The Trembling World

Chapter 1163: Stone cave

Liu Qian did not look down on the other side and entrusted him, but he now faces the people in the **** killing field and those with his back to the **** killing field, there is no difference. (? [{[{>

Because ... Jiang Jinyuan's chip implanted in his brain allows him to clearly sense the wide range of subtle energy fluctuations. Even if he turned his back to the other side, the actions of those in Hell Killing Field were still very clear. The ground was in his field of vision.

The patriarch of the **** killing field did not move until Liu Qian stepped out of their sight. The time of the last few minutes was extremely tormenting for him. He had been unable to resist several times trying to call the people of the tribe. The enemy who killed seven of his tribe was cut.

But ... One thing he knew very well was that the man was definitely not so easy to kill. When he was in a novice costume, the deputy chief Zhang Tiantian, who was at the same level as the patriarch, was unable to kill him, but left their sight. Just a few seconds away from the place, now this man has assembled a complete white outfit from his clan, with the entire set of white outfits, his strength is at least four times stronger than just now!

In such a situation, the patriarch of the **** killing field felt that he wanted to kill Liu Qian. It was simply an impossible thing, and it would probably kill the lives of several people, or let him die. .

Perhaps, after notifying the clan of this person's news, it will be the best choice for several family alliances that are closely related to the **** killing field to fight Liu Gan.

If you ca n’t bear it, you will do it!

Hesitating and thinking, the patriarch of Hell Killing Field just watched Liu Qian leave their sight.

"Patriarch, isn't it? Everyday the deputy patriarch Bai died? Six elite clan people died in vain? So many of us can't deal with him alone? We should have rushed up and besieged him!" The dissatisfied deputy patriarch took the opportunity to say a few words to weaken the clan's prestige in the clan.

"He hasn't gone far. If you want to avenge every day and the clan, it's too time to take someone to catch up!" The patriarch of the Hell Killing complexion flushed red and white for a while, and coldly returned a few words to the deputy patriarch.

"I didn't do it just now, and now I'm going to catch up, the timing is not suitable anymore, forget it, oh ... it's boring ..." The deputy chief took the opportunity to stir the dissatisfaction of the people. In the rules of the energetic world, as long as the consent of two-thirds of the tribe is obtained, the deputy chief of the family can impeach the patriarch and become the new patriarch.

"I just didn't want the clan to lose any more! The gentleman's revenge must also pay attention to the timing! Knowing that the strength is not as good as the force, it will only cause greater losses! Do you want to impeach me? Do you want to be the clan leader? As long as you I can get the consent of two-thirds of the tribe, and I will have no opinion! "The patriarch replied angrily to the deputy chief.

"The patriarch did it right ..."

"Yeah! I think I rushed to death."

"Forget it, when I didn't say anything." The deputy chief also did not dare to rush up and chase Liu Gan, and it was not good to say anything at this time.


Liu Qian crossed the mountain path originally occupied by the **** killing field, and continued to walk forward to find his ripper. After coming out of the mountain path, it was not far from the location of the safe where the ripper was located, only It took more than ten minutes to arrive.

There is a secret cave here. You must climb a cliff about ten meters high in order to see the cave covered by mountain rocks, go into the cave and go to the end, and dig the soil in the depth of the cave. You can find the safe with the ripper.

Climbing a cliff more than ten meters high is a very easy thing for Liu Qian, and he has been here before and found the hidden entrance to the stone cave.

The entrance to the stone cave is a bit narrow, only about half a meter wide, and Liu Qian stabbed inward before entering. Sure enough, there is an elite zombie and two semi-elite zombies inside, and the stone cave is relatively narrow. Strange rocks and complicated terrain.

Ordinary players at this level, even if they are fortunate enough to find it here, if they rush into the stone cave, they will likely be attacked by the elite zombies and two semi-elite zombies hiding inside, and accidentally lost their lives inside.

It was really dangerous to enter this cave when Liu Qian dressed up as a novice. Under the siege of an elite zombie and two semi-elite zombies, his energy armor could not be supported for a long time. It dries. In such a narrow place, it is very dangerous to be torn and bitten by these three guys.

But now that I have changed the full set of white clothes and used some small tactics, it will be enough for Liu Qian to kill this elite zombie and two semi-elite zombies before the energy armor is evacuated.

After Liu Qian observed the positions of the three zombies, he entered the stone cave. He came to a narrow place and stopped. The three zombies were alarmed and immediately rushed to Liu Qian. Unfortunately, the narrow place was only Let one zombies pass, and the other two zombies can only follow behind for the time being.

At the forefront was a semi-elite zombie. Liu Qian picked up the energy knife and slashed it. With the previous experience of hitting the crit, this knife went down fiercely and accurately. In addition, when the zombie was fighting, not Dodging like humans, all slamming and slamming, so Liu Qian steadily tripled his crit, evacuating nearly 40% of the energy of the semi-elite zombies.

The life of energyized zombies mainly depends on these energy values ​​~ ~ Once the energy is evacuated, it is as easy as chopping melon and chopping vegetables with the energy knife.

This knife was fierce and fierce. At the same time as the triple-strike, the semi-elite zombies repelled back, and they just got stuck in the narrow place just now. The two zombies screamed and couldn't get over.

Therefore, Liu Qian did not need to consider returning to the stone cave. After rounding the energy knife, when the semi-elite zombies made another fluttering move, it was another extremely fierce hack and chopped in the semi-elite zombies. The key point of the attack was three times more crit, and the semi-elite zombies were returned to the narrow hole of the stone cave.

In this way, the half-elite zombies hanged directly, and the elite zombies behind them finally had a chance to bypass its body and rush to Liu Qian.

Liu Qian did not want to change tactics just now that the tactics were so effective. Of course, it was a stab in the past. The strength of elite zombies was one level higher than that of semi-elite zombies. Gan just wiped out about 15% of the energy of the elite zombies, which is obviously much harder to fight. (To be continued.) 8

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