The Trembling World

Chapter 881: Dark lane

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

These wind blades issued by Tan Shouqiang, after cutting the host into a pile of minced meat, continued to hit the iron wall of Liu Qian very fiercely!

Liu Qian tumbled too fast, and everyone in the stands didn't notice Liu Qian's evasive action too much. What they saw was that Tan Shouqiang was furious after the defeat of the competition, and sent Liu Qian seven or eight wind blades in violation of the rules. As a result, the host of the contest was accidentally and accidentally killed, and the tragic consequences of the host being divided!

Tan Shouqiang became even more annoyed after killing the host. He knew that Liu Qian was intentional, but at this time it was difficult to argue. Although Mayor Li shouted to stop him, he still turned a deaf ear and continued to Liu. Dry rushed over, gathered several wind blades around, ready to kill Liugan at close range!

Nangong Hao also noticed the scene where Tan Shouqiang chased Liu Qian, but pretended not to see it. He deliberately talked to the staff around him. Tan Shouqiang's defeat made him feel shameless. Now if Tan Shouqiang kills him, Liu Qian, he had no choice but to publicly give Tan Shouqiang a demotion punishment. The hidden masters around him had no military rank, and it didn't matter if they were punished. Music

"You want to die, I can only fulfill you!" Liu Qian was also completely angered at this time, while Tan Shouqiang slashed at him with several wind blades, several moon blades wrapped in the third stage energy of the brain domain The wind blade of Tan Shouqiang fought back.

'boom! Bang Bang! Bang! ’

The wind blade and the moon blade passed through each other at high speed. They fell on the iron walls of the copper wall and the outer fog armor of Liu Qian and Tan Shouqiang, respectively.

Two dazzling blue lights flashed, Liu Qian's copper wall and iron wall and Tan Shouqiang's fog armor were destroyed at the same time!

"You ..." Tan Shouqiang's mouth overflowed with blood. After all, what I want to say can't be explained. A blood line appeared on his neck, his head staggered along the blood line and his neck, and his bones rolled down on the ground next to the battlefield. His eyes were still wide open, as if he couldn't believe what happened. everything of.

"This ... this ... grass!"

The commander of the holy sword, Nangong, was so stunned that he could not help watching this scene, and even sweared abnormally. He just condoned that happening. It was deliberately intended to make Tan Shouqiang kill Liu Qian. Even if the Nangong family lost all their face today, it was considered to be in front of everyone. But he never expected that the result of Tan Shouqiang's pursuit of Liu Qian was that Tan Shouqiang could not kill Liu Qian at all, but was beheaded by Liu Qian in public!

The problem is that all of this is not Liu Qian's responsibility. Tan Shouqiang tried to kill Liu Qian in violation of the rules in the public eye, accidentally killed the host, and then continued to hunt. Liu Qian was forced to fight back. Then beheaded Tan Shouqiang!

Level 10 can kill Level 14! There must be something wrong with this guard, and he has to look back carefully to find out his origins, but this is obviously not the best time to investigate this matter. I feel that the face of the Nangong family today cannot be recovered anyway. Nangong said nothing, Tie Qing said with a face, ‘Go! ’Then he left the battlefield without looking back. Nangong's family members and guards also left with him.

"The boy is very bold! Even our Nangong family dare to kill!" Nangong Yao went to Liu Qian and nodded, and left with the others in the Nangong family.

The other people in the stands also clearly saw the scene where Tan Shouqiang and Liu Qian fought. They originally thought that under the anger of Tan Shouqiang and the good connivance of Nangong, Liu Qian will die today. Unexpectedly Yes. It wasn't Liu Qian that died, but Tan Shouqiang! Then he saw that Nangong's family left in desperate anger and couldn't help talking about it.

This new guard from Mayor's House is not easy! After today, I am afraid that the various forces in the frozen soil will reshuffle.

Anna put away the bow and arrow in her hand. Just the moment Tan Shouqiang and Liu Qian beheaded each other, her heart tightened. After all, the other party was a 14th-level powerhouse!

However, her brother Liu will be as powerful as ever! There is no one at all, even if Tan Shouqiang is a 14th-level powerhouse, he will only be easily killed in the past few months. It was so incredible to her! After a while, Liu Qian's strength seemed to be greatly improved, even stronger than when he was in the frozen soil!

If Anna knew that Liu Qian's current strength was less than one-tenth of his real strength, she would not be worried or nervous just now.

"My brother finally avenged me!" Mo Fan told Li Anqi excitedly. He knew that Liu Qian was strong, but there was no concept of how strong it was. Now he can finally see it clearly, and he Knowing that Liu Qian did not do his best, he killed Tan Shouqiang, a 14th-level powerman, lightly!

"You're hurt like this, what about revenge?" Li Anqi washed her face with tears. If time could go back, she would never agree to Mo Fan to participate in today's contest. She would rather marry Nangong Yao for a lifetime, not Mo Fan. Broken hands and feet become the current waste.

Peter Li came over and looked at everything in front of him with a complex expression. What happened today was too much and too chaotic. He couldn't figure it out now.

"Dad, please save him ..." Li Anqi begged Peter Li.

"Go back to your house first." Peter Li sighed and asked the staff to lift the stretcher over, and placed Mo Fan carefully on it ~ ~ and then left under the guard of a group of guards The battlefield is ready to return to the mayor's house.

"Are you okay?" Anna chased lowly and asked Liu Gan at the end of the team.

"You and Guo Tian followed Mo Fan to find a place to hide. It won't be too peaceful tonight. The Nangong family will likely send someone to investigate and detain you. I will be very inconvenient to move in the city." Liu Qianxiang Anna confessed a few words, after the match field appearance, he was ready for the war.

"Mofan?" Anna glanced at the stick on the stretcher in front, some did not quite understand the meaning of Liu Qian.

"That wasn't him, it was just his follower substitute, Yi Rong pretended to be him." Liu Qian slowed down, took the two of them into a nearby dark alley, and looked in a certain direction.

A man wearing a suit similar to the protagonist of the Assassin's Creed game, with a large hat covering most of his face, jumped off a low wall. When he approached, Anna and Guo Tian recognized it. The Mo Fan who passed was exactly the same as the man on the stretcher!

It was just that his hands and feet were sound and there was no injury at all. (To be continued.)

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