The Trembling World

Chapter 813: Troubled times

After seeing the situation of the fighter with strengthened eyesight, Liu Qian shot this faint blue fireball into the hatch out of the heavy machine gun barrel above the fighter's fuselage.

Although there are energy armors outside the fighter aircraft, once the doors of the machine gun and missile compartments are opened, the energy armor cannot protect this place. Like a knight wearing a heavy helmet and heavy armor, he exposed the chrysanthemum outside. Who will you explode if the enemy does not explode?

'boom! A ground explosion, a large number of blue light and blue flames burst out from the heavy machine gun cabin, two huge barrels were instantly deformed and distorted, and the fighter jet was lifted out by the force of the explosion and overturned in the air. A dozen or so followers, the driver just stabilized the fuselage just before falling to the ground.

I found that the machine gun was severely damaged and was no longer usable, and I did n’t know what kind of energy attack he had encountered. He was nearly ten crashed and then crashed. The fighter pilot was frightened in a split second and quickly raised his height. , Soon disappeared from Liu Qian's vision.

"Silly, aren't you? You don't have the ability to run? Didn't you just drag it? Did you see how fierce your brother's artillery is? You should scare your pants and get wet, and go back to change your pants?" Fan angrily shouted to the driver.

"You wait! Sooner or later I will pack you up!" The fighter pilot murmured Mo Fan.

"Wait! Don't run! How shameful you are!" Mo Fan continued to ridicule the driver.

Previously, Mo Fan had been entrusted by Liu Qian and had been scolding the fighter pilot. However, because his side was too weak, even if he was too fierce, he was afraid to raise his head and talked guilty.

The Liu Qiang frying just now is so out of breath! For a moment, Mo Fan was full of confidence and felt very angry.

After hearing Mo Fan's sarcasm, the fighter pilot didn't say a word, and even cut off the communication directly. Obviously, he is still in shock and does not know what kind of attack he has been subjected to. The analysis given by the fighter's main brain is that the machine gun compartment is severely damaged, which is basically a waste. The missile bay was also severely affected. It is temporarily unavailable and must be returned to the airport for repair.

When Mint flew the transport plane out of the seam of ice and reached the ground above, the fighter plane fled long after the machine gun and missile bays were blown up. There is no difference between fighters and transports.

"Brother Liu, you are so great! Defeat the fighter with your bare hands! You will be my idol later!" Mo Fan raised his thumb to Liu Qian who was back in the cabin.

"I didn't expect you to use this method to abandon the fighter. The captain is brave. No one can fight!" Mint also sighed.

"Brother Liu has always been a hero in my mind!" Zhang Mengdi's face was flushed and a few words came together.

"The real battle has not yet begun! Sooner or later I will catch the man and peel his skin alive!" Liu Qian shook his head, still looking very puzzled.

The magnetic field detector traced the trajectory of the fighter jet, and it really landed in the position where the holy sword airport was detected. It seems there is no problem going there if you want to sneak attack.

After the fifth base station was installed, the transport plane returned to the galaxy with Liu Qian and others. After handing in the task, I got the reward of the task. After having the energy of these rules, Mint revived Ke Ming and others.

Ke Ming stepped on Song Falei and shot him in the head. Damage to memory, Mint only had previous backups here. So her memory of everything that happened on the battlefield of the Holy Sword camp was a bit vague. Other people's brains are not damaged, and their memories are basically complete.

"I didn't expect to be resurrected, thank you so much!" Brother Wang and Sister Li and Qingyi Li came to thank Liu Qian and Mo Fan.

Ke Ming has been dazed. This feeling of fuzzy and confused memory is too bad. I know what I seem to have experienced, but I don't think about it carefully.

In view of the fact that Ke Ming and others have made a certain contribution in the battle of the Holy Sword Camp, Mint gave them the opportunity to 'transport' back to the real world for three days. Hearing that he could return to the real world again, Ke Ming and others couldn't help but be very excited, and lay in the soul cabin after some preparation.


"It looks like it's not just an airport here, it's likely that the organization's headquarters is behind the holy sword." Mint shared the three-dimensional image of the reconnaissance into Liu Qian's field of vision.

"The security is tight and it's not easy to sneak in." Mo Fan studied it and came to a conclusion.

"They won't, like us, take the task and get rewards, then build their camp?" Liu Qian asked Mint.

"It may be, but the forces behind them are not the same as the forces behind us." Mint analyzed it.

"How do you know?" Mo Fan asked Mint.

"The technology they use is obviously different from the technology we use. We use more technology that favors the civilization of the gods. Their mech soldiers or something are more like the technology of light-brain civilization." Mint answered. Mo Fan.

"Willn't it be that we are representing the war of the Divine Civilization and the agents of the Light Brain Civilization?" Mo Fan seemed very excited.

"It's just a small test field. I estimate that the shivering world should have been the site of one of the civilizations, but another civilization has invaded here ~ ~ so it has formed this kind of chaos. The appearance of those zombies should Some civilization moves hands and feet. "Liu Qian also expressed his views.

Now there seems to be another piece of puzzle in his mind, and he feels that he is gradually revealing the truth of part of the trembling world.

"Now on this big island in the frozen soil, there are a total of three parties. Our side, the holy sword side, and the mysterious eyes you mentioned earlier, the situation is getting more and more complicated!" Mo Fan began to touch his again Chin up.

"Frozen City is not just these three forces. Mengdi said that before the frozen soil city was attacked by the corpse army, the local military was still very powerful. They would not be destroyed so quickly. They should just retreat to somewhere." Liu Gan corrected Mo Fan's statement.

"Well, this troubled world is the time when the heroes multiply. Relatively speaking, we are now the weakest party, but with the invincible Captain Liu and the resourceful Mo Jun, we will surely become frozen in the end. The most powerful existence in Tushi and the whole shivering world! "Mo Fan became more excited.

"Everyone worked hard together to repair the battleship. We still have to conquer the universe and be the most powerful in the universe!" Mint obviously did not forget to repair the battleship for a moment. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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