The Trembling World

Chapter 844: Miss words

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On the contest stage, Liu Qian walked slowly to the center of the contest. Because of the game system arrangement, the victory of this contest has nothing to do with the overall situation, so he did not want to end the battle too soon, but wanted to try the brain first The third stage of the domain attack means how much damage these 14 level players can cause. With this opportunity, you can accumulate some pk experience.

Death Thunder has too much lethality, so you should n’t need to take a shot. The blue fireball's lethality and momentum in the third stage of the brain area are equally amazing. Depending on the situation, you can decide whether to use it. Power is enough to make him invincible.

Sun Qi also walked to the center of the contest. She was obviously curious about a 10-level rookie like Liugan. What courage did not actually jump off the contest, but came to the center of the contest. Abuse?

Liu Qian took a few more steps and stood still in place, squatting up, whispering words in his mouth, and his two hands twirling around in front of him, as if he were accumulating something big.

Sun Qi also stood with her arms folded and looked at Liu Qian with interest. Now she feels like an adult fighting with a three-year-old child who just entered a kindergarten. The child yelled 'Aote It's ridiculous like Man's to bring down adults.

Therefore, she decided not to take a shot for the time being, to see what mystery Liu Qian was playing.

"Big move!"

"A big move for level 10 players! Be careful, beauties!"

"Will it fall apart and shake the ground later?"

The onlookers saw a scene from the stands and couldn't help but taunt loudly ... Boy, surnamed Liu, do you think that the big move from the level 10 player can get the level 14 strong? Everyone else is standing still, looking at you like a monkey, or else you thought your big move could come out?

Liu Gan danced for more than five minutes, and saw that Sun Qi had not attacked, so he pretended to form a fireball in front of him, and then pushed to Sun Qi.

Of course, this is just an ordinary fireball, an ordinary fireball in the third stage of the brain area, Liu Qian can easily send out a dozen. Just pretending that it took more than five minutes to gather one, mainly to match his current level 10 identity. Otherwise, a dozen fireballs would be thrown together. Sun Qi just hung up, too shocking, right?

For Liu Qian, torture Sun Qi is not very interesting. He has a little interest in torture Liu Yuxuan, so he has a trick with Sun Qi. There is no need to go too far. Taking this opportunity to practice your hands is serious.

"What?" Sun Qi froze, trying to avoid Liu Qian's fireball, but he couldn't escape under the flash of light ... Liu Qian's fireball had a tracking effect, after the third stage of brain domain The tracking effect is upgraded, let alone level 14 players. Even players above level 15 and below level 19 cannot dodge by body shape.

"Just hit it! How effective is the power attack from a level 10 player?" Sun Qi couldn't avoid it. Forget the attack of Liu Qian. After being smashed by this fireball, Sun Qi was surprised to find that the fog armor outside her body had been drawn off by one tenth!

An attack by a level 10 player actually knocked her out of the foggy armor by a tenth!

how is this possible? This is so strange, right?

"Ha ha ha ha ... for five minutes, such a big trick, not even one of the beautiful women's hair, surnamed Liu, are you a monkey sent by a monkey?" Liu Yuxuan laughed at this scene. Lean forward and close. He's not Sun Qi, he doesn't know that Sun Qi's Wujia was destroyed by a tenth of such a fireball. Thinking that Sun Qi was harmless, and then seeing Liu Qian's so serious expression, he couldn't help but think of sarcasm.

"Yeah! I thought it was going to fall apart!"

"Is he constipated? After a long while, something like this happened?"

"Oh! The beauty is too lenient, right?"

Other players couldn't help but ridicule Liu Qian with Liu Yuxuan, they haven't been used to Liu Qian for a long time. A player who had only done a mission once at level 10 was so arrogant that he was ahead of everyone in the previous missions and got such gold coins. These people were somewhat unbalanced at this time. When I saw Liu Qian Eat ravioli. My heart felt very angry.

Although Sun Qi was shocked in her heart just now, she didn't care too much. After all, Liu Qian took more than five minutes to come up with such a big move. When the real competition, life and death fight, who would give the other party such a long time? Such a big move?

For level 10 players, if there are certain encounters, then under the bonus of certain special items, there is a chance to issue such a powerful big move, so all of this is still beyond Sun ’s view. The scope of understanding. And the power of that fireball is just the same. One-tenth of the damage of Wujia is not enough to make Sun Qi, a 14-level battle-hardened player, have the slightest worries and fears, at most it is just a surprise.

Of course, the fireball just now can't be in vain, it's time to let the rookie on the opposite side know it's amazing! Sun Qi flew up and down with two tiny hands, dozens of tiny ice cones appeared in front of her out of nowhere. The cold air emitted by these ice cones started to condense the surrounding air.

"Eat my silver pin!" Sun Qi gently pushed forward with both hands, and dozens of small ice cones immediately shot at Liu Qian more than ten meters away in front of her.

This ice cone came very fast, and Liu Qiang's level 10 skill could not be avoided, so Liu Qian did not escape.

Liu Qian can now sacrifice the copper wall and iron wall to block the attack of ice cones ~ ~ can also blast an ice fist with brain energy to smash these ice cones, even if he doesn't do anything, the fog armor will hold these Ice Cone's attack is not a big deal either.

After a quick thinking, Liu Qian pretended to want to escape, and was hit by the ice cone. He actually made the ice cone hit himself deliberately, so that he could clearly know that the 14th level player sent it. These ice cones, what is the attack damage on him now.

After experiencing Liugan, I immediately felt it. These small ice cones have a strong attack power. Under normal circumstances, it is enough to destroy a level 10 in vitro fog armor, but only destroy less than one tenth of Liugan. Mist Armor, plus it has the effect of freezing paralysis.

However, these frozen paralysis effects are of no significance to a semi-energy body like Liu Qian. He just released the energy of the brain in the third stage in a rapid movement in the body. (~ ^ ~)

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