The Trembling World

Chapter 1190: supplement

The black-spotted zombies did not hit Liu Gan too much, only hit twice as critically, but still emptied Liu Qian's body's armor energy by about 20%!

The purple weapon can hit up to five times the critical strike. If the black spot zombies make five times the critical strike, it will directly evacuate half of Liu Qian's body's armor energy!

When I stayed in the tree just now, the energy of Liu Qian ’s body armor was only restored by a few percentage points. Now I ca n’t use the ability of “Breaking the Sunken Vessel” to supplement the body armor energy. Under the circumstances, Liu Qian could not kill it at all. [斗 破 苍穹]

Soon Liu Qian gave up the idea of ​​hunting the 6th-level black-spotted zombies, and turned away and fled away ... because, in addition to the black-spotted zombies, there were at least two, The 35th-level zombies took out the blue pistols in their hands and shot them at Liu Qian. This round of attacks was also a mandatory hit attribute. Some of them did not have a critical strike, and some of them had a critical strike. The round volley almost emptied Liu Qian's body's only armor energy.

There must be something wrong.

After escaping from the muzzle of the zombie pistol team, Liu Qian thought secretly in his heart. If the level 6 black spot zombies were so strong, the player would not be able to rise to level 6 at all. This is really Too unreasonable, so there must be any way to cleverly kill this 6th-level black-spotted zombie, not something that can be obtained by forcing. [The gate of the mysterious world]

"", P; After finding a hiding place to hide the figure, Liu Qian called up the video from the previous investigation and studied it carefully, especially the 6th-level black spot zombies and some of the vicinity of the 'Angry Thunder' chip. The energy fluctuations detected are mainly studied.

After careful research for up to an hour, Liu Qian finally found a useful clue.

That is, on the way he came, near a hill about half a kilometer away, there was a safe box containing a remote-control magnetic energy mine, which was a one-time consumable. It was buried somewhere on the ground and detonated at the appropriate time. It could be killed. Blockbuster zombies.

This super mine will not cause any damage to the player. In addition, it has a disadvantage. All the items and equipment in the zombie corpse killed by it will be completely damaged, and no experience value can be gained. .

The energy level of the super mines has also reached level 3. Liu Qian estimates that with his power, he should be able to kill all the young people around the level 6 black spot zombies, and cause great damage to the level 6 black spot zombies. In this case, the problem of his close attack on level 6 black spot zombies should not be too big. [The gate of the mysterious world]

In this case, don't worry about it, go and get that super mine first.

The location of the Super Mine is not as guarded as the location of the Angry Thunder chip. It is just a more hidden place, but Liu Qian has previously explored it. In addition, the chip in his brain sensed it. Strong energy fluctuations, and finding it again is not difficult.

There are four mutant zombies patrolling the superpower mines. Of course, there are many elite zombies around them. These four mutant zombies did not constitute a great threat to their elite zombies, but Liu Qian ’s external energy armor As time elapses, Mist Armor's energy cannot be replenished in a short time, so if you forcefully kill the past, you may have life worries.

In this case, it ’s better to go back to the city first. It ’s better to replenish the armor energy. Liu Qian remembers that there is a building in the city dedicated to armor energy, but it only costs a certain amount of energy coins, but I do n’t know. Can you replenish Mist Armor there?

At present, Liu Qian ’s armor energy is still about ten percent, and he has returned to Qingzhu City all the way. If he is chased by the enemy, there is still some danger. However, Liu Qian ’s brain has a sensor chip. By avoiding strong energy fluctuations, you can avoid being surrounded by a large number of enemies.

All the way back to Qingzhu City was very smooth. After entering Qingzhu City, Liu Qian opened the map of Qingzhu City, and easily found the building where the armor energy was added. After entering, it could also supplement the fog armor energy.

It takes one hundred energy coins to replenish armor energy at a time, but Liu Qian ’s full set of soul power is strengthened to a blue suit of level 4. The price is much higher after one replenishment, probably more than five hundred energy coins. I do n’t know what method Calculated.

However, even if it is five hundred energy coins, this price is not a big deal for Liu Qian. He now has more than fifty thousand energy coins in his account, all of which are transferred to him by "trembling zena". Yes, it seems that after arming them, the efficiency of swiping money is indeed much faster than before.

Now the number of the trembling family has exceeded one thousand. Liu Qian also received the second family growth treasure chest. After opening, he got two hundred energy coins, which is better than nothing.

In addition to armor energy, this building can indeed also add fog armor energy, but now other players except the awakened fog armor power like Liu Qian, others have to wait until level 6 to have the initial fog armor. So, for the time being, they can't see the option to supplement the fog armor.

The price of replenishing the Mist Armor is more expensive than the armor power. The special willow Mist Armor is much thicker than other players. The price reaches more than 1,000 energy coins, but it is still nothing for him.

The lobby is very lively, and there are many players who supplement the armor energy. While sitting there to replenish their energy, they are chatting casually, talking about some thrilling situations encountered in thugs or some gossip.

"Do you know? A Qiang, the patriarch of the 'Chinatown' family ~ ~, his wife A Rong and vice patriarch Ji Ji were caught by A Qian on the spot, and then A Rong and Ji Ji also took their family All the assets swept through, and A Qiang was really good to his wife A Rong on weekdays! Who knows what happened? "

"Yeah! I have heard that this pair of dogs and men must not die!" The other players also looked indignant.

Liu Qian didn't listen to the gossip of these players. He only felt that there was a long time between the armor energy and the fog armor energy recharge, and it took about two hours to fill. Fortunately, there is an option of "accelerated recharge". Spend double the energy coin to shorten the recharge time to one hour, or spend four times the energy coin to reduce the recharge time to half an hour.

Or eight times the energy coin, which shortens the recharge time to a quarter of an hour.

Liu Qian chose eight times the energy coin to accelerate, for him, time is the most precious. (To be continued.)

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