The Trembling World

Chapter 1130: The more the better

"You pay attention to grandma's situation. Call me at any time for any abnormalities. I will go out. Net." Liu Gan explained Liu Ruyan a few words and went downstairs.

The central square of Qingyuan Community is very lively now. Both the priest Liu Zhigu and Dao Xia Houji are here. They are doing a ritual of combining Chinese and Western.

The property department promised that the owners who participated in the ritual could receive a bag of rice or a pot of oil. At this time, there were dozens of owners, mainly some elderly people and some children sitting at the central square according to the requirements of Liu Zhigu and Xia Houji. On the middle futon.

Hou Xiaji erected an altar on the left side, waving a bamboo sword, lit a lot of incense, burned a lot of paper charms, and made a few rows of gold paper made of fake and fake horses.

On the right, Liu Zhigu erected a statue of **** Crucifixion made of metal about one metre to the right. A fire was burning beneath the statue. He held a large bowl of holy water in his hands and sat in the central square with his fingers against the holy water. Old children scatter their heads.

In the middle of the central square, several security guards, together with other male staff members of the property department, are constructing a temporary concrete platform. After the construction is completed, the bronze statue, which is slightly larger than the real one, will be brought up for donation. .

That bronze statue is the bronze statue that Liu Qian and Shi Yannuo found in the coffin of the master bedroom of Villa No. 8 last night!

"This isn't quite right? Didn't you say ... this bronze statue is evil? They are going to confess the idol and say to suppress the evil spirits. Preparations are now underway for the ceremony, about eight o'clock in the evening, Officially started the suppression ceremony. "Shi Yannuo whispered to Liu Gan a few words.

After seeing Liu Qian come over, Liu Zhigu and Xia Houji both frowned, and even stopped the ongoing ritual in their hands and called Xu Zhilong to mutter.

"They are going to deal with me. I have to hide. You are here to watch the situation, pay attention to their movements at any time, and keep in touch with me." Liu Qian watched Liu Zhigu and others confess to Shi Yannuo. A few words.

"Aren't we stopping them? I can also call some people to come!" Shi Yunuo said to Liu Gan.

"The people in your family can't be trusted. If you want to win this mission, the only person you can trust now is me. If you can't do it, it's too late to quit the alliance with me." Liu Qian returned to Shiji A few words.

"I only believe in you. I think so now, but ..." Shi Yannuo assured Liu Qian very carefully, but she was obviously not confident in winning this task.

The enemy doesn't know where it is. Now Liu Qian seems to be on the opposite side of everyone. What can I do to win this mission?

"Look at it, the property department will soon increase the rewards for residents. When the ceremony starts at eight o'clock in the evening and the bronze statue is erected, it is estimated that most of the residents in the community will come to the central square, but now I will escape. You have to play a show with me ... "

Liu Qian whispered to Shi Yannuo, and then suddenly overthrew Shi Yannuo on the ground. Taoist Xia Houji brought the priest, the believer brought by Father Liu Zhigu, and the security of some community property departments. And the staff rushed over to Liu Gan.

Liu Qian scolded and fled away from the community. Someone tried to stop him on the road, but couldn't keep him at all. Soon Liu Qian disappeared outside the community.

"We don't need to worry about him, as long as the ceremony is successfully held." Father Liu Zhigu said to Xu Zhilong, preventing the personnel from continuing to pursue Liu Qian.

"It is necessary to strengthen the vigilance around the central square of the community, especially before and after the bronze statue is erected at eight o'clock in the evening, there can be no mistakes." Minister Tao Xia Houji also explained to Xu Zhilong a few words.

"Do you really have the confidence to kill the evil spirit in one fell swoop tonight? Didn't you say that the evil spirit was on Liu Baoan?" Xu Zhilong confirmed to Liu Zhigu and Xia Houji.

"Yes, it is on him, but no matter where he flees, as long as the bronze statue is erected and the ceremony is complete, the evil spirit will be killed." Liu Zhigu nodded.

"Manager Xu, you have to cooperate with us to do one thing." Xia Houji said again.

"what's up?"

"When the ceremony is held, only these residents are not enough. The number is not enough. You should try to make all residents of the community gather here before eight o'clock in the evening. The more people come, the better." Xia Houji thought. Want to mention it to Xu Zhilong.

"Well, yes, if not, you can consider all the residents who have participated in the ritual of killing evil spirits between 7.50 and 8.10 pm, and all of them will be exempted from preferential conditions such as property fees for the next year. So that they have enough motivation to participate in the evening ceremony. "Liu Zhigu thought out an idea.

"This is not possible, I'm not crazy yet! The property fee for the next year will be reduced or exempted? Then our property company will drink the northwest wind for the next year?

"If the evil spirits do not die, this community will not be able to survive! No one resident will die! Who will you ask for property fees then?" Xia Houji snorted coldly.

"Even if this is the case, one year's property fee will not be waived. Moreover, I am only the manager of the property department. This matter requires the consent of our boss. I cannot be the master at all." Xu Zhilong shook his head vigorously, if it was not Liu Zhigu Xia Houji said that today's ritual of killing evil spirits is free, and the finance of the property department is now in trouble.

"Then call your boss and ask for directions!" Liu Zhigu reminded Xu Zhilong.


Later in the afternoon ~ ~ Xu Zhilong received a call from the boss and agreed that as long as the owner participated in the ritual killing ceremony between 7.50 and 8.10 pm, he was exempt from paying for half a year to one year Proposal of property fee.

Although the boss's tone and tone were a bit weird, it was indeed the boss's phone number that was called. Xu Zhilong got the approval of the boss, so he announced the matter, and the sooner he came, the more the property fee was waived.

Shi Minuo was shocked after learning about the decision of the property department. She did not expect that what Liu Qian had said to her before she turned into a reality. The property department was letting all residents tonight's killing at all costs. Evil Ritual!

"The property department has notified. As long as the owners who participated in the ritual of killing the evil spirits tonight, they will be exempt from paying property fees for half a year to one year ..." Shi Yannuo took the opportunity to tell Liu Qian by calling this news.

"Well, they will definitely do this." Liu Gan's tone was assured.

"Why? What plans do you have?" Shi Minuo couldn't help but ask Liu Qian. (To be continued.) 8

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