The Trembling World

Chapter 865: Evaluation

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"Are you going to hit us for a meal and talk again, or will you let me kill your cattle league and talk again?" Liu Gan said a few words back to Niu.

"How do you talk to our boss? Do you want to die?" A few strong men yelled at Liu Gan fiercely and forced them to pass.

Feng Lei and others were trembling with trembling and trembling watching all that happened in front of them. How could this newcomer dare to speak like this in front of Niu Boss? Isn't this to death?

"Come back!" Niu quickly stopped several strong men.

Obviously, the real name of this cow is not Liu, but Guo Mingtian. Even if he covered his face with yellow powder to cover the snow spots on his face, Liu Qiang could recognize him at a glance. However, Liu Qian now changed his voice, but Guo Tian could not recognize Liu Qian.

After coming out of the snow mountain to the frozen earth city, in addition to his mission, Liu Qian inquired about Guo Tian and Anna's news. They broke through the iron shoes and found nowhere, and it took no effort. I did not expect to meet Guo Tian here .

"Excuse me, Your High Name?" Guo Tian approached, looking at Liu Qian with a doubtful look on his face, feeling that this person seemed to be familiar, but he couldn't remember how he heard the sound.

"What's my name?" Liu Qian asked Mo Fan beside him. He remembered that Mo Fan had given him a name before.

"My eldest brother is surnamed Wenhao, who is a real hero." Mo Fan introduced Guo Tian for Liu Qian.

"Wen ... Hao? Do you know me?" Guo Tian frowned, then stretched out his hand, and a younger brother took a pipe and handed it to him. Obviously, after a while, the boy became the boss. More pretentious than before. Otherwise, it would not be called a cow.

"You really don't know me. But I think ... you should know a big hero named Liu?" Liu Qian looked at Guo Tian with a faint smile, and it was easy to make him serious without Guo Tian. stand up.

Mo Fan gave Liu Qian a glance ... Brother Liu rarely seemed so high-profile before? Blow yourself?

"Master Liu? Where is he?" Guo Tian couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the word "liu", and the pipes on his hands fell into the ground.

"Are you going to let me stand here and talk to you all the time?" Liu Gan's face looked upset.

+ ∈,. $. O∽ s _; "What do you guys look for? Don't arrange a seat quickly! Fragrant tea! "Guo Tian patted his head and yelled at everyone around him.


A group of strong men flustered to arrange a chair to set up the table, and quickly set off the scene.

"Brother Wen, please here." Guo Tian personally led Liu Qian to the seat, and the expression on his face became even more confused ... mainly because he didn't know the person. But he felt that his breath, temperament and intonation made him very familiar.

Since Liu Qian became the boss of Niu Bo, naturally, Mo Fan would not be neglected. He was invited to accompany him, and Guo Tian even sent some wine and vegetables in the kitchen.

Feng Lei, Zheng Xun, and others were temporarily arranged outside, but they also gave seats and served tea. They found that 'Wenhao' and 'Mochen' became guests of Niu Boss, and they let go a little. After all, the idea of ​​killing Liu Xin was from Mo Chen. The cow boss should give them some face to stop investigating, right?

Among the crowd, only Wang Qiru was in a state of uneasiness on the face of a needle and felt that he seemed to have offended someone who should not have offended. Framed Liu Qian two small reports failed, this time must be exposed. And it is not known how Liu Qian and the two would avenge him.

"Brother Wen, where did you know my grandfather Liu?" Although Guo Tian invited the two "Wenhao" and "Mo Chen" to sit on the table and fragrant tea, they still have to find out the origin of the two and their relationship with Liu Qian. Only OK.

Liu Qian staggered to the left and right, Guo Tian understood what he meant, and quickly rushed out the idle people and so on, and then looked at Liu Qian again.

"In the Snow Mountain, he met him by chance during a monster killing." Liu Qian answered Guo Tian.

"Oh? Then what kind of person is Ye Liu in Brother Wen's eyes?" Guo Tian continued to test Liu Qian.

"Master Liu? He is brave and intelligent, and he doesn't like to be ridiculed. It is the wisdom, strategy, hero, and role model in this world." Liu Qian remembered Mo Fan's evaluation of him. Right?

The black line on Mo Fan's face ... Liu Brother, don't you dislike being ridiculed? It looks so comfortable! Don't miss a word, remember so clearly?

"Yes! You are too descriptive of Ye Ye! Ye Ye is such a hero! Heroes in troubled times!" Guo Tian agreed, raising his glass and toasting Liu Qian and Mo Fan. Those who can praise Ye Liu so much must look great to Guo Tian.

"My little sister is with him now. When I was drinking with him, I heard that he often mentioned your six brothers and sisters, yes, he asked me to ask him about his elder brother and elder sister, as well as the second sister's news. Do you know? Liu Qian asked Guo Tian after sipping his drink.

"Big Brother and Big Sister joined Sanyu Company to do things. Second Sister is at the holy sword ... Is the little girl with Grandpa Liu?" After hearing a few words from Wen Hao, Guo Tian had no doubt about Wen Hao and Liu Qian's relationship, to know the six brothers and sisters, only the six of them know, since Liu Ye told the 'Wenhao', it is conceivable that he has more trust in this person and the relationship is very close.

"They're all in the tundra? Great! Listen to the little girl saying that the second sister didn't go out to look for him?" After listening to Guo Tian's remarks, Liu Qian finally reassured him that he had been worried about their life and death. A stone fell to the ground.

"The second sister came back a few days ago, and the people who followed the holy sword came back." Guo Tian was confused, but he didn't know why, he always felt that this "Wenhao" made him very familiar ~ ~ but can't say why they are so familiar.

"The second sister is with the Holy Sword people now? Was it caught by them or ..."

"No, she is now the deputy leader of the holy sword in the permafrost city. It is very reused. She directs the sixth part of the holy sword. Her majesty has hundreds of iron armored soldiers, and she can nourish in the core urban area." Guo Tian shook Shake his head.

"Why didn't you get into the holy sword?" Liu Qian wasn't surprised that Anna joined the holy sword. She couldn't possibly know his revenge with the holy sword. And she is in the Holy Sword, this time the task is much easier.

"I? I prefer a casual life. I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. It would be cool to be a cow coaxing old man!" Guo Tian answered Liu Qian with a flash of eyes.

"It seems that after Liu Ye was trapped in the snow mountain, a lot of things happened here ..." Liu Qian looked thoughtfully. (To be continued.)

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