After saying that, Li Chengxiao went upstairs to change his clothes first, and when he went downstairs again, Xu Luo and Xu Zin were already waiting for him at the elevator!

After Xu Zin entered the elevator with heavy steps, he waved to Xu Luo, "Mommy, bye!"

"Listen to Daddy! Stay safe!

Xu Zin nodded and agreed.

In fact, Xu Zin fully understands his mother's worries, after all, this time it was the Axia IP that he took the lead in finding, and he should be angry and take revenge on him.

That's why he wants his dad to take him!

In his little heart, Mommy is all they have, and he doesn't allow Mommy to take any risks for him!

After the father and son arrived downstairs, the two got into Xu Luo's commercial car, and Li Chengxiao did not drive his car because he had not yet had time to install a safety seat.

More because it is also unrealistic to install three car seats in his car! After all, he didn't want to expose the identities of the children too early, so that it would not be beneficial to Xu Luo or the children, and he would only be stared at by his opponents for his weaknesses!

Xu Zin sat in the car, a little cramped and uneasy along the way!

When the two arrived at the door of the Public Security Bureau, Xu Zin was comforted by Li Chengxiao holding his little hand, "Don't worry, everything has a father!" In

this way, a big one and one small walked into the door of the Public Security Bureau.

The careful Li Chengxiao found that today's Public Security Bureau seems to be exceptionally quiet!

After Li Chengxiao explained his intentions to the only staff member in the hall, he was taken to the bureau chief's office!

Director Liu of the Public Security Bureau quickly stood up and shook hands with Li Chengxiao when he saw the person coming, and he looked at Li Chengxiao himself in amazement, "I didn't expect that the famous President Li turned out to be Hacker X!"

He naturally ignored Xu Zin behind Li Chengxiao!

Li Chengxiao did not answer Director Liu's question, but glanced at the staff behind him.

Director Liu immediately understood what Li Chengxiao meant, and then he signaled the staff member to go out first for the time being!

After Li Chengxiao made sure that the person went out, he was embarrassed to explain the situation to Director Liu! His meaning was clear, he didn't want the second person other than Director Liu to know Xu Zin's identity!

Although Director Liu can't accept this fact for the time being, the president of Liyu Group will not joke about such a thing!

Director Liu asked his subordinates to take Ah Xia to the interrogation room, and then temporarily moved the staff!

When Li Chengxiao sent Xu Zin to the interrogation room, Axia didn't believe it, because he thought that Li Chengxiao was the X he wanted to see, but seeing that his dress and expression did not look like an apprentice he had taught with his own hands!

"You're not him!" Asha spoke up decisively!

Li Chengxiao said casually, "Nonsense, you should be glad that I am not him!"

Then Xu Zin walked out from behind Li Chengxiao, and Axia looked at Xu Zinc with a trace of murderous aura in his eyes, and there was more of a wisp of doubt on his face!

Could it be....

Axia glanced at Xu Zin and said sarcastically: "Find a child, you might as well just say that he doesn't dare to see me, why waste time here!"

Li Chengxiao patted Xu Zinc's shoulder and retreated.

Only Asha, who was bound to a chair, and Xu Zin, who was calm and calm, remained in the room!

Xu Zin approached Axia step by step with small short legs, and his action made Li Chengxiao and Director Liu in the next room deeply pinch a cold sweat for him!

You must know that the current Axia is an outlaw who is almost solved on the spot, such a person can do everything, Director Liu originally wanted to go out to stop Xu Zin's behavior, but was stopped by Li Chengxiao.

He told Director Liu that he believed in Xu Zin!

I believe he has his own measure!

Xu Zin stopped at a distance of one meter from Axia and asked mockingly, "I've arrived, spit out what you know!"

Axia looked at Xu Zin in surprise: "You, is it really him?"

Xu Zin said disapprovingly: "It's like a fake package!"

"I don't believe how X could be just a few years old!" I want to see him, and if you find a child to accuse me like this, are you not afraid that I will not tell you the information of those people? Asha's

loud roar in disbelief!

He doesn't believe it, he doesn't believe that X is just a child, he doesn't dare to admit that he is, in fact, what he dare not admit the most is that he is not as good as a child who is a few years old sober!

"Asha, you're enough! If it weren't for the information of those people, do you think I would have come to see you? Do you think you are still the master who makes me praise everywhere?

"You're wrong! My master died along with the twelve hostages as early as Operation 'Gale'! Now you don't deserve it!

Xu Zin roared out the words that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time, he had complained! Hate! But he never regretted recognizing Asha as a master, because Axia at that time was a legend that everyone admired!

And now he no longer deserves to have those who were!

When Axia saw the contempt and resentment in Xu Zin's eyes, he had already confirmed his identity, he looked at the ceiling with empty eyes, how unforgettable those beautiful times were, he didn't know how to cherish them!

For a woman who does not love herself, she ruined her life!

Axia suddenly said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry!

He sighed, and suddenly said some professional terms that only two people could understand....

When Xu Zin wrote down these coordinates in his heart, he turned around and walked towards the door, and when he reached the door, he suddenly stopped.

"Master, precious!"

When the door was closed, Asha shed tears of remorse!

As soon as Xu Zin walked out of the room, Director Liu and Li Chengxiao were waiting for him at the door of the next room!

Xu Zin asked Director Liu for a pen and paper, recorded the coordinates just now, and reported the weapons and numbers of those people described by Ah Xia to Director Liu one by one.

Director Liu still had a trace of doubt in his heart, and he looked at Xu Zin and asked suspiciously, "This is what Axia just explained?" Do you think it's reliable?

Xu Zin looked at Director Liu with firm eyes, "I believe him!"

Director Liu only then relaxed his heart, he saw Xu Zin like this, and suddenly had an illusion.

He felt that the person in front of him was no longer a child of a few years old, but a mature and stable teenager!

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