a large number of communities dominated by wood-framed houses are billowing with smoke and more and more fires. In many places, fire lines have begun to connect into pieces. At this time, there is no possibility of quickly extinguishing fires.

Some Kobe local old devils who experienced Li Mei’s B29 incendiary bombing half a century ago saw this scene and already knew sadly that the fire would cease only when all the traditional residential areas burned out.

This is not a simple fire, but a secondary disaster of an earthquake. As soon as the fire is over, the wounded and trapped people who are too late to be dug up by the neighborhood will have to die!

Not being crushed, but burned alive!

The disaster relief depends on their own, and the Kobe people rescued themselves. Before the fire spread completely, many living people were actually dug up.

There are two sides to the matter. Wooden houses are flammable, but when rescued, people can carry them on their shoulders.

The Japanese government watched the excitement, the cabinet meeting was held for a day, and in the evening... there was no specific plan.

Here, people from Osaka and Kobe are saving themselves. There is no organized support force from outside to reach the hardest hit area. There are not many lonely warriors like Cheng Feng.

At noon on January 18th, Cheng Feng had not slept all night, and had no hope of finding the hope of his classmates. Cheng Feng dragged his exhausted body, pushed his bicycle back, and passed by Ashiya City.

The block where the classmates rented burned all night, and when it dawned today, Cheng Feng saw that it was already a piece of scorched earth!

Until this time, Cheng Feng had not seen a single member of the Japanese Self-Defense Force appearing in Kobe, not even a police officer from outside.

The entire Kobe City is messy, and if the classmates are not in the ruins, they are naturally still alive.

If he was trapped in the house after the earthquake yesterday...

A piece of scorched earth, with this look, Cheng Feng couldn't find the house.

There is no point in staying. There are a large number of homeless people in the city who don't know where to go. Cheng Feng intends to return to Osaka.

He is not from Kobe, or even Japanese, but an outsider.

Last night, except for a small number of local people who spontaneously organized to help the wounded, the elderly, the weak, and the disabled find ways to survive the cold night, there was no substantial rescue operation.

Cheng Feng felt that he stayed here to add chaos. Everything was spontaneous and messy. Last night he gave the lunch he brought to others, as well as the cakes and biscuits in his bag.

In the morning, I left Kobe hungry, thinking: "A place with a big butt, I ride a bike, stop and go and arrive in less than half a day.

What is the Japanese government thinking?

No one has come to save people until now..."

Psychological complaints, for no reason, his sense of this country is a lot worse.

Passing by Ashiya, Sawaguchi Yasushiko's bodyguards and assistants were no longer in the mansion, but after leaving a word, Cheng Feng still got help.

In another aftershock, Cheng Feng finished the hot meal made by the servants who stayed behind in the mansion, said goodbye, and rode back to Osaka.

He didn't know that someone from the Devil Self-Defense Forces would arrive in Kobe today, but we have to wait: It has been more than one day and one night since the earthquake occurred before the Japanese government called the Self-Defense Forces to start rescue operations.

As for the professional rescue equipment, such as life detection instruments, they are not available today!

It's not that Japan doesn't have but it will not be delivered. The professional rescuers in Japan have not yet convened. The Japanese government did not expect them at all, and no one wanted a life detector.

Slowly, it is estimated that tomorrow, the third day of the earthquake, someone should think of relying on life detectors and search and rescue dogs to find the survivors buried under the rubble.

As for today, the Self-Defense Forces have not yet entered the disaster area. The smoke billowing on the TV does not count. Anyway, I can't see how many people died. The Kobe City Hall does not know how many people died.

Since you don't know, don't worry.

The government is not in a hurry, the local residents of the Hanshin area are really in a hurry!

Spontaneous rescue (survival) organizations in various forms of "resident self-rescue" began to appear scattered, and the "Yamaguchi Group" with Kobe as their lair actually all started to organize manpower and materials, and then they will distribute warm clothing to the victims free of charge. And food.

Yamaguchi group disaster relief, Tokyo is unreliable, Japanese characteristics!

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