The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1920: Naval gun coverage

Chapter 1920 Naval Gun Coverage

Covered shelling is equivalent to straddling a naval battle. It is only a matter of time before the target is accurately hit. Sooner or later, it will hit the bullseye!

The gunners cooperated skillfully, and each gun hit a maximum burst rate of nearly 15 rounds per minute in the first minute!

One shell hit the frigate in an average of 0.8 seconds, or because of inherent errors, the mortar was not a sniper rifle, and occasionally one or two shots flew five or sixty meters longer.

But this is not a big problem, and it can even be considered very good. The terminal facilities are blown up, and those that have been shot short and nearly lost bullets are not just as simple as arousing large splashes!

The thin steel hull of the frigate could not withstand such underwater shock waves, and several places were shattered and exploded by near-missing bullets!

There may be 20 shells directly hitting the frigate, each with the power of a 122mm howitzer grenade. The heavy shells falling from the sky easily pierced the horizontal deck of the frigate and the top of the superstructure, and fell into the ship's body. It exploded!

It's enough to explode outside, let alone get into the stomach and explode, and the 2,000-ton frigate cannot withstand such continuous shelling.

Two observers could clearly see the effect of the bombardment with the aid of the observation instrument. After each gun completed 15 rapid fires, one of them shouted: "Adjust the angle, add 100 to the distance... to the right..."

The five sights made fine-tuning immediately. Actually, there is no need for observers to command. Qin Jiandong and others know how to adjust, otherwise it will be a the red envelope] Follow the public.. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~ Draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

Shelling again, this will deliberately reduce the rate of fire slightly, controlling it to ten rounds per minute, until all the high-explosive shells are fired.

Another 125 rounds of shells were hit in the target area on the opposite side of the strait. Due to the problem of the berthing angle of the target ship, the shelling effect was better in this round.

Those seven or eight large patrol boats that had been stunned by the giant explosion, and several landing craft were all hit by shells.

Stopped tightly, for the shelling positions on this side, it was still a near-longitudinal target. The longitudinal error of the mortar was originally greater than the horizontal, and at least half of the shells accurately hit the target.

No matter which ship, it was a hit anyway, hitting a hole, and then exploding in the ship's body.

High-intensity shelling is tiring, and passing shells can make you exhausted.

But guys are all tried and tested, so just over three minutes is trivial.

"Give them one more time, and use the incendiary bombs!" Qin Jiandong said fiercely after lighting up all the high-explosive bombs.

There are five prepared blasting incendiary bombs beside each gun. Normally, this kind of 15.9 kg incendiary bomb is fired with instant or timed fuze, instant detonation or air burst arson.

It is filled with 1.2 kg of yellow phosphorous viscose burning agent. After blasting, it can produce 30 fires with a burning temperature of 1200c and a burning time of 240 seconds. Basically all combustibles can be ignited.

But that is the way to deal with ordinary ground targets. Even the military port oil depot would have been ignited by the previous giant explosion. The gunners quickly replaced all incendiary bombs with delay fuzes.

Fine-tuning the angle, the weight of the shell is different, or it will be skewed if it is launched with the previous parameters.

Soon, 25 incendiary bombs were quickly shot out, and then everyone was ready to change positions.

There was a crooked, normal. As for the incendiary bombs that fell into the ship's body, there was no visual effect at the beginning. You can use the phrase "let the shells fly for a while" to explain.

After the meeting, it will be magnificent. The ships have already been blown up to smoke and fire, and the meeting will be even more lively!

Qin Jiandong and the others didn't have to rest, so they hurriedly put wheels on each of the guns. They didn't need a car. Five people pushed one door and changed positions.

Not far away, just a hundred meters away, a semi-underground artillery position was dug before that.

After a busy period, five mortars entered a new position, and only then could the meeting be stopped slightly.

This trip was different from the previous time in Colombia. That time it was hit and run. It is not used now. This heavy mortar position will later cooperate with our surface forces to blockade the Surabaya Port.

As for the enemy, there is no Indonesian army on Madura Island, that is, there are dozens of police officers, most of which are on the side close to the Strait port area.

Just now, the nearest and largest police station was already occupied by our own personnel. The policemen who were at home probably had no time to hide, so how could they dare to make trouble.

As for the external enemy, the opponent on the opposite side is the target of the blockade, let alone the bombing that has basically been completely reimbursed.

Even if there will be long-range artillery to make trouble later, you have to find a mortar position here and hit it in the middle, let alone more than just your own short-range mortars.

The observation posts have more than one task for instructing observations for their five guns, they have also moved, and the new observation point is above Qin Jiandong and the others.

Observers are reporting the precise coordinates of the target through the walkie-talkie. There is still a building in the military port and the auxiliary ship berthing area that has not been completely destroyed.

Its practical mortars are also good, but you have to save some for the friendly forces who have been holding back for many years, right?

This is a one-sided shelling. If the opponents are more professional, if those ships have a trace of counterattack, then Qin Jiandong and others will not have to rest.

But those target ships have nothing to do except smoke and, so feel at ease to watch the excitement for a while.

It was lively. Soon, the mortars heard the sharp whistling sound of aerial shells flying at high speed, but fortunately they were not facing their side.

Frightening enough, compared to what I would see, the so-called "dense coverage shelling" before my five mortars is a joke!

The entire military port is like being fired by machine guns, divided into two sections, first 30 seconds, stop 10 seconds, and then 30 seconds. In one minute of actual bombardment time, the military port area can have 600 shells!

This is not a small cannonball with a caliber of 30 mm, 240 of which are 100 mm, and the other 360 are fired from the powerful 130 mm ak130 twin-barreled naval gun.

Just in the bay ten nautical miles away, the three Hyundai-class and two Dreadnought-class large anti-submarine ships arrived, lined up amidst the excitement of the commander of the detachment and the captains of each ship. Speed ​​sailing.

Adopt the most traditional, but the most exciting traditional combat method for naval soldiers.


With the high-speed launch of naval guns, all ships continued to cheer "Ula".

It's so **** cool!

Six ak130 double-barreled naval guns and four ak100 fully automatic single-barreled naval guns. The single-seat firing rate is fierce enough.

The water-cooled cannon has plenty of shells. This is the first time sailors have this opportunity in their lives.

You're welcome, don't be stingy, smash hard!

The artillery shells are cheap. With such a fierce firing, two cruise missiles are not as expensive as they are. The high cost of naval guns is not a blow, and it is considered to save money for the boss.

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