The Trembling World

Chapter 762: Sincerity

The law exists to promote the righteousness of the society. It exists to protect the good people and punish the bad ones. Instead of protecting the good people and punishing the bad people, it protects the bad people and punishes the good people. It is a pile of dogs ~ shit! The law of dogs ~ shit, plus the judges who are full of dogs ~ **** in their heads, do not protect the good people, but protect the bad ones, and the social climate can be improved is the living hell!

The dog Judge who sentenced Guo Tian ~ Judge, one day his daughter, his wife, his mother-in-law were harassed by the villain in front of him ~ Violent, he accidentally hurt when he tried to save people Evil, see how he judges himself then.

It is inevitable to see righteousness in order to stop the villain from fighting. It is difficult to grasp the weight of the shot when the emotion is emotional. Guo Tian's purpose is obviously to prevent the villain from committing the murder. Subjectively and intentionally, he does not want to seriously hurt the villain, even if In the legal category, we can still try to define this behavior as legitimate defense, but unfortunately I met a judge with a dog full of **** in his head, and I do n’t even remember the bottom line of conscience.

After the result of this verdict is published, who will dare to see the future? Seeing that Yiyong accidentally hurt the gangsters without legal support when he was trying to stop the gangsters, he was sentenced to death and lost his family. When he encounters such a dog-shit judge, who should he justify?

"Today is the mediation with the scumbag you hit?" Liu Qian asked Guo Tian.

"Well, because some things have been delayed, it's too late now, so I broke through the red light and accidentally bumped into you, and I will pay for repairing your car." Guo Tianchong Liu Qian smiled.

"Fix a hairy car, let's settle your business first! I didn't expect you to have two hits. No wonder you have good skills ..." Liu Qian patted Guo Tian's shoulder. He didn't know Guo Tian was in the real world before. Martial arts.

"The man was half a head taller than me, but I subdued him only two times! I was practicing martial arts. His kick was called 'Furious Wind Legs', and he kicked out with hundreds of pounds of force! At that time, I I haven't used my full strength yet! "Guo Tian recalled the scene of the fight at that time, his expression was still slightly smug. For a boy of his age, the original intention of practicing martial arts was to martial arts outside. Just didn't expect the first time to chivalry. Just caused him and his family so much trouble.

The three were talking, and the car quickly arrived at the district court. Guo Tian did not hire a lawyer, and the other party had a lawyer present. Guo Tian seemed very happy to hear that Liu Qian was a lawyer who could mediate on his behalf for free. Of course, it would be better for professionals to come forward.

After entering the mediation room, the other family and the lawyer were already sitting there, and court staff were also present. They were dissatisfied with Guo Tian's late arrival, and the lawyers of the other party protested to the court staff for a long time. It is said that the assailant has no time concept and has no respect for the victim.

Liu Qian was even more angry when he heard this, and the villain who tried to sexually assault a female college student became a victim. Seeing that Guo Tian has become a murderer?

The problem is that the court staff did not disagree with this statement and criticized Guo Tian severely.

Liu Qian wanted to slap the staff member's dead face. As court staff, you can pretend to be fair and fair in your work, but you must not lose the minimum conscience of being a man! Always remember. What the law upholds first is not what is called fairness and justice, but justice! Human justice!

If justice has not been achieved, then don't blame some extreme, upholding methods.

"I'm his lawyer. If the other party has any requirements, you can ask me." Liu Qian pretended to sit down in a professional manner, and then asked Guo Tian, ​​who was opposite, who was a **** ~ aggression female college student.

"We are very dissatisfied with the amount of compensation. The defendant murdered our plaintiff, causing serious injuries to our plaintiff, medical expenses, **** expenses, lost-work costs, late rehabilitation costs, and mental loss costs ... this is not more than 200,000 yuan If it can be solved, if the other party does not want to go to jail, then show sincerity ... "

"In addition, the defendant, without any evidence, spread rumors on the Internet about our plaintiff's sexuality ~ harassing female college students, which caused great psychological pressure on our plaintiff, and his life was also greatly affected. We are planning to sue the other party for rumors and defamation, and at the same time require the other party to immediately apologize in public media to eliminate the bad influence on the plaintiff ... "After hearing the introduction from Liu Qian, the man ’s lawyer immediately gushed to Liu Qian raised it.

"The compensation is easy to say, but I want to reconfirm the plaintiff's head injury and see if it needs to undergo later rehabilitation treatment." Liu Qian interrupted the other party's lawyer and raised it to them.

"The medical appraisal was copied to you a long time ago. What else do you want to confirm?" The lawyer from the other side answered Liu Qian with a strange reply.

"I just persuaded my client just now, and I am going to add 500,000 yuan to you for later rehabilitation treatment, so that the two parties can reach an understanding sooner. I used to be a forensic doctor, and I am a lawyer who switched to another job. I want to see the plaintiff with my own eyes. After the head injury, the amount of later rehabilitation treatment costs can be confirmed. Liu Qian raised his sincere expression to the other lawyer.

"Hey ..." Anna looked at Liu Gan in surprise. Is he helping them? Or are they pitting them? Could this be an undercover agent sent by the other party? Waiting deliberately to seduce them on the side of the road?

"Come on! There are still a few scars on my head!" The plaintiff who was beaten by Guo Tian heard that he had 500,000 yuan in post-rehabilitation expenses ~ ~ and immediately yelled at Liu Gan.

Although the opposing lawyer and court staff thought Liu Qian ’s behavior was strange, the plaintiff did not interfere too much since he agreed.

"Not badly hurt!" Liu Qian looked at the scars on the other's head and made a few noises.

"I was rescued in the ICU for several days before being rescued. Now I still have a big problem in my mind. I don't think about things clearly. If I don't do later rehabilitation treatment, I'm afraid I can't even take care of myself." A few words.

"Well, according to my previous medical experience, you can't afford to pay 500,000 yuan for the later treatment and rehabilitation of this injury! At least one million is needed." Liu Qian agreed with the man.

"Well, you really have a vision!" The man looked at Liu Qian with two eyes open. Is this the lawyer the other party invited?

Guo Tian touched his forehead ... the world is sinister! I thought I met a loved one, but ended up with a liar! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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