After the former "Broken Wings, Angels" interrupted the flight for 8 years, the four best-flighted Figure 144s returned to the Voronezh manufacturing plant, and the manager had a real rebirth from the ashes.

   When they leave the factory, the technology is more mature and advanced, the safety factor is higher, and the conditions are the same as when they left the factory for the first time more than ten years ago.

   The money is piled up!

  Four planes plus supporting facilities and personnel cost hundreds of millions of dollars!

   Burn too much money?

   It's not that simple. This is called strategic cooperation. There are many other cooperations that are not visible on the surface. The money spent is worth the money.

   And even if the plane burns money, Zhang Nan will not care. Just a few hundred million dollars. After an earthquake in Japan, I greeted my family in advance, and the extra income within a few days was dozens or hundreds of times this number.

   Money, it’s called money when it’s spent.

   piled up, that's called papyrus.

   "Sister, do you think it looks like an angel?" Zhang Nan asked her baby girl loudly as she watched the slender plane landing with her head up high.

   Except for "head up and chest up", the long legs are enlarged. It is really difficult to describe the appearance of Figure 144 landing with other words.

   didn't think about it..

   "What? I can't hear you!" Zhang Yuchen noticed that his father was talking to himself, and this time he shouted directly, with a louder voice than his father.

   Zhang Nan helplessly, reported a question mark face: inaudible.

  Well, this picture 114D originally numbered -77114 has been replaced with the Kuznetsov NK-321 turbofan engine of the picture 160 strategic bomber. Although I don’t know how the noise is during takeoff, it will land, and the movement is earth-shattering!

   Yuchen kid just couldn't hear what his father was saying, only felt shocked!

   The lateral noise exceeding 110 decibels is amazing!

   But even if the ears "rumble", everyone present still admires the landing plane in their hearts: in it, the beauty of power in the aviation industry is vividly displayed.

   Half of the earth said it was ""Concordsky" before, which is slander at all. It is the same as the Concord, but the technical principles are the same. Naturally, it looks more like it.

   In fact, Figure 144 flew into the sky earlier than "Concord", and there are big differences between the two in terms of aerodynamic shape and specific design concepts, but laymen can't see it.

   Few people know that the Tu-144 is not only larger than the Concorde, but also has better passenger capacity, range, speed and other technical indicators than the Concorde, and even the ride comfort is better than that of the Concorde!

   There are quite a few Westerners who have been in "Concord", but how many of them have been in Picture 144?

  The Western world has always liked to practice double standards, elevating oneself and demeaning others. For example, sitting in the picture 144 is like sitting on a tractor, and passengers rely on paper and pen to communicate with each other...

   The actual situation is: if Figure 144 is a tractor, the "Concord" is estimated to be a mixer!

   Thousands of people on the side of the apron greeted the arrival of the "angels", and many of them were still cheering. The most exciting were the few Russian ground crews who arrived early.

   Figure 144 once again flew across the ocean. The ground crews who served it many years ago were the most excited.

   But a lot of people are not only the insiders of the group, but also some New York city officials, representatives of residents from nearby communities, and even news media reporters.

   At the same time, in many houses and open areas near the airport, there are many New Yorkers holding cameras to take pictures of the landing planes, and more people look up at it strangely.

   It took a lot of effort from the group. The noise in Figure 144 is not much smaller than that of the Concorde. Although it has obtained the general air permit for entering and leaving Long Island’s own airport in the future, it is prohibited from flying over the United States and can only fly over the ocean.

This is the case for low-speed landings. It is conceivable that if it is used to cross the mainland, when it is turned on afterburner to increase the speed to the usual cruising speed of Mach 2.2, even if the cruising altitude is more than two thousand higher than the Concorde, reaching 18,000 meters, this American common people estimate that Got a fryer.

   Chicken and dog restlessness is not nonsense. The loud noise can even prevent the hens from laying eggs and the cows from producing milk!

   It’s normal for people to have heart disease and break the glass windows if the height is lower if the afterburner climbs and speeds up.

   But this will look at the previous work done well. The residents of Long Island seem to welcome this white swan-shaped plane to stay on Long Island.

It looks strange, everyone loves it, not to mention that the airport will hold a private air show every year: I said it some time ago, and then some lucky people selected by the residents of nearby communities through pre-registration and computer lottery will be invited to take the picture 144 Come to experience the supersonic flight over the Atlantic Ocean last time.

   Supersonic airliner tickets are very expensive, like the Concorde airliner. A ticket from New York to London is at least US$6,000, which is many times that of an ordinary airliner.

   "Aristocratic air tickets" are too expensive for ordinary people. Most of the passengers are political and business celebrities. Taking a supersonic airliner is a feeling of "noble, rich, and celebrity".

   Although the economic conditions of the residents in several communities near the airport are pretty good, few family members can afford a ticket of more than US$6,000!

   Because of this, nearby residents are not likely to object to occasionally adapting to the strong noise brought by the new aircraft-Inwood and other places 30 kilometers away to the west have been subjected to Concorde-style destruction in two days!

   Not to mention that the picture 144 flies faster and higher than the Concorde. This is the "highest and fastest" treatment that ordinary people can enjoy. It is more powerful and more attractive than the Concorde.

  At this time, the plane landed, turned, and slowly taxied along the taxiway to the This would bring everyone's ears back to normal. Zhang Nan asked Andre: "Why are you not using a drag parachute?"

   Picture 144, the last airliner in the world that uses a drag parachute when landing, this Zhang Nan knew before he bought them.

  Andre was asked by the boss...

   organized a language and said: "The two engines used before did not have a thrust reverser, and a drag parachute was required for landing on runways of common lengths.

   Now the new engine has a thrust reverser and the airport is long enough, so it’s not needed. But the drag parachute device is still there, to deal with special circumstances in case. "

so it is.

   The engine used exclusively for the "White Swan" is equipped with Figure 144. Compared with before the modification, it is more fuel-efficient, has a longer range at the same speed, and has greatly improved take-off and landing performance.

   When the plane stopped in front of him, Zhang Nan found that it was really very tall, and the nickname of the nose landing gear was well-deserved.

   Generally, large and medium-sized passenger planes are usually at the front and back level when they stop, but it is not. It looks high at the front and low at the back. Even on the ground, it gives people the illusion of jumping into the sky at any time.

   The perfect combination of speed and power, the brilliance of the golden age of ambitious supersonic airliners, and the legacy of a great era where advanced aviation technology was used to solve all problems, but unfortunately was defeated by high operating costs.

   Ten years ago, the Soviets replaced the Tu-144 with the Il-86 wide-body airliner, just as the Boeing 747 would eventually kill the Concorde.

   occasionally "change history", which feels good.

   Operating cost?

   didn't even qualify as a question.

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