The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1924: Wonders of War

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On the berth of Pontianak Port that night, there was the only 2000-ton Samadikun-class frigate in Indonesia. This guy only came a few days ago-the military is not a fool. He also counts on this big gunboat to deter Pontianak. Help the restless guy.

It really overestimates its strength. This is actually a Claude Jones-class frigate built in the late 1950s in the United States. It was replaced with a vest and was notoriously weak.

The main gun is a Bofors 57mm naval gun that is manually loaded with shells and automatically fired. The rear deck secondary gun is a 37mm cannon from Eastern Europe. It is manually aimed and loaded. There are also old Oerikos 20s on each side. High-density machine gun.

The 57mm machine gun was used as an anti-aircraft gun on a large ship, and on this frigate with a maximum speed of only 22 knots, it became the main gun.

As for the rear main guns, it was the result of the Indonesian navy's acceptance of the ship’s increased firepower. The original version simply used a 20mm little guy to make up the number.

Before this uninvited guest came uninvited, Pontianak’s allies thought about whether to blow it up at the beginning of the battle, and specially prepared dozens of bazookas for it.

The shocking battle between the group's scientific research ship and the Colombian frigate gave the allies great confidence, and the frigate will still dock directly at the dock. Absolutely can kill.

Kunjiang is a sea vessel with large tonnage, but Pontianak is already an inland river section, and ships cannot be anchored at anchor like the sea.

It's not in Hong Kong, so the local allies really don't know how to use it.

But since it is anchored, this frigate is a piece of meat on the cutting board!

As a result, even the springboard for boarding the ship was still hung on the pier at night. Dozens of commandos rushed directly onto the frigate. The crew on the ship surrendered directly and did not dare to resist.

Captured a frigate without a shot or a bullet. Although it was an old-fashioned guy, it looked like it could still serve for at least 20 years and was well maintained.

The Gambia Navy doesn't like such crappy goods. This ship is considered a gift to Kalimantan, and it will also build its own navy here in the future.

Almost all of the most important military targets on the island of Java were destroyed overnight. In the middle of the night, fierce exchanges of fire broke out in the Aceh area of ​​western Sumatra. The government bases were shelled by local armed organizations, and the former were retreated steadily.

Armed organizations have more firepower than government forces. It's unreasonable!

East Timor is even more so. At midnight, the spokesperson of the local government organization gave a public radio speech, shouting that it would be a complete single.

As for the two provinces of West Papua and West New Guinea, a gang of semi-primitive aboriginal armed groups that had been making trouble in the old woods was suddenly well-trained, and within a few hours they occupied several important towns, and their fighting power was exploding. surface.

Similarly, West Papua and West New Guinea also publicly declared that they will be alone!

Originally, it was a country of ten thousand islands that was forcibly held together by the Dutch colonists. The original culture and history of these islands are different, and there is no relevant connection, so it's good to tear down.

Even Sulawesi is full of battles. Without the threat of amphibious combat capability that the Indonesian navy could make do with, this area is not small, the group has the latest infiltration, and Sulawesi, which looks like an octopus, is unwilling We've been with Jakarta.

The Java Sea is very lively. At this point, the major powers are actually paying attention to this war with seemingly absurd reasons. The Indonesian president who was bombed and disappeared did not know the scale of the attack before it was hit by a cruise missile. The United States is clear.

At a considerable price, several spy satellites changed their orbits and kept an eye on the battle conditions near the Jawa Sea.

Britain, France and Russia actually got some news before, and they paid attention to the situation through various channels-by the afternoon of the second day in Jakarta time, the original kingdom of ten thousand islands seemed to fall apart overnight!

Except for Java, the other larger islands either publicly declare that they are going to be alone, or have an ambiguous attitude and wait and see.

As for Java Island, various military installations are still being bombarded indiscriminately!

Some strategic bombers flew again from the direction of the Indian Ocean, and Su-27 and Su-30 flew from several airfields that changed hands on Kalimantan Island.

Bombs don’t need money, they are smashed!

After several years of operation, enough logistical materials were secretly prepared, and a large number of laser and TV-guided bombs were transported from the warehouses of allies to the airport.

Even the named army barracks on Java Island have been bombed. They have thrown all useless international practices into the Pacific Ocean before. What use is this?

Overkill, don't talk about humanitarianism?

I can't take care of it!

Several teams of Su-30s that took off from Banjarbaru and Pontianak, in conjunction with the "white swans" that came again from the Indian Ocean, deployed more than a dozen Indonesian First Infantry Divisions in one air strike. They will be assembled to advance. The infantry battalion in Jakarta was blown up.

It is really unreasonable and international practice. Like the 305th Airborne Battalion in Karawang, there is no usable aircraft and it has to be maneuvered by cars.

As a result, as soon as the troops gathered to prepare for the launch, they suffered from the 64 500-pound bombs dropped by two Su-30 "bomb trucks" in several batches, half of which were actually cluster bombs!

After a few explosions, the entire infantry battalion could be delisted. The original few hundred people and the two hands that were still alive could be counted.

Bombing, constant bombing, and shelling!

The fleet surrounds Java, and the world sees an island nation where the navy and air force have been destroyed. No matter how many islands and more armies there are, it will still be impossible to fight back from the bombing.

The terrain of Java Island is long and narrow, and a large number of military targets are within 20 kilometers of the coastline. A pile of warships equipped with large and medium caliber naval guns has enough logistics support, and the barrel life of the naval guns is also very rich. The captains all enjoyed the taste of gunboat doctrine.

Without air dominance and sea dominance, a modern-class destroyer can let the target enjoy the taste of being ravaged by two heavy artillery battalions. After a few rounds, it will withdraw more than ten nautical miles and replenish artillery shells from the support ship.

After completing the supplement, change the target again, which infantry unit can carry it in the coastal area!

Not only external threats, but inside Java, a large number of ethnic minorities have also been armed, and various places have united under the organization of caring people large number of weapons and ammunition have been taken out of various secret warehouses.

The land of ten thousand islands is over!

When any armed organization is attacked by government forces, precise cruise missile support or air strikes will arrive, and you will lose your temper within a few days!

Within a few days, various armed groups united under the organization of the country's original leadership and began to try to take the entire island.

What was supposed to happen in North Africa sixteen years later, appeared ahead of schedule on the island of Java-the long and narrow terrain, air strikes alone destroyed all blocking forces.

And some government troops also turned back. Another scene of "war spectacle" that originally appeared in the Middle East 8 years later also appeared ahead of schedule-a large number of troops turned back, not under bombs and cruise missiles, but fell on the invincible "dollar bombs". "under!

A teacher and an acquaintance gave him 20 million US dollars. How to divide it is your business. It is a good choice. It is good to support the new government in the near future.

In the future, you will continue to be your teacher, and your life will be cool and unrestrained.

It’s okay if you don’t take it. The country of ten thousand islands is over, and Java will no longer be stable. Where else can your commander and a group of officers go in the future?

The opponent has countless money. The most terrifying thing is that the boss is a lunatic. If you disagree, or even kill the friend who came to the door, do you want your wife and children?

This country was originally a sieve. When the underground world offers rewards, who can run on Java Island?

Besides, the division commander disagrees, what about the deputy division commander, chief of staff, and group leaders?

This is a country with little history, let alone cohesion.

That's it. A week later, when the United Nations just started endless emergency consultations, let alone other islands, most of Java actually recognized the newly formed Jakarta government.

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