Walk quickly, quickly approaching the entrance to the south building wing, no one shot at Guan Xingquan and the others on the road tens of meters, and no grenade or something was dropped.

The inpatient building is a very Soviet building. There is a side door at the top of both sides of the "T" prefix. The windows on the second and third floors are open for ventilation in the same position. Buildings of similar style are very common in China. kind.

Originally, there was a terrorist observation post on the third floor window to monitor the movements of the Russian army. One second after the machine gun fired, the first guy with a big beard behind the window hung up and was accurately shot by a sniper shell from 100 meters away. Hit, head directly!

As for this meeting, a sniper rifle and a light machine gun with a low-light scope are facing the window. The position on the second floor is also the same. As long as there is any threatening target, it will be taken immediately. Killed.

As soon as they arrived at the side door, Guan Xingquan and the others immediately concealed on both sides, preparing to explode!

The door is blocked, it has to be exploded!

As soon as the main entrance of the main building and the inpatient building were in the lobby, the doors were locked by terrorists, and there were some messy office furniture blocking the doors, and perhaps booby traps.

Before observing through instruments, there was not a large number of people gathering in the two gates, and the inside was sufficiently empty, so that the "ashmir" was used to clear the way.

The effect was very good. After the detonation, a row of several doors flew out, and the office furniture that was in the way was scattered in the form of fragments.


There is no threat, even if there is, it is not detonated, it should be bombed and the passage is opened smoothly.

But the “ashmir” cannot be used for the side door. Inside the door is a straight aisle, and on both sides are wards, medical offices, and various examination rooms arranged in opposite directions.

Although the possibility is unlikely, no one can guarantee that there are no hostages in those rooms. The aisle space is so small that a fuel-air bomb will blow up several wards.

What's more terrible is on the top!

The floor is prefabricated, 20 or 30 years old, it is only three meters high and the passage width is more than two meters wide. The violent detonation caused by "ashmir" can make a whole row of pediatric wards upstairs free of charge. Take a plane!

At this time, the formation was adjusted. Yuri and Vasily leaned against the wall. Kirill directly glued a sticky bomb to the wooden door, pressed the previously set five-second detonation button, and quickly hid behind Vasily.

With a "boom", the door was blown open, and even a wooden cabinet with the door above it was blown away, but it would not overly endanger the rooms on both sides.

There was no rush to enter, and after waiting for three seconds, Vasily threw another strong light shock bomb in it.

There was thunder, heavy rain, small loud noises and dazzling flashes, and there seemed to be some people shouting. Only then did Yuri take the lead, and a column entered the side door.

The bulletproof shield was on, and everyone used low-light night vision. The corridor was very dark. In order to create the advantage of night battle, all lights, including street lights, were temporarily extinguished within two kilometers of the hospital!

As soon as I entered, I found that the doors of the rooms on both sides were open, and there was no one inside.

As with the previous conclusions, the terrorists did not place the hostages on the first floor.

Moving forward, suddenly, a long flame burst out from a distance of about 20 meters ahead, and at the same time, the continuous gunfire created a terrifying sound-gathering effect in the aisle.

The gunshots were so loud that the house was shaking!

Yuri felt the heavy bulletproof shield in his hand as if being hit continuously at high speed by a heavy hammer, and while resisting it, he shouted: "Machine gun!"

This time the **** person is not the prince Shah’s bodyguard, it’s a terrorist who has been diverted by the army!

Not a submachine gun, not an assault rifle, neither a light machine gun, but a general-purpose machine gun!

A big lunatic was hiding half of the stairs at the top of the stairs, popped out half of his body, carrying a PK general-purpose machine gun and shooting frantically in the direction of the side door.

The 7.62×54R rifle bullet has a terrifying penetration at this distance. If it is replaced by Vasily, it will be at the forefront. I don’t know if I will go to see Marx. The injury is 100%.

The bullets fly all over the sky like flowers and silver, and the terrorist can't accurately aim, it is a blockade-style directional shooting.

Guan Xingquan, who was on the right behind Yuri, did not lean forward, and the assault rifle in his hand quickly stretched out, "Da Da Da..." A long shot of dozens of rounds fired, and the machine gun on the opposite side immediately went silent.

The whole procedure took just two or three seconds. Yuri’s shield was hit by at least seven or eight bullets, and the back of the shield had continuous bulges!

There were bullet holes everywhere in the wall of the passage, and some bullets flew into the open area outside the side door.

At 0.5 seconds after the machine gun misfire, Andre leaned forward and fired a precise shot, directly headshot the enemy machine gunner who had been hit by two rounds with the assault rifle in Guan Xingquan's hand!

Moving on, this will close Xingquan and Vasily's side. Unless the madman like the one just shows up again, even if they stick out their hands, they can fire in advance.

At this time, through the prefabricated panel overhead, one could hear the fire fighting upstairs, still very fast pistol shooting.

There is no sound of assault rifles or light machine guns, only pistols. The guys in the light assault team simply didn't give terrorists a chance to shoot!

Masters, all masters!

Just before the door was blown up, the guys from the lightly armed commandos entered the four wards on the second and third floors from both sides at almost the same time.

Those who entered through the window, as for going upstairs, some people used the ropes fired by the rope gun, and more people climbed up directly with bare hands under the cover of the team.

No, the word "climbing" is not appropriate, it is more appropriate to use "flying" to describe it!

The bottom floor is more than 3 meters high. There are two people behind to cover, one runs a few steps, and one corner is stepped on the shoulder of the companion standing in the corner.

The companion underneath stood up suddenly, and the one on the top leaped upward at the same time, gathering the strength of the two people, and easily jumped up to the window sill on the second floor with his hands.

Using both hands, running shoes with light weight and excellent grip while kicking on the rough wall of cement bricks, people broke through the window and went in!

The first ward on the second floor is a maternity ward. There are four people in one room. The beds are placed opposite each other. It is quite large.

There were 11 hostages, large and small, if you count the one in the belly of the expectant mother, 12 hostages in total.

Four parturients, plus four accompanying family members, most of the eight adults were either lying on the ground or hiding under the bed with their children.

The reaction speed was good, but the poor one had not given birth, and suddenly he didn't know what to do in bed.

The guy who entered the ward first yelled a word of Russian that he learned on the plane: "All lie on the ground to hide! All lie on the ground to hide!"

This is regardless of the hostages.

When the second lightly armed commando from behind jumped into the window, this one had already opened the door.

There was a running sound in the corridor. As soon as this man leaned out half of his body, the Glock 19 in his hand made a few quick shots at an incredible speed.

Fired three times in one second, one shot per shot: In the field of view of the night vision goggles, three guys with assault rifles ran from 10 meters away.

Infrared night vision device ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your own black combat uniform has a certain anti-infrared detection function, which can distinguish friend from foe in the night vision device.

A master with a pistol, every bullet hits the target's head accurately, and the red light like a fountain of fireworks can be seen in the night vision device flying behind the target's head!

The "rest bomb" can shatter a large mass of human organs when it hits the human torso.

This was a head hit. The terrorists from Chechnya didn't have the habit of wearing welding helmets or even any helmets. No matter where the bullet hits the head, half of the head is gone!

Fortunately, there will be black lights and fire, otherwise this scene can make the courageous people scream: The walls of the aisle are instantly full of blood, brains, and broken bones, like a slaughterhouse!

The fast gunners who can shoot quickly and accurately are not only found in westerns, but there are many masters under the command of United Forces. The reaction speed and accuracy of shooting at close range are more than those of Guan Boss who will be downstairs. Be a little cow!

There is a special skill in the art industry, and the one who killed three people with a pistol in one second is a pistol super shooter.

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