The Trembling World

Chapter 771: Raid

"Of course, the aircraft uses good high-tech materials, but it can not offset the heavy pressure caused by this anti-gravity engine, but it does not rely on the material itself, but the space energy armor attached to the material. Protection, even the toughest materials will be squashed in the kind of flight just now. "Mint answered Mo Fan.

Liu Qian knew that Mint had lied again, and the aircraft used the rune energy armor obviously, but I don't know why it was said to be space energy armor.

Liu Qian feels that the black gold armor on his body should also be filled with rune energy? Some kind of energy similar to brain domain energy? How should the biochemical camp be distinguished from the quantum camp? Thinking about these issues and listening to Mo Fan's conversation with Mint, Liu Qian was a bit drowsy, and then fell asleep without realizing it.

No matter how the aircraft rose, descended, dived, or turned sharply, Liu Qian didn't respond, but just fell asleep. After he fell asleep, his head was shaken and caught by the smart device behind him, and he automatically extended the elastic collar to help him fix it, so he was not afraid of being stunned by the aircraft.

"Brother Liu is so big-hearted that he can still fall asleep at this time." Ke Ming pointed to Liu Qian and said to Wang Lujia beside him.

"He was in troubled times and experienced too much. This little battle really made him less interested, let alone worry and fear like us." Wang Lujia returned a few words to Ke Ming.


Liu Qian felt that he hadn't slept for long, and was woken up by Mint.

"The mission location has arrived! The mission is about to begin!" Mint announced to everyone.

Liu Qian loosened the elastic collar on his head, looked out of the porthole, and found that the aircraft was slowly landing in a snow. The terrain here is relatively flat, but there are still rolling snow peaks around it, which looks like a basin in a snow mountain.

The sky was snowy, and the snowflakes were quite large, which caused a certain impact on the vision. Mint said that the aircraft has a powerful detection capability. At that time, the real-time situation of the battlefield will be sent to each team member's field of vision through three-dimensional graphics Medium, so do n’t worry about it.

To avoid action exposure. Mint parked the aircraft in a safe area far from the enemy camp. Then the team moved forward on foot. At that time, they could launch a surprise sneak attack on the target, quickly rescue Zhang Mengdi and then evacuate.

When the aircraft slowly landed on the ground, a three-dimensional map appeared in everyone's field of vision. It shows the location of the target location, and the location of the hostage. Distribution of opposing forces, etc. During the two-zone war, these players were already familiar with the use of this map in their field of vision, so it would not be difficult to look at the map at this time.

When everyone came out of the hatch opened by the aircraft. Mint modified the combination of rune energy and adjusted all the armor on everyone to the same snow white as the snow. It is almost impossible to be found if crouched.

"I told you before that this armor can shield you from the heat. In addition to the white color, it keeps moving slowly and quietly. It will not be detected by enemy monitoring equipment. After the battle begins, You have to take all actions to listen to the command, if you do not listen to the command has caused serious consequences. It will be severely punished. "The voice of mint appeared in the ears of most players.

"I will arrange two troops. I will take a team to attack the main entrance of the enemy. After the main force of the enemy is attracted to the main entrance, you and your squad will immediately enter from the side door. Didi. "While talking to others, Mint explained to Liu Gan a few words separately.

"I'll wait for the news at your front door." Liu Gan nodded.

Psionic communication is a communication method that biochemical individuals can carry out without the aid of equipment. It is very convenient and extremely covert to communicate with each other through ideas. It is impossible for any technology to eavesdrop.

Of course, this can only be done if Mint is a transit. If you leave Mint's transit, these players alone ... such as Liu Qian and Mo Fan cannot perform this psionic communication.

After all the players got into the snow, the aircraft quietly flew away, floating in the air at any time, ready to come and take them after Zhang Mengdi was rescued, and the crowd was divided into two teams, obeying the mint The instructions quietly marched along the snow.

After all, more than a dozen players killed from the **** sea of ​​20,000 players, knowing the seriousness of the situation, so no one violated Mint's instructions. Mint let them march on them, let them stop crouching, they Stop and crouch immediately.

In this way, the two teams gradually approached the destination building group, that is, where Zhang Mengdi was trapped. Liu Qian can already clearly sense the specific position of the magic cabinet in his mind. Now even if there is no three-dimensional Map, he will not appear in the wrong judgment.

More than a dozen players were divided into two teams. One was personally directed by Mint and was responsible for attacking the main entrance to attract firepower. Liu Qian and Mo Fan took Ke Ming, Wang Lujia and others to launch a surprise attack from the side door, which is also the closest place to the cabinet.

Soon the Liuqian team dived to a suitable hiding place, and waited for the official attack at the main entrance.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, the situation near the side door can no longer be seen clearly, but Mint sent the scan image of the side door in real time, and updates the 3D map about every 15 seconds ~ ~ The side door is shown above At the side of the fence, four soldiers in armor are patrolling at the side door. Two guards are also standing on the sentry inside the wall. It seems that the defensive power of the side door is these six soldiers.

Mint had a full scan of this area before the battle and only found more than 20 soldiers stationed. This operation brought in 16 players, plus their followers were 32 players. From the point of view, the spacecraft side seems to have a certain advantage.

The soldiers in this camp are also recruited from the players. If there are only 20 players of the same level in the opponent ’s camp, Liu Qian will definitely kill them directly. His only concern now is that of the 12th level. Player. For the sake of stability, Liu Qian waited for the news at the main gate cautiously. After another team successfully attracted the main force of the other camp, he launched a surprise attack from the side gate.

"Are you sure they can't scan our existence? We can only find our existence visually?" Mo Fan used psionic communication to confirm to Mint that it seemed that he had some thoughts on this operation.

This is the 8th more today! It is the change of monthly tickets to 9,300! Every double monthly pass plus 100 more monthly passes! Equivalent to 50 monthly passes plus one more! Now the monthly ticket is almost 9400, and adding a few more tickets will add more! Urge brothers and sisters to support! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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