Fun is fun, and the temperature is not too low to move, but this digging and digging can't just leave, there are too many things!

If you steal a tomb in Huaxia, you have to investigate in advance to see if the site is not, and you can do it without carrying a hoe. It is not against the law to be a digger in the wilderness of Russia, at least the police do not care, but it is also a second-class thing to pull the gang and set off with tools!

The big boss was interested, and a lot of people immediately contacted him, checking the files, and finding places and contacting local people immediately went out.

You must know that to be an earth-digging party looking for relics of World War II in the Eastern European plains requires not only the strength, but also the study of the history of the Soviet-German war, and the ability to be a field investigator.

Where the fighting broke out, how long it took, what the terrain was, the losses and the number of missing parties involved in the war, these are all directly related to whether there is a gain.

Zhang Nan doesn't need to do everything himself, just wait. Don't be bored and wait, because my baby girl is here.

Nicole thinks that he may be too idle in Russia alone, so he can't be wrong to let the nanny take the Yuchen children to Moscow directly, and throw the child to his father.

Zhang Nan, Zhang Yuchen, and Nicole called her two friends. They always wonder if they don’t see people, but they always feel annoyed when they hang around in front of them.


There is also a little meaning for the daughter to look at her father, and press a spy next to the man-Russian girls are said to be not only hot, but also very enthusiastic!

Don't worry about what little uncle the housekeeper has, and the younger sister is coming, Zhang Nan is too happy to be too old.

If other men go far away, there may be those who don't like bringing children, but Zhang Nan is definitely not included!

I can’t wait to hold my daughter at any time in both my life, look around for strange and long-term knowledge, and it’s better for the child to walk more and see more.

It's all right now. My sister arrived in Moscow on the second day of her private performance. The local Russian guys heard that the group's little princess had arrived, and Xiao Jiujiu got up a lot.

If you don't come by yourself, let your wife and daughter come to Tsarizin Manor to engage in relationships and give small gifts or something. But the big boss said, I hope that during this period of time, the guys will come to the manor more to walk around, this time the daughter will arrive, if there are a few playmates of the same age, it would be better.


Two days later, Zhang Nan found that the situation seemed to be out of control.

I’m going to Tula tomorrow. The guys found him a very interesting place. Now Zhang Nan is listening to Andre’s general introduction of the place. He plans to continue fishing later, and he has to go to the city at night. The Kremlin invited to have a meal.

Tom, the butler, came, wearing a tuxedo that hadn't changed for a thousand years, and when he saw Zhang Nan, he politely said: "Sir, Mr. Orlov, who is in charge of business in the Ural region, has sent someone to send two little brown bears, and the lady has passed by and looked at it. "

There are several Orlovs under his hand, and they have to name "which is which" to figure it out, but these are not the main points.

The point is: two little brown bears, to be exact, they should be "two more little brown bears"!

This manor is no longer a problem with the two bears, but the bears holding a meeting. Yesterday someone sent a little bear, Zhang Nan jumped up to watch the fun, and worried that his daughter would accidentally be injured.

By this time, he always said lazily: "I see."

A group of people accompanied her daughter, not to mention the little bear, even if the bear father and mother bear came, they all had to become huskies.

No, it's not a husky, it's a pug!

I broke my fingers in my heart, and within two days there were 5 more bear cubs, three Siberian tiger cubs, and more cubs of Russian wolfhound and Caucasian hound.

When restoring the manor, the design department considered the originality. It is necessary to raise dogs in the Royal Manor of Tsarist Russia, and it is normal to raise beasts. Therefore, Tsaritsyn Manor has a place similar to a zoo.

But it's a little different from the zoo, it's more like a circus raising wild animals, there will be a training process.

People will continue to send high-grade "pets", even professional breeding and training personnel. My company already has such talents. What kind of wildlife experts and circus trainers have all, or know the roots. kind.

The circus is the circus. Zhang Nan has no objection, so he can just take it to Long Island.

Even if a beast is trained to be docile, you can't guarantee that it will be docile for life, especially those who are particularly big, such as brown bears, if one is not careful, it is easy to get into trouble.

Growing up and being fed well is a huge monster. If such a big guy plays with children, he can hurt people inadvertently if he is not paying attention!

Get up, put on his coat, the place where the beasts are raised is six to seven hundred meters away, and he is not in a hurry to go out, so he walked over.

Once there, indoors, it is still a bit cold outside, and the cubs are easy to freeze to death. Seeing a group of people gathered around for the fun and approached, it was the brother-in-law who was taking Yuchen’s children to feed a small and unusual little bear with a big bottle. A Maisi was already full and stuffed in a big basket inside.

"Where did this bear come from?" Zhang Nan asked.

The first bear was captured by a hunter in Siberia. The mother bear was a rug, and the little bear was a bit bigger than the two in front of him.

"In the zoo in Yekaterinburg, there are four in a litter. It is unlikely that all of them will be able to survive, so I bought them." Xiang Weirong said, "This bear used to raise one in the car regiment, and will follow the sentry every day. Go to stand guard.

The brain is smarter, a lot smarter than the Tibetan Mastiff..."

I almost forgot that Xiang Weirong not only hunted the rare brown bear subspecies horse bear once, but also raised bears. This will be telling the children of Yuchen about his bears.

It was a little bear from the hunting team and brought it back to the car regiment. "...The guy is very smart. He runs to the gate every day and sits on guard with the sentry. As long as he wears a military uniform, he ignores it. Don't ignore it, even if you wear military trousers, it will be your own person.

But it just keeps the people away. If it gets too close, it wants to chase people away. So it uses a bear paw to slap people on their buttocks, and it doesn’t hurt people. But this sentry is really frightened when he didn’t see it. Others are scared.."

"What happened later?" Zhang Yuchen asked his uncle, with curious little stars in his eyes.

The little princess will dress like a bear and wear fur. No one has the right to wild animals in Russia. When he grows up, he will become a high-quality fur.

Xiang Weirong smiled and said: "Later, of course, it grew bigger and bigger. You have to use a big washbasin for meals every When it grows to more than 270 kilograms, it is really not good to be raised in the army.

It's not that they can't afford it. Some of the troops in the army are food, but it's not bad. Even the people nearby are afraid of seeing it, and they are afraid that they will accidentally hurt their children in the future, so they will be sent to the Rongcheng Zoo.

That guy can have seven or eight hundred catties when he grows up. I went to the zoo to see him before he recovered, and he actually recognized me..." Xiang Weirong said it was all memories.

"Like these two little bears, the species are a little different, they can grow up to thousands of catties after a few years, they are as big as a hill!"

Seeing this dialogue and the reaction of the baby girl, Zhang Nan sighed in his heart: "Bad dish!"

Who said that only Russians raise bears? There is a Chinese man who loves raising bears, plus a... "Dad, these two bears belong to me, and the three in front are not as cute as them."

Zhang Nan could only say "Oh.", "Name them, how about calling them Xiong Da and Xiong Er?"

Drew a string of contemptuous eyes...

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