Chapter 1984 Chapter 1993b

It is impossible to ask Misha, the former KGB general, to attend classes. As for the question of why the suspect can be found, we have to discuss and coordinate.

The VIP visited the construction of the hometown, and the entourage accidentally discovered that suspicious persons were hidden on the construction site-this is a good idea, anyway, no one would go into the specific process without ignorance.

It doesn't matter if you are a white cat or a black cat, a good cat is a good cat if you can catch a mouse, and don't care where the cat came from. Besides, it is understood that the specific situation of the suspect is a real achievement made by the local police, and there is no need to use any spring and autumn brushwork at all.

Foreign experts cannot hold an exchange meeting in Yanxian County or Hangzhou City, and they can't add a little bit to Liu Wei, an old friend, but Zhang Nan still wants to give him some ideas.

We just have many friends, and better friends are also contacts. Even if you don't use it, it doesn't hurt.

Sure enough, when he talked about his thoughts, Liu Wei's eyes brightened.

"I said, Lao Liu, we can't engage in academic exchanges at home for the time being, so we can go out, learn from outside experience, and refer to it for reference.

The United States, Russia, and even Africa can do it.

By the way, how many years have you not been outside for years?"

When Liu Ming heard this, he smiled and said, "Thanks to you in 1987, I remember that we still had a New Year's Eve dinner in New York's Chinatown. After that time, I never had a chance to go out again.

The nature of the work is here. Going out is not that easy. It has been more than eight years. "

"Then go out again. This time you will really take your work with you. It's not like selling dog meat like we did last time."

"Haha." Liu Wei laughed, "You can't say that, Mr. Zhang, you came back with millions of dollars in real money and silver. The few people who stayed at home in the county were all dumbfounded, and the eyes in the area were all green. NS!

Our eight-nation coalition business investigation was genuine, and the results were all registered in the province! "

Zhang Nan also laughed, the memory is beautiful, how happy it was then.

Oh, it's not bad now.

These two chat, old friends, listen to the string to understand the elegant meaning, do not rush to talk about the key points, but can be anxious to accompany Fan Ju and Liu Ming!

Both of them heard some signs, and waited for the boss to speak to see if they had a chance.

Going out to see the world is small, and being able to add a strong amount of qualifications to your resume is the number one priority!

One who is less than forty is at the sub-section level. Compared with the police station and economic investigation brigade of the same level, the criminal police brigade has a half-level high-ranking officer.

The other is only in his forties. He has been in his current position for three years, and he is still the deputy office of the city's Chang@委. Both have room for improvement.

There are people at the top, and their own business abilities are absolutely strong. Who doesn't want to work hard and make dedication in a new position?

You must be rewarded for meritorious service. If you can squeeze out the secrets of Ling Dongyuan this time, if you operate it, Liu Ming will probably get a second-class merit!

In the case of Northeast China, the provincial government will not lose Liu Ming and the Yanxian Public Security Bureau, let alone want to lose money. Liu Wei will not agree, and the Jiangnan Provincial Department will not agree!

This is the face of Jiangnan police!

Liu Ming has several third-class merits, and he has worked hard with his work performance before, but everyone knows that the third-class merits are just like that, and the higher-level ones are "valuable"!

This time the second-class achievement is expected, coupled with the excellent qualifications, and the gilding, the leaders value, Shangzhengke is a matter of immediate concern.

How to plate?

There are many ways, and you can come up with a top-notch item right in front of you. Can Liu Ming be nervous?

As for the Fan Bureau, the situation is similar. You can go up to a third-level police inspector with four bars on your shoulders, a senior police officer!

This hurdle is not easy, but this time I have the opportunity to work harder, of course I am nervous.

Fortunately, Zhang Nan stopped talking and said, "Old Liu, in this way, the people below me have a good relationship with the New York Police Department and the U.S. Administration of Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms, and Explosives.

You organize an expedition and exchange group, mainly front-line technical and criminal investigators. Old Liu, I think it is appropriate for you to serve as the leader or head of the group.

Check and exchange Yankee’s criminal investigation experience. As far as I know, some of the criminal investigation techniques there are still very advanced, and some methods may not be available to us, such as the corpse farm.

At this point, the New York Police Department will give me face and Mr. Mayor will also support it, but the work there is more pragmatic, the reception may be simpler, but the business exchange will not be able to deal with the problem.

The Tobacco, Alcohol, Guns and Guns Administration has a better relationship with us, but we have to be equal, the provincial public security agency, you can go to a state agency that they think is the best.

As for my own security company, in the United States, you can basically open up exchanges and visits, but only for counter-terrorism and security. Criminal investigation is not the company’s business.

Criminal investigation in Africa is relatively primitive. I hope you can teach a few experts here in the future. What do you think?"

Liu Wei listened with great interest, and when he heard this, he immediately said, "No problem!

How many people do you think is more suitable for this exchange group to the United States?"

"As long as you can pay for the return ticket, the other parties are all inclusive, and the number of people should not exceed one row."

Liu Wei shook his head and said, "Funding is not a problem. It is not ten years ago. Those in the hall will also support 100%, but not so many places.

It's not that when you used your quota to see the world, the more the better, one carrot and one hole, I think more than twenty people are enough.

The three leading leaders, the head of the delegation, and the political-committees of the delegation, can use the name of the deputy head of the delegation, plus a team leader.

I can’t be the team leader. The team leader’s position is almost the same. There are about 25 team members, two from each region, and three directly under the provincial government."

There are 2 sub-provincial cities and 9 prefecture-level cities in Jiangnan Province, so there are exactly 25 people.

Zhang Nan was very clear about the administrative divisions of Jiangnan Province. Hearing this, he said: "Not enough, I remember your English level is only ABCD, plus three translators, not to mention that you are a big public security bureau who can't find a good one. .

In addition, translators do not account for editors, and it is more appropriate for the leader to add 30 official members.

I would also like to ask you for two fixed Regardless of how you get them, no matter what others are talking about, we will add two more in the Kuaiji area.

I think that our Fan Bureau and Captain Liu are definitely good soldiers and strong generals. We basically figured it out in the afternoon for such a big case. What do you think of it?"

"Haha. Kuaiji originally belonged to them for the two places.

25 first-line team members are really enough. The buns are divided by head, and there will be no words in the regional bureau.

When there are too many people, the carrot pit is not easy to fill. "

"It's not easy to talk about the number of people, I don't understand this, but you can easily bring hatred to Fan Ju.

Work around, let Kuaiji have two more pure technologies. "

Here, Zhang Nan is not unclear.

"You don't care about trouble, I'm still afraid of a fart!" Liu Wei said, turning to the two subordinates he brought, and said, "Thank you Mr. Zhang!"

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