The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1901: Do whatever you want

Zhang Nan likes living in a nursing home very much. Everything stems from a convalescent experience in the previous life when he worked at the Material Bureau. He respects this system and is even more emotionally nostalgic.

The beautiful scenery, beautiful buildings, clean rooms, relaxed atmosphere and fresh food, everything is completely different from daily life, and can temporarily forget about work and troubles.

That feeling is different from paying for travel by yourself. Compared with the future resorts that are everywhere for profit, the sanatorium is more like a huge Soviet system, a reshaping of the natural landscape by power.

This is true whether it is in the Soviet Union or China.

Zhang Nan is a nostalgic person, and recuperation belongs to a purely public system. Huaxia learned from the Soviet Union's big brother decades ago.

It's just that because of the huge gap in the economic foundation, the planned economy era was not as popular as the Soviet Union, and it was impossible to achieve popularization. Only a few people can enjoy it.

At the beginning, the material bureau's efficiency was so good that Zhang Nan only enjoyed it once.

As for now, even if the situation is different each time, as long as he lives in the nursing home, he feels relaxed. Just like last time at the nursing home next to Kazakhstan’s own Akhalje Golden Horse Race, Zhang Nan’s mood was very good after staying for a few days.

This will return to the riverside sanatorium in Bryansk, which is not as large as the one in Kazakhstan, and even more so than the top sanatoriums in Sochi, but looking at the natural scenery in the distance, and the buildings full of Soviet characteristics The decoration of Zhang Nan's mood will improve.

The world's largest capitalist, the largest private warmonger, and the largest gang leader would actually like the Soviet-style environment. If this is said, it is estimated that many outsiders will not believe it.

Zhang Nan, just like that, a collection of contradictions.

The Soviet Union is gone. Unlike some abandoned and semi-abandoned sanatoriums in remote areas, this is fairly well preserved. The reception hall like this one is slightly old, but very clean and tidy.

On the wall is a huge mosaic mural that reflects history. It doesn't have the pure smell of sickle, axe and hammer. It should be about some stories about the history of ancient Russia. There is a wall that even has a religious flavor.

It's amazing.

I heard from my entourage before that this sanatorium was built in the 1970s, and these murals should have been around for twenty years. Obviously, from an artistic point of view, the designers of the Soviet sanatorium obviously suffered very little constraints.

Of course, on one side of the hall is a "Lenin sitting on a large stone with one hand on his knees", and the natural white marble statue is more conspicuous.

Zhang Nan didn't rush to the room, but said to Alexandrov: "If possible, the company will continue the recuperation system.

I remember Lenin said, ‘people who can’t take a break can’t work. For work, you must work hard, take a break, and take a complete rest; if you want to recuperate, you must recuperate thoroughly.

In the Soviet era, there was a law that forced Xin to rest. Citizens spend at least two weeks in a nursing home every year. This inviolable right of the Holy Spirit is very good.

There is a vacation system in the West, but I prefer this kind of recuperation that is to complete the task under the guidance of ideology. Of course, it is not necessary to be mandatory, and you can participate voluntarily.

We are a company. In fact, there is a connection with the country in management. Every individual in the company is actually an important part of the company's operation chain.

This requires everyone to be maintained and repaired like parts. Only after a good rest can the employees devote themselves to the next work with full enthusiasm. "

Except for the people who stayed with Zhang Nan for a long time, it took a few seconds for the Russian folks to digest the boss's words.

This is not like what a capitalist would say, the boss is really a very human!

Zhang Nan is really "very"?

No, in fact, with a little more thought, you can understand: Many people think that nursing homes are regarded as rewards for the working class.

Since it is a reward, think about it for a moment. He decided this way, but the capitalist is engaged in welfare and rewards for the employees. The ultimate goal is to work better for him.

At this time, Aleksandrov came to learn by analogy, and said: "The company needs to go to Sochi to investigate and get a few nursing homes over there.

There are sanatoriums everywhere, and Sochi ranks first, so there is no need to add one.

At the beginning, our division had only two or three places in Sochi a year. We have never been in the army for so many years. "

Zhang Nan nodded slightly, "I haven't been there yet. It is said to be very beautiful, especially the sanatoriums and leaders' villas, many of which are world-class art designs.

In this way, when I set up a nursing home, I can also get a beautiful and large manor for me.

It must retain the original Soviet atmosphere, but it must be modern enough. If it needs to be remodeled, don't be messed up by me. "

"Understand, boss, we must do it as quickly as possible."

Aleksandrov said it lightly, but it is not difficult to handle it.

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, these nursing homes across the territory have lost financial support and have declined without exception.

Today, the Russians are struggling to move towards the modern world, or are struggling to survive the predicament. Many nursing homes have been abandoned, and some nostalgic people have begun to cherish their significance even more.

Those cherished now have no money, and even the large number of superb sanatoriums in Sochi, the "southern capital", are not cared about.

There are not many people patronizing it all year round, and it is slowly becoming obsolete. If you want to regain its vitality, you must at least wait for the complete recovery of the Russian economy.

Now it seems that it is nowhere in sight.

In Sochi, a large number of Soviet-era leaders’ villas, which are backed by mountains and seas, are not highly utilized today. It is necessary for Aleksandrov and others to take a few villas from the Russian government, which dared to sell nuclear submarines. Similar.

Not to mention ordinary goods ~ ~ Those who used to live with Stalin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev can think of a way.

As for being big enough, their boss likes big houses, and the average leader’s villa is really small.

But this is not a big problem. In Russia, where corruption is rampant, just buy more land near the villa.

It is impossible for Tsarizino Manor to be as big as it is.

As for people like Alexandrov, although they like Sochi, they didn't buy it before. That's because even if the villa there is bought, the utilization rate throughout the year is too low to commit.

Now these Russian guys are rich, but they are far from the point where their boss can do whatever they want.

As for the boss's needs, even if he will live for a few days after a few years, this is nothing.

If you have money, you can do whatever you want.

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