The Treasure Hunt of an Antique Dealer

Chapter 2110: Our brother Guan has become a fairy!


Needless to say, Zhang Nan understood with a slight turn of his mind.

"Like when we call Native Americans Indians, so there are gypsies in John Bull's mouth?"

"Yes, almost the same meaning." Adjani replied with a smile.

"The last time I came to the Great Lakes region, I heard people say that pygmy is the ancient Greek name for the mid-African dwarf, a standard derogatory term.

In the 19th century, white Europeans dominated anthropological research, so in anthropological research, the term Pygmies was used to refer to people with a height of less than 1.5 meters, which is still the case today.

Anyway, no matter what kind of Pygmies, they don't have their own language, and they don't even have a country under their control. They are not even regarded as people by other black people in Africa, so they won't go to the United Nations to protest because of this name.

Calling them Pygmies is like we're pointing at a fat man and calling "you fat fat man", very insulting.

Now the Pygmies prefer us to call them by the names of their ethnic groups, such as Twa and Baka. "

Unexpectedly, after listening to what Adjani said, Nong Bosheng, who was next to him, also said something about these small races. It seems that in addition to archaeology, Comrade Curator has not been idle during this time.

Zhang Nan knew about these pocket races before: they were all dwarfs who had shrunk, and they were not tall.

Now that I hear this, I have some understanding. I really did not expect that the Pygmies are the most primitive people in central Africa.

Most of the main ethnic groups in the central part of black Africa today are immigrants.

Jungle, big men are not welcome.

Pygmies do not just refer to a nation, they are a collective term for all dwarf tribes, with an average height of between 1.3 and 1.4 meters.

It is not only in Africa that there are Pygmies, but also in the tropical jungles of some large islands in Southeast Asia, but the African side is the most numerous and the most typical.

Because they are located in tropical rain forests, African Pygmies basically mature at the age of 8 or 9, and they are probably the earliest mature people in the world.

The development is extremely early, compared to their short lifespan, and the laws of nature are unstoppable. On average, they are in their thirties, and they can live a long life of 50 years.

At this time, Guan Xingquan and Andrei were talking, and they came from behind together, just overhearing the conversation of several people.

Andre stepped forward and said to Zhang Nan, "Boss, these little guys are a complex of contradictions.

According to the research of the British, the average IQ of Pygmies is only 54. Correspondingly, the highest IQ in the world is the Huaxia people in East Asia, as well as sticks and little devils, with an average of 106.

In modern society, people with an IQ below 60 are generally defined as sub-idiots, but these Pygmies are not idiots at all. Those small tribes in the most primitive state of the jungle also have their own language, and can use fire and make tools.

They don't drink blood and eat cooked food, but they don't have any means of measuring time. Therefore, Pygmies who are primitive and have not received the education of modern civilization have no concept of time.

By the way, at the training base in Botswana, our people are training some of the best, brightest, most loyal Pygmies, and the best of them may go into your Guard later. "

Hearing this, Zhang Nan turned around and had doubts in his mind.

"What do I want them for? Also, do we have Pygmies in our group?"

Hearing this, Andre smiled and said, "Except for those who work for our mines in other regions, there are about 500 Pygmies orphans in Botswana receiving group education.

In Rwanda the year before last, at least two or three thousand Twas of the Pygmy race went to the Hutu butcher's barbecue.

If it weren't for our armed intervention, it is estimated that at least one tenth of the 100,000 Twa people in Rwanda would have been eaten. "

Zhang Nan's face twitched. Anyone who heard about eating people would be uncomfortable, let alone eating thousands of people in a short period of time!

But it returned to normal immediately.

"Many Africans use albinism organs as magic medicine, style=\"display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client=\"ca-pub-12data-ad4185134\"\"data-ad -region=\"cont_mid\"data-ad-slot=\"6246767822\"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({});Did not treat Pygmies as human beings , In their eyes, Pygmies are the same as orangutans and monkeys, not human..." Guan Xingquan said at this moment.

If you are not a person, you can eat it. Many black Africans do this.

Not only did the Rwanda genocide eat Pygmies, but in normal Central Africa, there are Pygmies that are hunted and eaten every year.

The evil in the tropical jungle, how many Pygmies are eaten every year, the number is impossible to count!

Savage land!

Andre added: "But boss, don't look at them short, they say they have low IQ and simple thinking, but some people have innate advantages that we can't compare."

"For example?" Zhang Nan asked.

Andre pointed to his eyes and ears, and said, "Senses, their senses are very keen.

For example, in a dense forest environment, whether there are people in ambush four or fifty meters away, as long as we are blocked by big trees and stones, we can use the most advanced observation instruments, but they can hear and even feel it.

The sense of smell is much sharper than other races, and the ability of the eyes and brain to detect abnormal situations is far superior to other races, and the ability to detect danger is extremely strong.

The most interesting thing is that they have keen senses, and they can hear whether the insects flying over ten meters away are male or female.

And despite their small size, almost none of them weighed to 50 kilograms, but their strength was comparable to other races whose body weight was half their weight. Otherwise, Academician Nong wouldn't hire these people to work. "

Yes, this is the primitive and savage black Africa, are there cannibal tribes?

I don't know if there are primitive tribes that cannibalize people, maybe there are, maybe not, but there are quite a few cases of cannibalism!

Cannibals are not necessarily primitive people, many are just scum who have accepted modern civilization, such as many Hutu people during the Rwanda genocide.

Those beasts not only slaughtered the Tutsi and the moderate Hutu, but also devoured the Twas, who account for only 1% of the population of Rwanda!

The group adopted a large number of orphans who survived the Rwandan genocide, including Twa of course.

More than two years have passed, and a belief has long formed in those orphans' heads: the boss of the group is their savior, their god, their everything!

At this time, no one expected that the large group of Pygmies working on the construction site seemed to be excited after noticing the situation here.

After chatting for a while, most of the short workers put down their tools and ran over here in a swarm, shouting things Zhang Nan couldn't understand as they ran.

Excited and exaggerated.

"Whoa! Whoa!"

The nearby guards loaded their guns aimed at the group of short men who were running over in a swarm, as long as the commander or someone from the boss gave an order, the entire construction site would be turned into a slaughterhouse!

The gigantic Brother Undertaker kept the Boss and Madam Adjani behind him, with his right hand resting on the right revolver.


Seeing this situation, those little guys were busy braking, and when they were crowded together and finally stopped, they were still shouting cheers and dancing.

After the translation finally responded, hurry up.

He signaled for the translator to come over. Seeing his appearance, the black buddy was also very nervous.

Trembling, I finally know what to say.

"Boss, they are cheering and worshipping Mr. Guan."

The translator speaks English.

"What are you calling?" Zhang Nan asked.

"Forest, it is God, they are calling God, it is Mr. Guan..."

Okay, I got it.

It turns out that most of these Twa people are from Rwanda, and some are from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

What Guan Xingquan did more than two years ago is well known in Rwanda. After the massacre, many pictorials and magazines have the image of the boss.

Many Rwandans knew that Guan Xingquan had a big man above him, and some knew that he was the boss of Sunshine Star Group, but most people didn't know what that big man named Alan Zhang Nan looked like.

The people in the Great Lakes region do not have a strong concept of a country, or even do not have it. The workers who worked on the construction site were refugees back then. It is normal to leave Rwanda to seek a living here after the massacre.

They recognized Guan Xingquan, so they cheered from the heart and cheered the gods in their hearts!

Zhang Nan looked at the cool boss Guan, and said with a smile, "My dear, our brother Guan has become an immortal!"

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