The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 1932: Don't trouble yourself

The fried chicken nuggets in my mouth were slightly worse than the ignition time. They were not cooked thoroughly enough and not tasty enough. The time left for the chef was too tight, and that’s all for this one today.


   But the taste of the chicken itself is really good, and it can be eaten under heavy oil salt sauce that looks like a bit of hometown bamboo chicken.


   You need to know what kind of local live chickens you buy in the cafeteria. Even the European chickens introduced in the colonial era, after being stocked for dozens or hundreds of generations, the taste of the meat is absolutely infallible.


   Today is not what it used to be. In recent years, Zhang Nan and his family have become more and more particular about food. The kind of cheap goods in the farm will not be touched.


  In terms of agricultural products, in addition to specialty products from all over the world and some local products shipped by air, even beef, lamb and pork are basically supplied by Montana’s own farms.


   Live chickens are also supplied by the Montana ranch. The “mountain pheasants” raised are simply scattered and fed with food. Chicken farms that eat feed are not needed.


   There are no messy additives and hormones. If you have money and power, you naturally pay attention to health preservation.


   You can pay attention to inspections, visits, and affair all over the world, but people around you will still pay more attention to these.


  Like this time, because I ate in my own cafeteria, I was not so particular about it.


   For work meals, Zhang Nan’s eating speed is always very fast. It takes ten minutes to finish it. Look around and plan to walk around.


   According to the distribution of buildings, this area is the logistics area, and the canteen is only part of the logistics dining area.


   Huaxia Canteen is connected with the western restaurant on the left. To put it bluntly, it serves the management. It only provides Western-style simple meals, and there is no sign that "local ordinary workers are exempt".


  Classes are everywhere, and the mines of capitalists will mess up without classifying them!


   Those who are eligible to eat at these two restaurants can choose from both sides, but the staff from Huaxia don't like western food, so few people go to eat next door.


   As for the restaurant for the ordinary workers recruited locally, it is also quite close to this side. After eating, Zhang Nan got up and went to take a look over there.


   The boss thought, and the people below were busy to death. A group of security personnel passed by first. When Zhang Nan's group arrived, they found that one or two hundred black employees who were still eating were all sitting honestly.


   The environment is the same as the Huaxia Canteen just now, a bit like a middle school canteen, just a simple one, the dining chair and the dining table are integrated.


   signaled the workers to continue eating, and the big eyes looked at the small eyes not to make trouble, and the gang did not dare to move around.


   Zhang Nan took a look at the place where he was cooking, and saw that the staple food was very specific to the local area, light yellow, and looked quite dry.


   It smelled good, but Zhang Nan didn't even taste the taste. He was full and had no appetite.


   knows that these are batters made of tapioca flour mixed with corn flour, and there is a huge mixer in the back kitchen that specializes in mixing this stuff.


  The ancestors of Zairians have eaten cassava for generations, and cassava cannot be eaten directly, because fresh cassava is a little toxic, and it must be processed into cassava flour after washing and other processes.


   As for mixing corn flour, this is considered a welfare for the workers here.


   Zaire itself hardly produces corn, not to mention wheat, rice, and corn has to be imported. Before the company controlled this area, because of inconvenient transportation, corn flour was a rare and high-end product.


   After the opening of the intercontinental railway, the group transported a large amount of American corn to the Lubumbashi area. The locals loved the taste of cornmeal.


   This place is unreasonably rich in mineral resources, the locals are unreasonably poor, and the prices are unreasonably expensive!


The salary of the black employees working in the mine is definitely a very good local, but the income is comparable to the external prices...


   It's impossible to be rich, and it's a pretty good level.


   The basic conditions are too bad!


  Agricultural working methods and people's enthusiasm for labor are worse!


  The group also did not have a plan to lower local prices, so that its own losses, because Lubumbashi's largest supplier of various materials is actually the group itself.


   Capital Group is not a philanthropist and does not raise lazy people.


   This is located in the hinterland of Africa. The transportation cost of imported materials is not low even after the railway is installed. It is still separated by the ocean. It is beneficial to the group to maintain a relatively high price level in this region.


   "This will reflect the superiority of the group's work, and it will not destroy the local agricultural and labor market system due to dumping of low-priced imported materials..."


   This is the conclusion made by economists and experts. It is completely correct to understand, otherwise there will be a situation that "the more aided African relief food, the poorer and poorer the aided areas."


   People are inert and can easily get cheap living materials, this person will become more and more lazy;


   Only when there is pressure, there is motivation. It is the same everywhere in the world.


   Here, Zhang Nan took a look again. In addition to the sticky staple food, he also serves fried bananas, using cheap palm oil suitable for deep-fried food processing.


   oil is also imported, from Southeast Asia.


   There are no vegetables in the place where the rice is eaten. The locals do not have the habit of eating vegetables. However, for the health of local workers, the mine provides vegetables two days a week.


   There are chicken nuggets, which are also deep-fried, which is a very easy processing method.


   asked the management staff, these chicken nuggets are made of white striped chicken imported from the United States, and they are served one meal a day, and everyone is rationed.


The mine stipulates that everyone, including the general manager, must pay for food to avoid waste, but the cost of meals is maintained at a relatively low level. Each canteen has a subsidy provided by the mine~www.wuxiaspot. com~Hua Xia canteen and western restaurants are limited for vegetables, and this is for chicken, because meat is too expensive compared to the income of ordinary local blacks!


   No way, because of the transportation, the price of white striped chicken here is nearly 40% more expensive than the cheap chicken thighs in American supermarkets. Everything is caused by transportation fees.


  Before the group controlled this area, it was more expensive!


   If you don’t have a limited amount, these local workers who love to take advantage of it can rush to buy it for you-the chicken cooked in the restaurant is cheaper than the white striped chicken in the market outside the city.


   The wages of local workers working in the mines are good, two or three times that of ordinary workers outside, and ordinary adult laborers outside cannot buy a pound of chicken for a day's wages.




   can sell for about three-quarters of a pound, replaced by the concept Zhang Nan is used to, seven taels.


   I asked a lot. The welfare provided by the mine to the local workers is really good. They have chicken for three days a week, dried fish for the other three days, and only battered and fried bananas on Sundays.


   Although there is not much meat, it will always be so different, but I also envy those black people outside the dead mine. Among the workers, the ones who live less life will save the meat and take them home.


   The most primitive piece of land, according to Zhang Nan’s understanding, is to be arrogant and not afraid of virtue. The management method of sticks and carrots is the most reasonable. Blindly giving Gao Welfare is to make trouble for yourself!


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