The Trembling World

Chapter 744: Flooring

After a long day of toss, the players are really tired and hungry. The rich and exquisite food on the table greatly aroused the appetite of the players, and immediately sat down after sitting down.

"When does the blocking light curtain around Xinshoucun open?" Liu Qian raised his head and asked the artificial intelligence while eating. It seems that it is almost ubiquitous in the novice village. Players mostly look for it to ask questions by looking up at the sky.

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, blocking the light curtain is not to prevent you from leaving, but to protect you." The electronic voice answered Liu Qian.

Liu Qian couldn't help but want to say something, but he didn't yell at it. Xinshoucun Artificial Intelligence has high authority in Xinshoucun, and Liuqan also got a lot of benefits from it. When he was trapped in Xinshoucun, , Don't offend it anymore.

When the dinner was almost finished, a blizzard suddenly appeared outside, and the wind was very strong, making the window slits in the restaurant whine, and the heavy snow blocked all the views outside, making the visibility on the square almost zero.

"Isn't it protected by a light curtain? How could a blizzard come to Novice Village?" Mo Fan asked the electronic voice strangely.

"The protective light curtain can only prevent the ingress and egress of living and energy bodies, and cannot prevent the invasion of the blizzard. The snow outside is too big. You will return to the hotel from the underground security passage and rest." The electronic voice answered Mo Fan.

"It's all up to you, anyway." Mo Fan shook his head and didn't ask any more, feeling that many of the explanations it gave were nonsense, but thinking about these things with artificial intelligence would make him feel even more nonsense.

The crowd was tired and tired. Since they were unable to leave for the time being, after dinner they could only follow the proposal of the electronic voice and walked through the long underground security channel to settle back in Xinshoucun Hotel.

Mo Fan and Liu Qian have a room, and Er Haiwang and Shen Longtian take turns to watch the night. When they need to rest, let Mo Fan and Liu Qian take them back to their watch. Their fatigue drops very quickly in the watch, and it can also play a role in sleeping, and there is no need to arrange a bed for them.

After settling in the room, Liu Qian suddenly remembered something. Try to sense the position of the cabinet. It turned out that the orientation of the magic chest he sensed a few days ago had changed!

The Magic Cabinet that I previously felt was in the northeast direction, which is about the direction of the frozen city. What I felt this time was the snow mountain area facing the east. A few days before coming to Xinshoucun, Liu Qian was hungry and cold, always looking for food and a way out in the snow-capped mountains. Therefore, the position of the cabinet was changed so much a few days ago, and he was not very clear.

Anna, what happened to them? Why came back to the Snow Mountain? Or was it only Zhang Mengdi who came back to the Snow Mountain alone? She came here on her own initiative. Or was it caught by a monster? Or was her mugged and stolen into the snowy mountains?

Temporarily unable to leave Xinshou Village, Liu Qian couldn't make an accurate judgment on what happened outside. Everything can only be said after leaving Xinshoucun. Anyway, as long as I can leave Novice Village. His first thing was to find the magic cabinet in the induction.

"I found something wrong." After looking at the snow for a while at the window, Mo Fan walked back and said to Liu Qian.

"What's wrong?" Liu Qian asked Mo Fan.

"This is a zombie game with more than 20,000 players dead outside. At that time the corpses did not disappear. You said that after so many corpses were buried in snow. Will they suddenly turn into zombies and attack us at night? "Mo Fan expressed his concerns.

"In my experience ... the player will become infected only after being bitten by a zombie, and it will take at least a few hours for the infection to become a zombie? It will take longer to become a snow-spotted zombie. It may take a while All day long. "Liu Qian thought for a few moments and returned to Mo Fan.

"That artificial intelligence has always said that we have experienced the first round of games before, which seems to indicate that there will be a second round of games. What do you say will be the second round of games? It won't be a sudden appearance of a large number of zombies at night. Shall we fight with the zombies? "Mo Fan continued to analyze.

"The rules here in Xinshou Village seem to be different from elsewhere, so it's really hard to say whether the corpses here will become zombies or when they will become zombies." Liu Qian felt that there was some truth after listening to Mo Fan's words .

Artificial intelligence did mention the words 'first round of games', so there must be a second round of games.

"Give us good food, take the initiative to remind us to settle in the hotel, and there is a blizzard outside, just to help cover up the next possible conspiracy of artificial intelligence. Maybe the second round of games, just as we sleep soundly and relax our vigilance The time started suddenly, beating us by surprise. "Mo Fan continued his analysis.

"Then what do you have in mind or plan?" Liu Qian asked Mo Fan, it was really good for someone to make a plan for himself. Many things don't need to be thought out by oneself. You must know that mental labor is sometimes more than manual labor. Tiring.

"The Xinshou Village Hotel is next to the daytime battlefield, and it is also the place where the dead bodies are most concentrated. If there is a tide of corpses, we will not be able to escape by then. I suggest we leave the hotel and find a place to hide away from the daytime battlefield. This way If so, at least it wouldn't wake up in the middle of the night and be suddenly surrounded by a large number of zombies. "Mo Fan thought about and answered Liu Qian.

"The snowstorm outside is very big ~ ~ It's almost impossible to leave the hotel outside." Liu Qian walked to the window and looked outside, feeling that the idea seemed not so good.

"We don't need to deal with the blizzard." Mo Fan shook his head.


"We just need to leave the hotel. For example, the restaurant is farther away from the battlefield than the hotel. We can return to the restaurant from the underground passage, bring some bedding, and spend the night in the restaurant on the floor, which is definitely safer than in the hotel. Many. "Mo Fan went on.

"Okay." Although Liu Qian now wants to lie down and sleep well, after listening to Mo Fan's words, it makes sense, so he decided to go with him to the floor in the restaurant.

After going out, Mo Fan knocked on the doors of several other rooms and called out Ke Ming, Li Qingyi and others. Although they didn't want to leave the hotel and go to the restaurant to make a floor, since Mo Fan and Liu Decided to go, they can only go along.

Fortunately, there are several strong men helping to carry things, instead of carrying around the quilt luggage and running around. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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