In order to steal cultural relics, a huge pagoda was completely blown up. This action...

Not only can it be described as "guts fat, crazy", it can't be overstated!

Hi! Are those who bombed the tower reading this novel?

If you see this paragraph, can you leave a note for us, tell us how you did it in the first place?

Is it because too much explosives are used to automatically upgrade the bombing tower to the bomb tower?

The author and readers are very curious!


In his previous life, Zhang Nan had read the newspaper’s continuous report on the “unprecedented and unprecedented incident of theft and theft from the tower”, and later bought a book about the pagoda of Baigou Temple. I remember very clearly: this Baisigou is a ravine on the eastern **** of Helan Mountain, which belongs to Helan County, the Zizhi District of Xianning. There is a Baisikou Village at the mouth of the ravine.

After entering the ravine from east to west from the mountain pass, there is no road to continue going west. In the old days, you had to walk on two legs. The only means of transportation was donkeys, and there were no settlements in the ditch.

Near the hinterland of Helan Mountain, which is more than 10 kilometers away from Shangoukouzi, the tall Baisigou Pagoda stands on a terrace with a mountain-miangou back to the north.

The location of the pagoda is already in the inaccessible Helan Mountain deep mountain area, the tower with a height of more than 30 meters stands in it, it is absolutely majestic!

Zhang Nan remembers that it should be at the end of November this year, with a loud noise, and the pagoda was finished!

The pagoda is more than ten kilometers away from the nearest inhabited village. It is simply the ideal environment for the tutors to dig graves and robbers! Not to mention waiting until the end of November, the temperature should also be below the ice, the ghosts will go there.

The entire ancient tower was completely blown up. This is a unique vicious case in the country. After being disclosed by the central media, even the central government knew about it!

It is said that all have issued instructions to "solve the case within a time limit."

But there are no clues, no man's land! As a result, after more than 20 years have passed, the case has not been solved and it has become a deceased case.

The tower is down, archeology...

A lot of cultural relics!

In particular, a large number of movable type prints from the Xixia period were discovered, a lot of "orphans, exquisite products, the earliest in the world".

Oh, Zhang Nan is actually interested in those things that are not good, Buddhist scriptures, Xixia script, and can't understand.

"when are you leaving?"

"In a few days, why, are you interested in going there together?

No problem if you want to go. With you, the God of Wealth, any archaeological team and research team are absolutely welcome!

There should be one or two of your old acquaintances, such as Lao Lin and them, who have studied bamboo slips in the exhibition hall, and you have invited them to dinner. "

Nong Bosheng is also considered an invitation, and it is not a confidential inspection group. With a super rich, who would not be welcome?

Those who are not welcome are fools!

Did not say whether to go or not, it depends on the situation.

Zhang Nan and him also talked about pagodas and ancient Buddha statues. They also said that they had a warehouse in the United States about ancient Indian and early Chinese Buddha statues, and that was the batch that came out of the "expired warehouse".

After hearing this, Nong Bosheng said, "Don't you worry about the Bodhisattva meeting?"

The meaning is simple: don't put it at home, improve the museum.

Zhang Nan smiled, "Don't worry about it, it won't be given to you in the museum.

But when your new museum opens, it’s okay to lend you a batch of exhibitions for a few months. Even if my brother joins me, the shipping fee will be paid for you. "

"That's it!"

Seeing that the boss of the farming curator was so thief, Zhang Nan said: "A gentleman can't chase a horse with a word, he just borrows.

But don’t even think about hacking my things. Once the time comes to Quan Layan County, building a museum is not like fun. Then you have to find some experts for me to work as a coolie, eat and lodging, and return it. Big red envelope.

There are so many antiques that I can see now that I can't figure it out myself. The museum is estimated to be as large as five or more Zhejiang Museum, and it requires a lot of manpower and time to organize it in advance. "

"Then the relationship is good, I will be a consultant for you, and a bunch of old friends can help. Some of them are about to retire, and there will be no problem setting up your camp by then..."

It’s no problem for Nong Bosheng to be able to see people. It’s not surprising that any big collector doesn’t have anything inconvenient to see people!

Especially Zhang Nan, who runs all over the world, the shameful things must be gone, no one in the circle will find it strange, and there will not be any 250 who will go to the bottom and make a fuss.

After a meal, Nong Bosheng was fine in the afternoon. Weng Qianhui invited this relative and expert, who can also be regarded as a brother-in-law, to be a guest at home.

In response, Nong Bosheng smiled and said: "The Baylor House is well-preserved and restored. If you don't invite me, I have to find a way to see it."

Let's go now.

When I got to the place, Nongbosheng was very energetic, and I didn't even have the usual lunch break. I spent a whole afternoon walking around Baylor House.

This is a real connoisseur, and Weng Yeming also asked him to admire a large number of antique calligraphy and paintings collected in the mansion, because he is still not quite sure about some of them.

As for Zhang Nan, ordinary antique calligraphy and paintings are too lazy to look at, so let Nongbo to enjoy it by himself.

It is enjoyment. When there is a huge collection of items placed in front of a person who really loves cultural relics and antiques for him to appreciate, this is a gluttonous feast!

It turned out that it was dinner time, and the Nong Bosheng still couldn't stop, feeling that there was not enough time: tomorrow morning, he has something to do and wants to have a meeting.

"I said Comrade Bo Sheng, you will live here tonight soon.

Three-way five-story house, still missing you?

Just ask someone to move your things in the hotel. Just live here these days in the capital. Don't go to the guesthouse when you come to do business in the future. Just live in our Baylor Mansion and enjoy the treatment of a first-class member. "

Zhang Nan hugged his sister and said to him: Aunt Li found him in the afternoon and said something Then he asked her to take her baby girl over, and stayed at her own house during the next period of time in Beijing.

All the rooms in the International Hotel have been retired. Everyone who has been decorated in the Baylor House can live in the next room. The beds are enough and the bedding is a shortcoming. But there is something called a shopping mall and there is no time to buy something now.

There are too many people to feel at home, otherwise you can stop in the yard...

You are visiting the museum!

As for inviting Nongbosheng...

Zhang Nan is the owner of Baylor House. The owner invites guests to stay for a few days, which is normal.

As for the first-class member: Baylor has several levels, and this guest almost has to be a first-class member to be eligible, right?

Not necessarily, a lightly ridiculous statement.

If it is an ordinary small yard, Nong Bosheng is unlikely to accept the invitation to live in, so as not to cause trouble to the host family.

But this.

It's not troublesome at all. If you live a little farther away, you won't bother others if you call them no.

Nong Bosheng was not too surprised at the dinner party. There is no academic value of antiques, no matter how much it is, it is just a few dishes to him.

Just said: "Don't use it too much, it will wear out if you use it too much, and it won't be too much."

"Aren't you a distinguished guest? You use the Qianlong official kiln. Ordinary Jingdezhen porcelain is usually used at home.

Besides, I always use these, others will think that we are too ostentatious. "

Zhang Nan knew in his heart that he was not stupid, nor was he a heartless upstart.

Dinner was very fast, and Nong Bosheng went to study those antiques as soon as he finished eating. Weng Yeming didn't go with him for the time being, and went to Zhang Nan.

"Brother-in-law, there is something wrong, I don't know if Fang is inconvenient."

Looks a bit embarrassed.

"you say."

"I want to worship the curator of agriculture as a master."

Got, wise man!

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