Both the deputy and the two major officers in the vicinity found it strange, the devil, the god, and the leader of his own unit was the commander of the Alpha Special Operations Team, the strongest assault force "Alpha Group", commanding Russia’s strongest special anti-terrorist commando. !

The players have been getting along with each other for many years, and they know each other enough to see and hear the tone of the captain's words not only with respect to those people, but also with a trace of yearning and envy, and even a little desolation.

Strange reaction.

At this moment, the lieutenant colonel suddenly reacted, and suddenly turned his head to look at the "middle-aged and elderly soldiers" who were eating dinner. His eyes clearly read shock!

Turning his head, lowering his voice, the lieutenant colonel said to the captain: "Are they the Red Devil?!"

The KGB was entered in the Soviet era. The lieutenant colonel also knew some secrets. He knew the existence of the "Red Devil" and didn't know much about it. Now he understands why his captain reacted like that.

The colonel nodded slightly and whispered: "Yes, the improved officer training team, the KGB, is also the strongest blade in the Soviet Union!

Ten years ago, I had the opportunity to be one of them, but unfortunately, they not only want the strongest fighters, but also fighters who can be the strongest agents.

I... failed the assessment. "

The leaders of the "Alpha Team" with the strongest combat effectiveness in the Alpha Special Operations Team knew how powerful they were, but they were unqualified!

"Are those people really the devil?!" This was the momentary thought of the other three. That troop was too mysterious, so mysterious that none of the middle and high-level officers in the Alpha core part of the same system knew very well.

At this time, the lieutenant colonel whispered: "I heard it mentioned once in a while, they should have been disbanded a long time ago, why..."

The colonel smiled bitterly, and said: "We just arrived at that meeting. The commander here reminded me once that there will be strong reinforcements this time, and we are likely to become cooperating troops.

Didn't tell me the details, when it comes time, someone will naturally tell us what to do. "

At this point, the colonel laughed self-deprecatingly, and then said: "I originally thought which of the great troops could squeeze us down, the signal flag? Warrior? He also planned to fight with the boss, not convinced.

I didn't expect it to be them. "

The special forces subordinate to Russia's various systems are not convinced by anyone, and there is no accurate ranking. Anyway, the Alphas think that their team ranks first!

Asking them to cooperate is of course uncomfortable.

At this point, the colonel sighed slightly, "Take care of your own mouth. We will know what we know. Don't go to discipline.

It is a pity, comrades, the strongest knives of the Soviets, they only serve the Soviets, not Russia.

When the Soviet Union is gone, they also have no goal of allegiance, the party's shield and sword. In their eyes... we are actually equal to traitors.

The instructor told me just now that they are only Russians this time.

Those big guys and some Chinese people are their current friends, they don't represent any country, they just help out as friends of the Kremlin.

Also, there is one more thing I didn’t intend to tell you. I saw the first space tourist in the temporary headquarters an hour ago, do you understand? "

At the end, the colonel was full of anger and helplessness in his emotions.

Alpha command-level officers certainly know who the first space tourist is, and how much energy that person and his friends have in today's Russian society.

Not only Russia, but also not limited to the original Warsaw Pact, the influence is still the world!

In all aspects, many of the Alpha members who have retired in the past two years have gone to work for others and make a lot of money.

One hour later, the Alpha Ranger Colonel Ivan Ivanovic and his deputy arrived at the interior ministry building in Budjunovsk, where the new combat headquarters is located.

The conference room became a war room, and several huge hospital floor plans and aerial photographs were hung on the wall.

Almost all the meeting rooms were in military uniforms, and the local staff was only a middle-aged man in his sixties.

There were several generals, most of them were standing, only the one in civilian clothes was sitting peacefully, but there was a taste that would be overlooked.

Soon, Colonel Ivanovic learned about the situation and learned about the discipline.

The Alpha team will participate in the storm tomorrow night, but will only be responsible for the north-west section of the main office and outpatient building.

The main buildings of the hospital are two buildings, both of them are a bit old, each of which is still a complicated H-shaped structure, and the characteristics of the hospital are complex.

There is also a sky bridge between the two buildings, both of which are now controlled by terrorists. As for the people who were originally in the annex buildings, they had successfully escaped before.

The task was just assigned, and no one thought that the little old man used Chinese to stand aside with a middle-aged Chinese face who had also sat down. After a few words, he said in Russian: "The Alpha Rangers will be a weak underbelly. The plan is to make changes.

Colonel, your person can be in charge of the first floor of the outpatient building, and you don’t need to worry about the top. At that time, part of our friend’s lightly armed commando will go upstairs from the outer wall while you are launching an attack.

Those lunatics in Chechnya are not, try to ensure the safety of the hostages. You can't get up from inside the building by simple assault.

Moreover, our light team members can only speak Chinese and English, and you can't collaborate effectively on both sides. Alpha should be in charge of the first floor. "

When Colonel Ivanovich heard this, he controlled his emotions and asked: "Excuse me, are you?"

The man smiled and said, "The level of confidentiality of the people here is enough. You and the little guy next to you were both KGB people. I remember that you participated in the 1987 assessment.

I have read all your materials at that time, and all others are qualified, and some of them are still excellent, which is two points short of intelligence system analysis.

It's a pity that some talents can't be supplemented by training. It was my decision to brush you down.

The comment I gave you at that time, remember to write that you will be a qualified operation team commander in the future, and now it seems not to lose sight, comrade Alpha team captain. "

Don't need to be too clear, the colonel has no objection now.

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