Ebola is actually a type of hemorrhagic fever, the most fierce of this type of disease known so far!


In fact, the terrible infectious diseases caused by viruses such as Marburg virus and Hantavirus belong to the category of hemorrhagic fever. The latter’s brother-in-law, Xiang Weirong, had suffered from it a few years ago. Lose consciousness.


   Fortunately, I was living in Yanxian, a small county in the world where Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever is the most powerful treatment in the world.


   At that time in the 1980s, as long as you were panting when you were sent to the Yanxian People's Hospital and the Chinese Medicine Hospital, Hantan Haemorrhagic Fever was too serious, you would definitely not die!


   was taken to the hospital by a colleague, and he lay in the bed for one night. The next morning, he drove the jeep specially left by his colleague and ran home to sleep...


The biggest reason for    ran home was that I disliked the hospital bed and didn't have a comfortable bed at home. After that, I went to hang up with water for two and a half days, plus a few doses of medicine, and healed.


   Oh, at the end of this year, Yanxian will be renamed and become a county-level city. The hometown also hopes that Zhang Nan can go back and hold the scene.


   refused, feeling boring.


When Grandpa    was alive, he kept in mind the theory of "It's okay, don't squeeze into the crowd, it's nothing good!" He kept in mind that he should avoid this kind of celebration, so as not to give others, and to avoid making trouble for himself.


   The transport plane returned to the chieftain's territory smoothly. Many medical experts were waiting here. They took blood samples of all the people who had returned from this trip to ensure the safety of the boss.


   I experienced a similar scene when I came back from India last year, but this time was not as strict as the last time. That time, I was actually evacuated from the center of the epidemic area.


   Very complete measures, a few hours later, you will be able to determine whether it is safe or not.


   After learning the result of "very fast detection speed", Zhang Nan asked Pavel, who was in the Emirates before, about the detection.


  The former Major General kgb is responsible for the response to the epidemic, and to control and eliminate the Ebola epidemic, a strong guy who is old enough to work is needed.


  "Boss, our medical laboratory in Botswana has always been able to detect Ebola. The person in charge of the laboratory has been dealing with Ebola for many years with those experts...


Not only simple testing, if necessary, as long as the original strain is available, they can cultivate and manufacture practical Ebola virus biochemical weapons for you within two or three years, and the mortality rate under treatment conditions can be as high as at least 97%. ..."


   When asked these words, Zhang Nan was about to return to the manor, and stopped now.


  Looking at Pavel, he slowly said, "Andrei told me before that the Soviet Union shouldn't touch Ebola much, why are you doing this?"


   Pavel smiled and said, "He just joined the Red Devil that year and didn't know the relevant content at all. The division of labor and tasks were different, and many things between the Red Devil were strictly confidential.


In 1976, we suspected that the US virus laboratory in West Africa leaked, or simply used the Ebola virus deliberately. In other words, the earliest Ebola virus was most likely researched by the US military in the laboratory. Biological weapons.


   I think so now, because there were too many coincidences at the beginning, and even the so-called accidental outflows of various fatal viruses inside Fort Detrick in the United States were not once or twice.


   In the 1970s, Nixon ordered the prohibition of research and manufacture of virus weapons of mass destruction in the United States. Since then, Fort Detrick has focused on researching vaccines and drugs for the treatment of infectious viruses.


   Of course, this is just a blatant statement. The Americans have never stopped testing biological weapons. They just moved their biological weapons production bases outside their homeland, including West Africa.


   At that time, the post-treatment mortality rate of the Ebola virus exceeded 90% and had to arouse the attention of Soviet intelligence agencies. Therefore, we, the Red Devil, arranged for people to go to Zaire with biological and epidemiological experts.

   Boss, you said, ‘You’d better have what others have.’ Because of this, our biological virus expert system studied Ebola.


  Because of this, I spent more than two years with the virus experts after returning to China, and did not dismiss my previous mission until the Afghan military operations.


  Of course, the Fort Detrick Biological Experimental Base no longer produces biological weapons on a large scale, but the research on biological weapons, as far as we know, has never stopped.


There are still 67 high-risk pathogens stored there, including Ebola, as well as the plague, smallpox, and Marburg. As long as the deadliest viruses have appeared on the earth, the laboratory in Fort Detrick There are a lot of them.


   There are no vaccines for many powerful viruses. Most of the viruses studied by Americans have no preventive and curative drugs, so we used to call it the Devil's Laboratory.


   The leak of the virus, and even the testing of biological weapons on the U.S. military itself, was done many times by the Americans after World War II.


   So we judged at the time that the U.S. tested the Ebola virus on dispensable Zairians. It was not a problem at all..."


   The United States, the world's largest rogue country, violates human ethics and loses its conscience is its consistent style. Hearing this, Zhang Nan really feels that what Pavel said is very likely to be true.


   "Which stage was the Soviet Union's research at that time? Is there a vaccine?"


   Pavel made a helpless gesture, and said: "It's a pity that there is no vaccine, let alone nearly 20 years ago, even now it is estimated that it could not be developed at all.


  Using conventional vaccine research methods is a waste of effort, and countless trials have failed.


   After the Soviet Union was gone, I had recruited all the experts that could be dug from the research team that was studying Ebola at that time.


   It’s just the boss that you hated biological weapons before, and we have enough nuclear bombs and chemical weapons. Those experts have been doing research on biochemical drugs in recent years. They were originally the leaders in this industry.


   As for the weaponization of the virus, it has been studied to evolve Ebola into effective air transmission before the disintegration of the Soviet Union.


   The Americans can make it, and the Soviet experts made it even more terrifying. It is just icing on the cake, but because we ourselves are unable to defend it if we leave the laboratory.


   After airborne transmission, it can be contacted again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ According to the project leader, those viruses were already destroyed in the laboratory a few years ago.


   Weapon-grade Ebola, too dangerous to defend yourself!


  According to the conditions of the laboratory, two or three years are enough. As long as you are willing, the boss can have the most terrifying biological weapon in the history of mankind.


   At least by far the scariest, the charcoal maggot virus is a good baby compared to it.


  Boss, do you need me to call the person in charge of the project? "


  Zhang Nan knows that laboratory, which has been dedicated to researching the treatment and drug research of African epidemics, with a lot of results. It is only more than 300 kilometers away from here, near Maun on the edge of the swamp area in the northwest.


   But next year that laboratory will move to Angola in the north. The reason is simple, the new laboratory there is better in conditions, and Zhang Nan does not want to have a p4 laboratory in one of his nests.


   The p4 level does not really matter, but there are a bunch of super viruses that can kill people and cannot be cured.


   "Made by 100% Americans?"


   "There is no one hundred percent." Pavel said, "My boss, Washington and the Pentagon will never admit it, at least in fifty to one hundred years."


   did not continue the conversation, when he got in the car and returned to the manor, Zhang Nan said: "Fort Detrick, what a **** place!"


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