The Trembling World

Chapter 848: Adjustment

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"Relax, I won't give him any chance!" Liu Yuxuan snorted coldly. In his opinion, Sun Qi lost to Liu Qian because he was too embarrassed. He did n’t pierce the armor and then had some reservations to give Liu Qian a chance, but Liu Yuxuan would never commit such a low-level Mistakes left such an opportunity for Liu Qian.

In the next two competitions, players were not very interested. Li Zilu at level 13 easily defeated Chen Jinyan at level 12. This was expected by players; Huang Guanhua at level 12 lost to the same female at level 12. Player Chen Yao was slightly unexpected, but it is also reasonable that there is not much difference in strength between female players and male players at the same level.

The amount of gold coins in the hands of the crowd changed again.

Liu Yuxuan still topped the list with -17, and Sun Qi, Huang Guanhua, Qiu Fu, Chen Jinyan, Hu Meng and others were all cleared, followed by 7 Li Zilu and 6 Chen Yao.

Finally, willow willow: 178 pieces.

All players were divided into two groups, with four players in the winner group: Liu Yuxuan, Liu Qian, Li Zilu, and Chen Yao; and five players in the loser group: Sun Qi, Hu Meng, Chen Jinyan, Huang Guanhua, and Qiu Fu.

The first round was the battle of the losers. After being humiliated by Liu Qian in public, Sun Qi was full of warfare. He fought in the frost armor all the way. His shots were extremely fierce. There was an opportunity to kill from the loser group by thunder, letting all players see her true strength.

"It seems that the first game of the beauties is indeed too undervalued!"

"Yes! If she had such strength at that time, how could her surname Liu be her opponent?"

"Fortunately, the surname Liu will encounter the boss of Yuxuan, and it is impossible to win from the winner group, otherwise encountering Sun Mei again will certainly not spare him!"

"Well, it's a shame that the girls were stripped of their clothes in public!"

"Why did I get a little chicken when I think of that scene?"

"Are you dying? Sister Sun is holding you!"

Although the players were very surprised that Liu Qian defeated Sun Qi, they still felt that Sun Qi lost to Liu Qian because of his intention. After all, from the battle situation of the two, Sun Qi could freeze the dried Liu Qi casually. Liu Qian seemed to have burned Sun Qi's clothes by sneak attack. Sun Qi was so angry and angry that he finally lost the contest.

Therefore, the next scene of Liu Yuxuan against Liu Gan and torture Liu Qian is even more exciting.

"The winner group will be divided into two groups to catch and fight by lottery, and the two who won the competition will compete for the winner of the winner group!"

The task organizer announced the competition rules for the winner. At the same time, a large box floated in the sky, with four rope heads sticking out of the box. Liu Yuxuan, Liu Qian, Li Zilu, and Chen Yao each pulled one. After straightening, they pulled two to the same rope. Players will face off.

As a result, Liu Yuxuan and Chen Yao were assigned to a group. Liu Qian and Li Zilu were assigned to a group.

Liu Yuxuan at level 14 played against Chen Yao at level 12. Chen Yao did everything he could to attack Liu Yuxuan, but did not cause any damage to Liu Yuxuan. Liu Yuxuan tortured Chen Yao in public and inhumanely after serious injuries Ten minutes later, Chen Yao's constant screaming and begging for mercy ended the contest.

"I didn't torture her because I hated her, but I wanted to tell you the consequences of not obeying my orders!" When Liu Yuxuan said this, he looked at the plums who were about to confront Liu Qian. road.

Next. It is a duel between Liu Qian and Li Zilu.

"If you dare to defeat him and I will not be able to kill him later, then I will kill you in a later showdown, just like the killing of Chen Yao, and the time will be as long as half an hour or even an hour! Blame me for not reminding you! "Liu Yuxuan threatened Li Zilu with a few words.

When Liu Qian had confronted Sun Qi, Liu Yuxuan thought that he had no chance to kill Liu Qian. What he didn't expect was that Sun Qi had lost to Liu Qian because of his intentions, giving him another chance to torture Liu Qian. But now Li Zilu is still blocked in front of him, if Li Zilu defeats Liu Qian. He will lose the opportunity to kill Liu Qian again, so Liu Yuxuan deliberately tortures Chen Yao, kills the chicken and monkey to force Li Zilu to submit.

"How dare I disobey the order of the boss of Yuxuan? As long as he jumps to the competition before the opening, I must let myself lose to him." Li Zilu said obediently to Liu Yuxuan. He is not stupid, there is no need to get involved in the hatred of Liu Qian and Liu Yuxuan, and the victory or defeat of this competition has no meaning to him at all. If you lose, you lose! Lose in the morning and lose in the same way.

"Let's know how interesting you are!" Liu Yuxuan listened to Li Zilu and said that he was relieved. The only thing he was worried about now was that Liu Qian was afraid of meeting him. In the competition with Li Zilu, he jumped off the platform and conceded.

However, Liu Yuxuan's worries were obviously superfluous. After Li Zilu and Liu Qian's competition began, Liu Qian did not jump off the platform to concede defeat, but Li Zilu jumped off the contest platform very hard, allowing Liu Qian to advance and compete with Liu Yuxuan for the winner. Champion of the group.

"The winner is the decisive game! Liu Yuxuan officially started the match against Liu Qian!" The mission organizer announced.

"I had a proposal before the contest!" Liu Yuxuan raised his hand and raised it to the task organizer.

"What's the proposal?" The mission organizer asked Liu Yuxuan patiently.

"I propose that during the contest with him, we should block the surrounding area of ​​the contest and cancel the rule of actively admitting defeat. The two sides would never die on the contest!" Liu Yuxuan showed a sinister expression.

"The adjustment of the rules must be agreed by both parties. Therefore, I must consult the other player Liu Qian. The UU reading book" task organizer answered Liu Yuxuan.

"Okay." Liu Yuxuan estimated that his proposal was difficult to pass, just to try his luck.

"Do you have any objection to Liu Yuxuan's rule adjustment?" The task organizer asked Liu Qian.

"Whatever." Liu Qian looked indifferent.

"Well, during the contest between the two of you, the contest will be banned all around, and you cannot leave the contest until one of them is killed." The mission organizer re-announced after receiving a reply from Liu Qian.

"Hahahahaha ... I didn't expect this stupid x to agree! Let's start the contest!" Liu Yuxuan couldn't help but laugh wildly, and after a lot of hard work and misfortune, he finally stood at Liuwutai with Liu Qian. In the past, if he did not take advantage of this opportunity to rag Liu Qian for a few days and nights, he felt that he would not be able to resolve his hatred at all. (~ ^ ~)

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