The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1856: The extreme of greed

If an official wants to be greedy, how greedy can the ultimate be?

The desire to spare is endless.

Great greed, so greedy that they are unscrupulous and unobstructed!

The corners and corners, all walks of life, have no choice but to make a profit.

Is it for politics?

No, the status of a member is just an identity, and the country belongs to their family.

There are members of the president's family in every economic sector, without blind spots.

Foreign companies wanting to invest, no matter where they come from or in any industry, will not escape cooperation with them, otherwise they will not want to continue to operate. The same is true of Xingchen Mining Group.

Zhang Nan invested money. Their sons made money for nothing. They didn't invest a penny. They took at least ten points of net profit. They dubbed it "10% tradition", which made Zhang Nan very upset!

Originally, I was extremely disgusted, but I used to lay out for my own interests, but I have always been attracted.

Now with the continuous improvement of his own strength and the continuous improvement of international status, Zhang Nan does not want to let that **** **** family continue to exist!

Those guys now see that they are all hiding, for fear that even if they block the door of others, a bunch of monkeys in the mountains are still messing with themselves.

The people who made themselves off before have disappeared from this earth, and it's the turn of the **** this year!

Let the Red Devil and Syrah prepare for a long time, this meeting should also be prepared seven or eight.

Take mine and bring it back to me, and spit it out if you eat mine!

At this time, Zhang Nan asked Andre: "Last time, if you used a full-scale attack, the possibility of loopholes was too high. How do you arrange it now?"

A full-scale attack, killing all important members of a family at the same time, is a huge project.

"Just get rid of the two first, and once you get rid of these two scum, a power vacuum will appear.

The remaining bunch of family members, according to your boss’s customary law, lost these two powerful tasks. After that, it’s just the meat on our cutting board. It’s a matter of time to cut it as you want. "

When Andre arrived here, he paused before saying: "Boss, when do I need to start?"

"Don't worry too much. In a few months, this international conference will not be lively enough. I think it will be almost done by the middle of this year." Zhang Nan said.

Since the boss is not in a hurry, Andre and Pavel no longer ask for the exact time.

It's still very lively if it's not stable. At most, wait until summer before you can act.

There is more than one way to kill people, even if it is the life of a president.

Bombs, assassinations, poisoning, shooting down of special planes, etc. are all optional items; the old nest is difficult to deal with, it is simple when people leave, find a country to start...

There are always more solutions than difficulties, not to mention the last thing the Red Devils lack is the way to kill people.

Zhang Nan will not only kill others, but also destroy the economy. This requires the mobilization of the group as a whole. After the operation begins, a bunch of capital allies will be added.

The region’s economic development is too fast, and they have to be cooled down. At that time, 100% will be happy to follow the "Sunshine Star Group".

As for whether the social and economic chaos over there will harm your own interests there, don't worry about this. The layout of these years is not a free preparation.

To put it simply, like Kalimantan, the equipment secretly surpassed the government army by the family and organization.

Things in Japan are set aside, the stall has to be cleaned up in a few months, and the two of Andre still bring good news for themselves.

Brother-in-law’s Ukrainian restaurant in Moscow will be closed after the beginning of the spring, and will be completely refurbished afterwards. The entire project is estimated to take more than a year.

Hearing the news, Zhang Nan smiled and said: "It seems that I have to say hello to Nong Bosheng. His large sculpture can begin to be designed. Otherwise, we have to wait for the hotel to reopen and the image sculpture at the gate is not perfect."

After that, I suddenly thought of something and asked Andre: "How do you arrange so many employees in the hotel?"

I have a very high status in Russia. I am even more likely to become a saint in Moscow with St. Pump’s Fort. Because of my existence, a large number of Russians have jobs and no longer face the danger of unemployment.

Ukrainian hotels have been doing renovations for a long time. If this causes a large number of original hotel staff to lose their jobs, it is not good.

In this regard, Pavel smiled and said: "All arrangements have been made. Some personnel stayed behind during the construction period. This accounted for a large number. The hotel cannot simply be thrown to the construction team. Many hotel personnel are also needed during the renovation.

For a small number of non-essential jobs who are about to retire within two or three years, we buy out the working years, and the money is absolutely sufficient for their basic living.

These people will also be happy, just waiting to get their pension, anyway, waiting for the hotel to reopen, they are about to leave.

We do it very hard, they can still find other jobs..."

Well, this is called laid-off, it's just that people who are about to retire are laid off. It's not as scary as China's layoffs!

Beginning last year, the wave of lay-offs began in Yanxian County. This year, the Bureau of Materials and Materials estimates that it will be basically finished.

The motorcade where brother-in-law was originally in is almost disbanded.

It was really cruel in the last life, but now it's okay. Suddenly, there are not so many suitable jobs in my hometown, and the people in the team are distracted, and I want to go out for gold.

However, Zhang Nan and Xiang Weirong are the two great gods at and their own company is expanding rapidly in China and around the world. It always needs manpower to solve a bunch of old and mature work problems.

It's not just for face-saving help, like in Africa, Canada, Australia and other places, there are skilled workers everywhere.

Just like a driver, an older person like Lao Xing made enough money to go home with his grandson last year, and he needed a newcomer to supplement him.

Don't workers, even the peasant brothers from generations to generations, they can only farm land and are technical talents!

This is not blind, there are many such people in Africa, and their jobs are to grow rice and vegetables. Whoever makes the locals in Africa know how to do it.

The old import of grain on one's own land is not a problem, not for money but for stability.

There are also vegetables. Except for the locals in Africa, it's unbearable for other people not to eat vegetables all the time!

The treasure hunt of an antique dealer

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