The Trembling World

Chapter 850: Undercover

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The treasure at the bottom of her box is a one-time consumable, and its lethality is unbeatable. If you take it out in the battle with Liu Qian, you will be defeated at the last minute.

Unfortunately, she couldn't think of anything under the shame, and was completely disrupted by a series of attacks by Liu Qian, resulting in that shameful shame. If she had a chance to meet Liu Qian again, she would definitely take this baby out and destroy Liu Qian.

But if Liu Yuxuan won the winner of the winner group, she encountered Liu Yuxuan in the decisive battle, and she would not necessarily take out the treasure at the bottom of the box. In the real battle, she will not stand as silly as Liu Qian, waiting for Liu Yuxuan's six swords to take shape. This great lethal move often takes a long time to store power, and Sun Qi will not give him Such a long charge time.

Under normal circumstances, Liu Yuxuan could only accumulate one sword gas, but Liu Qian became completely stupid after the fireball attack was invalid. It should be no move, so I have been waiting for Liu Yuxuan's six swords to be fully formed without interrupting him. .

A group of players on the flying carpet looked forward to Liu Yuxuan ’s six sword strengths playing the mighty thunderous power, when Liu Gan was seriously injured, and then Liu Qian was slowly tortured; just when Liu Yuxuan ’s six sword strengths were finally full of energy and ready to send Liu When I have done my best ...

'boom! There was a loud noise, and a dazzling blue light flashed. Liu Yuxuan's basalt armor was exploded from the inside and was blown up. A large number of blue flames burst out with these armors, carrying various parts of the basalt armor. Sporadicly scattered all over Bukitai.

At the center of the explosion, Liu Yuxuan climbed up from the ground after being blown out. All the armor parts on his body were blown up, his hair was erected, and his face was blown into a pot gray. The whole person was completely stunned and didn't know what had just happened.

"What happened?"

"Hell alive!"

"Boss Yuxuan got off the hook? It took him too long to provoke himself?"

"Big tricks can still blow you up?"

"Of course it will! Back bite! The more powerful the move, the more bite back!"

"Is there any demon method for the surname Liu? How did Boss Yuxuan hit him with such a moth?"

The players on the flying carpet looked at the scene in the battlefield with astonishment. They couldn't understand or know what happened just now.

"Ahhhhh! What about my six-veined Excalibur?"

Liu Yuxuan shouted insanely. Just because Liu Qian hadn't moved, he accumulated for a long time before finally accumulating all the energy of the six swords, waiting for the final refreshment. The result didn't work out, and suddenly he was baffled somehow, so that he was stunned by now.

It's like madly dealing with a beautiful woman on the bed, just at the most critical moment to burst, preparing to enjoy the ultimate few seconds. The thing underneath was suddenly inexplicably cut!

I ca n’t do it!

Why? What happened?

"Oh? Why did you take off the armor?" Liu Qian asked Liu Yuxuan with a curious expression, but he threw a few more fireballs in his hands.

Without the protection of the Basalt Warframe, these third-stage fireballs were extremely deadly to Liu Yuxuan. After a few strokes, he suddenly shot a dazzling blue light outside his body, and then Liu Yuxuan was surprised to find that his Wujia was completely destroyed by Liu Qian!

Then Liu Qian rushed over the whole person and flew a kick. Liu Yuxuan felt only a stuffy chest, and the whole person flew out. After being hit by a restraint on the side of Biwu, he was bounced back. After falling to the ground, he squirted a lot of old blood, and for a long time failed to get up from the ground.

Liu Qian made a circle around Biwutai, gathered Liu Yuxuan's basalt armors in one place, and wanted to be included in the watch, but it was a reminder that these armors had been bound, and the master was not dead yet Lord's thing.

"I killed him, can I get this set of armor?" Liu Qian asked the mission organizer. In the previous duel, it seemed that the killing of the opponent did not explode the equipment.

"Yes." The task organizer answered Liu Qian.

"Hey, hey! Don't you bring this?" Liu Yuxuan couldn't help but be frightened. He never expected that the contest would fail, and he would even lose the Xuanwu Warframe!

Liu Qian stepped forward to Liu Yuxuan, who was sitting on the ground, and a fireball condensed in his hand.

"I protest! He cheated!" Liu Yuxuan shouted to the task organizer.

"The protest is invalid." The mission organizer answered Liu Yuxuan.

"Then why did I suddenly explode? Did all the armors burst?" Liu Yuxuan asked the mission organizer.

"I have no obligation to explain these things." The task organizer answered Liu Yuxuan in an official manner.

"No other player died with explosive equipment. Why did my equipment explode? Even if you don't check him for cheating. Can't tell you any rules?" Liu Yuxuan questioned the mission organizer a few words.

"They did n’t explode because they were n’t equipped or they were taken back before they died. The equipment you did n’t take out will not be exploded. The only ones that explode are scattered outside the body unless you die before you die. Take them back, otherwise when you are between death and resurrection, they will be in an unowned state. Whoever picks them up is the one. "The mission organizer explained to Liu Yuxuan in detail.

"No, right? There is such a rule?" Liu Yuxuan once again spit out old blood. How can he walk over to recover the armor when he is in this situation?


"The surname Liu is definitely npc! Be with them!"

"We're in the pit!"

"Yeah! Level 10 can beat level 14 ~ ~ It can be said to be luck once, twice or luck? Why isn't it normal? There is no word!"

"I won't do any more tasks in the future, it's too pit!"

Players saw this scene and talked about it.

"Don't kill me ..." Liu Yuxuan saw Liu Qian getting closer and closer, and the fireball in his hands grew hotter and stronger, desperately begging Liu Qian. He never expected that the competition with Liu Qian would end up like this. The failure was already unexpected by him, and he was even more unlikely to think that even the basalt armor was blown up in the end!

"Oh? Don't want to die? Please, me!" Liu Qian said Liu Yuxuan very unscrupulously.

"I beg you! Raise your noble hand, don't kill me ... I confess defeat in this contest!" Liu Yuxuan begged Liu Qian, and it doesn't matter if the contest is lost, but the basalt armor cannot be lost! (~ ^ ~)

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