The Trembling World

Chapter 1187: Pay

The member of the elite spectator who had just yelled at Liu Qian's dead on the channel within the clan, covered his mouth after shouting. [Immortal Dragon Emperor


Because he found that Liu Qian was not knocked down by Ling Fengyu into a corpse. On the contrary, after the two people attacked with each other's powers, he still stood opposite Ling Feng properly. After insight, all members of the elite group watching the battle were frustrated. Living.

Not only was Liu Qian ’s armor energy evacuated by Ling Feng ’s broken waist, but he recovered to 90% of its full value!

After Ling Feng stormed Liu Qian with a powerful attack, he was extremely excited and rejoicing, and was preparing to pick up various equipment treasures that Liu Qian's body burst out, but found that Liu Qian did not become a corpse, but Standing in front of him intact.

Not only was Liu Qian overkilled by taking out the armor energy, but the armor energy recovered to more than 90%!

All this was beyond Ling Feng's unexpectedness, he was a little frightened for a moment, and couldn't believe his eyes. He even forgot that his current armor energy had dropped to 10%.

At this instant, Liangan had another power attack, and this time it was a one-meter group attack power that couldn't escape: Storm Slash!

The armor energy of Ling Fengyu's body was evacuated instantly, and then it felt that Liu Qian ’s stab gas seemed to run through his throat ... He felt right, Liu Qian was violently chopped by this storm. Sword gas is heading for the throat of Ling Fengfeng's throat. [The gate of the mysterious world]

After Ling Feng ’s body was chopped by the storm and flew out two meters in the air, her head and body were separated due to different mass inertia. Ling Feng opened her eyes wide, her face was full of confusion and unwillingness. He Until he died, he didn't believe he lost under Liu Qian's sword, and didn't understand why he lost.

This scene made the spectators of the glorious years elite group all stupid. Just now they thought Ling Fengfeng had won. One of them even announced the victory and defeat of the two to the clan channel. But now, they However, it was the head of the group who saw them in person. In the numerous travels, the mighty Ling Feng had fallen in front of Liu Qian, and then he saw Liu Qian strengthening Ling Ling's soul strength to level 4. Tongtian stick, a full set of soul power enhanced to level 4 blue suit, including some debris in his dimension space, one by one searched the past.

"Is the corpse searched?" Huang Zeming, the patriarch of glorious years, asked in the family channel. [The gate of the mysterious world]

"Search ... searched ..." A member of the elite group watching the battle answered Huang Zeming with a quivering voice.

"Leader Ling? Hear? Hearing back to the headquarters, you will not need those weapons and equipment for the time being. Assign them to the deputy head of the elite group. With such powerful equipment as you two, this competition We won steadily! "Huang Zeming couldn't restrain his excitement when he spoke.

"Ling Ling ..." A member of the elite group was preparing to correct the words of the patriarch Huang Zeming, but he said only half of the words and did not go on, because ... he was slashed by Liu Qian who had just rushed over!

"Head of Ling's reply! What's going on?" The patriarch Huang Zeming wasn't on the scene, but he won't receive any information sent back by Ling Fengfeng, and his heart was a little strange.

"Little king of the elite group? Xiao Zhao? What's going on?" The military division Yujingtang felt that the situation was wrong, and quickly asked in the clan newsletter.

"Leader Ling's name is gray ..." Huang Zeming and a tribe around Yu Jing Tang reminded the two of them.


The two quickly opened the family menu, and sure enough, Ling Feng's name had turned gray, and the back was marked with two red words: death!

However, this is not the most terrifying thing for them. The most terrifying thing for them is that the members of the glorious years family elite group are graying out one by one, and the labels on the back are turning red one by one. 'death'!

Obviously, the battle report ahead was wrong. Just now Ling Feng and Liu Qian confronted each other. Ling Feng did not kill Liu Qian, but was killed by Liu Qian. Then Liu Qian began to kill the elite elite members who watched the war. !!

"Why ...?" The patriarch Huang Zeming's face changed greatly, and he couldn't accept or believe what happened.

"We seriously underestimated Liu Qian's strength ... Actually, I did not underestimate him. The pistol team was arranged to assist the leader of the regiment, but the regiment leader was too determined to follow my arrangement ..." Yu Jing Tang Whispered and justified.

"Enough! Stop talking!"

Huang Zeming smashed into the table in front of him. The death of Ling Fengfeng and the members of the elite group was a loss that he could not bear at all. Originally, the comprehensive strength of the glorious years of the family was enough to rank in the top several in Qingzhu City. I did not expect a plan to assassinate Liu Qian, but they lost all their elites, and suddenly became a second-class family!


Yujingtang sighed long and walked out of the glorious years family house. After a few minutes, Huang Zeming suddenly received a message that Yujingtang quit the family.

"Why? Why?" Huang Zeming sighed, his face filled with tears, and his heart was full of grief.

The glorious years of the family should not have made Liu Gan's idea from the beginning, and they should not have provoked Liu Gan and made it an enemy. They made a very wrong decision, and of course paid for their mistakes.


After Liu Qian killed Ling Fengfeng, he killed the elite group of the glorious years. If the members of the elite group fled at this time, they might not be destroyed by Liu Qian's killing of the entire group.

But the members of these elite groups are usually arrogant and have their own dignity ~ ~ Unwilling to let go of brothers and the like, so they want to fight with Liu Qian, and the result is beheaded by Liu Qian. Eventually the entire army was annihilated.

In addition to the equipment items exploded on Ling Fengfeng, the players of the glorious years elite group also exploded a lot of blue-weapon equipment. The blue-weapons they exploded were the main ones, and there were more than ten looks. The glory of the glorious years of the family is indeed very thick.

The members of the nearby glorious years family saw that the situation was not good, and all fled away. Liu Qiang was too lazy to chase them down. After turning around, he cleaned up all the corpses on the scene.

The glorious years of the family wanted to kill Liu Gan, so as not to pose a threat to them at the contest three days later, and to rob Liu Qian of the full set of equipment to enrich his own strength, but their organs did everything, In the end, the accumulation of the entire family over the past few days was all handed to Liu Qian for free. (To be continued.)

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