The Trembling World

Chapter 1144: No wonder

If the two armies fight, if the opponent is weak, defeating the opponent will not have a sense of accomplishment, just like the metal castle. When he first came over to fight against the indigenous people in the quiet city, Ding Paul had no sense of accomplishment because it was completely rolling. [Broken sky

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Later, Liu Qian appeared and showed super strength. In the opinion of Ding Paul and others, it was even second only to the emperor, which made this war of conquering the indigenous people interesting. For the former invincible and invincible Ding Paul, only the conquest of the true strongman can make him the most successful.

"Don't you kneel when you see the emperor?" The emperor sang loudly to Liu.

"Kneel down! Swear allegiance to my emperor!" Ding Paul ordered to Liu Qian. This brainwashing technique allows them to completely control the subject being brainwashed, so that the subject being completely brainwashed is loyal to the emperor.

"White-skinned pig!" Liu Qian raised a **** to the people in the castle.

"What's going on?" The empress could not help but be surprised.

"It looks like he successfully resisted brainwashing ... catch him!" Ding Paul immediately gave a command to the left and right, although the result surprised him, but as a military division, the first thing is to be in danger and the other is only one person. What good is it to be strong? If he dares to fight, he will be beaten to death, and the big emperor will take his own shot.

At the same time as Paul Ding ordered, Liu Qian flew tens of thousands of ordinary fireballs around, leaving the dozens of civilian and military officials present. [斗 破 苍穹] A military attache eager for help, took up a weapon and rushed to Liu Qian, trying to capture Liu Qian and make his first effort, but he just came to Liu Qian and ate a blue fire shield well. , Was seriously injured and fell to a place seven or eight meters away.

Other military attachés wanted to join forces to siege Liu Qian, but when they went forward, they bumped into an invisible wall. The next moment, they were hit by dozens of blue fireballs on their bodies, accompanied by a shocking explosion. All of them were blown out.

They just got up from the ground, a dozen deadly thunders fell from the sky, and they were screamed again and again. Under the continuous attack of Liu Qian, they didn't even have the power to fight back.

However, at one instant, Liu Qian suddenly noticed that all the scenery around him had changed dramatically. It was no longer a fight in the metal castle, and turned into a beautiful villa pool.

The warm sun in the sky is surrounded by blue swimming pools. Dozens of beautiful women from all over the world are naked and naked. There are those with open legs sitting opposite Liu Qian and kneeling on the side of the pool. All looked at Liu Qian with a look of affection, as if waiting for his fortune. [The gate of the mysterious world]

"Do you want to confuse me?" Liu Qian snorted coldly, and a group of spiritual shocks attacked. All the beauties all turned into powder for a moment, and everything around him was restored to the scene inside the castle.

Obviously, just now the emperor launched an attack on Liu Qian himself. This is also one of the most powerful moves of the emperor. It makes the target Shensi suddenly fall into the gentle hometown of all kinds of beauties. He can't extricate himself at all, and then keeps in the hallucination. Doing something until x is dead.

"It doesn't work? Wait for me to make a big move again!" The emperor found out that Liu Qian had not been dealt with. After frowning slightly, he sent another big move, summoning dozens of naked physical beauties around him, and then released a large number of people into the air. Some kind of pheromone.

This pheromone can change human behavior from the physical aspects of the brain. After inhaling these fine particles carrying pheromone through breathing, the pheromone attacks the central nervous system responsible for a certain aspect of the ability of the person, causing people to irresistibly think about certain aspects. .

Then, there were many physical beauties at the scene.

A number of civilian and military attachés in the castle could not withstand the attack of these pheromones. All of them had strange expressions on their faces, and rushed to the beauties. As a result, the beauties who were as firm as a stone were flirted. .

The targets of these beauties are only one, and that is Liu Qian. Previously, Liu Qian could not be trapped in a fantasy, this time it was not a fantasy, but a physical beauty summoned by the emperor himself, and then sent a lot of pheromone to the air.

When Liu Qian realized that the situation was wrong, he immediately held his breath to prevent those pheromones from interfering with himself. At the same time, a void spear s turned to the emperor.

Se Huang is focusing on controlling the pheromone particles in the air and the beauties, let them focus on attacking Liu Qian, and was suddenly hit by Liu Qian's Void Spear, and her brain was stunned. Around him, and was inhaled inadvertently by the emperor, forming a powerful back-bite effect.

The emperor suddenly lost control of her body, unconsciously summoned those beauties, took off her clothes, and then ...

"Very ugly white-skinned pigs! It's just a bunch of humanoid animals ~ live!" Liu Qian gathered thousands of fireballs and hundreds of blue fireballs banging at the emperor, and then there were dozens of thunder He slashed.

"Fuck! I was actually bitten back!" The emperor suddenly woke up, quickly pushed away the beauties around him, changed another attack, drilled a lot of beauties and thighs from the ground next to Liu Qian, and died. He wrapped Liu Qian dryly, and shoved something inexplicable beside Liu Qian.

"Really disgusting!"

There is nothing strange in the world. Liu Qian is the first time to experience such a battle. This emperor looks like he can't kill or rot, but his tricks have gone to the extreme. Most men probably don't even resist his first move. Will The stronger one resisted the first move, and it was difficult to resist the second move.

This third trick is even more disgusting. No matter where Liu Qian goes, all the women's arms and thighs are struggling to entangle him like tentacles, which is annoying ~ ~ After a blast of bombardment, after clearing dozens of arms and thighs around him, Liu Qian immediately stepped on the magnetic field to levitate him in the air. Those arms and thighs on the ground could not entangle Liu Qian, and he could no longer interfere with Liu Done.

"Actually can fly!" The emperor's eyes narrowed, and the big move just now was cracked again. It seems that another move must be offered.

After several dozen deaths, Tian Lei slashed into the color, but he still did not die. After thinking about it, he put on the golden gloves and slammed the palm to the emperor. This palm used a hundred percent. Twenty of the energy.

The color emperor was shot with a huge palm of energy and fell to the ground. When he stood up again, his body looked a little shabby, but his undressed body was still intact, but his mouth suddenly sprayed Liu Qiang in the air. Spit out some extremely corrosive y-body. (To be continued., Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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