Xiang Weirong here doesn't know what Tsarizin Manor is, but he knows how big 500 hectares are. According to the customary unit of Chinese people, that is 5 square kilometers!

This is Moscow. It is such a large area. The remaining 1,500 hectares is 15 square kilometers. It is not a small idea to set up a village for development!

And according to the analysis of Guan Xingquan and Alyosha, the original area of ​​the Tsarizin Manor was not small. Xiang Weirong asked, "How big was the manor originally?

What kind of manor is it and where is it located? "

Now I don’t need Alyosha to say, Guan Xingquan said to him: “It’s about halfway between the airport where we got off the plane and the center of Moscow, a little closer to the city. Neihu, less than 20 kilometers from the Red Square.

That area is considered to be a suburb of Moscow, but I think it will become an urban area in a few years.

The manor was originally a royal complex with Tsarist Russia, and it was ordered by Catherine II to repair it, but it was not completed until the queen died, and many places were native woodlands.

The place is big, I remember it was 116 hectares. I went to the Aerospace City for training. There are only two main palace buildings. There are quite a lot of supporting facilities. I remember there are several churches and so on...

Many well-known villas have been built in the woodland of the manor. It is said that a bunch of Russian celebrities have lived in them.

However, the area in the Soviet era became an open park. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there were only a few gatekeepers left. The lawns were almost turned into wasteland..."

Guan Xingquan was a little emotional, and said: "I heard of a domestic mansion that almost sold Prince Gong's mansion more than ten years ago. I didn't think that the Russians can really do the same thing now.

This is done in the name of investment and development, and those who want money can really sell it.

But it also makes sense. Anyway, the Russian government will not be able to do so, and there is no need to renovate the park.

Rather than leave the grass in a wasteland, it is better to sell it for money, and private companies start to engage in development, which can increase the employment rate. "

This is called stimulating domestic demand and real estate prevention. It is estimated that the bank loans will not be used much, and the Russian and Moscow governments will make a profit.

This is different from Guan Xingquan. Xiang Weirong thinks about other things. He smiled to himself and said, "That group of Russian guys will go to camp. Anan likes big houses.

This is good, another big enough to build an airport. "

Is he saying good things, or is he saying something ironic?

Take your time, Russia is the Russia of Russians after all, and outsiders are too high-profile here. In the future, what side effects and whether the side effects are good or bad will gradually become apparent.

After taking one step and looking at three steps, Xiang Weirong got used to it.


The greening level of Moscow ranks among the largest cities in the world. The snow outside this meeting has not melted yet. On the way from the airport, except for some satellite cities that hardly stop, they are white and green. Alternate large tracts of woods.

There are forests in the city, and the city in the forest. This is Moscow, the tradition of protecting the natural environment from the Lenin era. From the air, the city is full of green spaces, not to mention the suburbs.

Like Zhukov, deer and wild boars are wandering around in the woods!

About fifteen kilometers later, the convoy turned a corner and left the highway and entered a fairly reasonable ordinary road with woods on both sides.

The forest on the north side is blocked by a fence, and the wild forest on the south side is completely open and unmanned, and the fence is still new.

If you can look at it from a high place, three or four kilometers to the north is the huge Moscow City, and the surrounding area of ​​this large forest is actually surrounded by large and small satellite cities and buildings.

Alyosha gestured to the woods on both sides of the road, and said to Xiang Weirong and Guan Xingquan: "The 20 square kilometers nearby is the site purchased by the company. The 500 hectares of woodland on the north side of the road has the best environment. The plan was merged into the manor into the owner’s private property.

In front is the south gate of the manor. The main gate is near the city, which is to the north. When you go out, it is the area of ​​the city. "

If you only look at the woods, you don’t think about where you are, saying that you will be in Siberia or the old woods in Montana, USA.

The car drove for more than one kilometer, and a simple, even rudimentary, large iron gate appeared on the north side of the road.

It was still manually opened. When my convoy arrived, the gatekeeper was busy opening the door.

In this regard, Alyosha smiled and said: "Originally, I was thinking about doing this again in the beginning of spring. Last year, only the main entrance to the north was repaired. It was too late and was suddenly attacked by the boss."

There is also a "communication room" composed of a board room on the side of the simple gate. That's why the guy who looks at the gate is not an uncle in the reception room, but at first glance is a professional security guard.

People from the company are transferred to temporarily serve as guards, and there are not so many people here when the boss is away.

After getting closer, Xiang Weirong discovered that the big iron gate was still a second-hand item, with strange noises on both sides, which reminded him of the piles of broken gates in the construction sites that Wang Debiao was in charge of a few years ago.

It seems that this supporting scrap project was really in a hurry, and he suspected that this door was temporarily removed from the door of a closed factory.

After politely rolling down the car window, Xiang Weirong greeted a few guys who were guarding the door in the cold wind before the convoy continued to drive north.

There is almost no snow on the road in the forest. It is a concrete pavement, which seems to be newly built.

However, judging by the distribution of plants on the roadside, there was originally a road here, and Xiang Weirong could judge it empirically.

The road is somewhat curved, and occasionally there is a small fork in the road.

It's not too round. After driving for about two kilometers, some villa buildings that are occasionally hidden in the forest can be seen on the side of the road. It's been a few years.

Alyosha said that from the beginning, he had entered the scope of the original Tsaritsyn Manor, and the palace group was not far in front.

Not far, not far~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is less than one kilometer, and the vision is suddenly clear!

Huge lawns and gardens covered by residual snow, arc-shaped icy lakes, and a huge palace with red and white exterior walls.

This is a real palace. It’s not just the kind of shouting. The main body was built by the female czar in the 18th century.

The palace building is not only a rectangular one in front of it, but not far from the west of the main building. There is also a palace building that is nearly square and rounded in height, although it is only two stories high.

There are churches with tall spires nearby, and there are several ancient buildings that Xiang Weirong can't see the effect, but they not only have a strong Russian court style, but also a little playful.

They are playful, and those annex buildings that seem indescribable at first glance, give the impression of being playful.

This is the Tsaritsyn Manor that once belonged to Queen Catherine and the czars, and now belongs to Zhang Nan.

Really magical Russia, sad Russia.

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