Xu Luo saw Li Chengxiao's

eyebrows and smile a little speechless, she glanced at Li Chengxiao, and walked to the front, Li Chengxiao saw Xu Luo's somewhat embarrassed behavior, smiled and caught up with her, took Xu Luo's hand, and the two held hands and strolled together in the community, starting the daily consumption of food.

When the two appeared in the small square of the community, the temperament and outstanding appearance of the two instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Xu Luo seemed to inadvertently ask Li Chengxiao: "Why did you come back so early today?" "

According to the time he came back yesterday, today is indeed quite early.

Li Chengxiao saw a bench next to him, and after pulling Xu Luo to sit down, he spoke up, "Leave the children to the nanny for a whole day, I am a little relieved, so I came back early!"

"It's just that I didn't expect you to come back sooner than I did!"

Li Chengxiao didn't say anything about meeting Qiao Pinger downstairs, because he didn't want Xu Luo to feel like a careful man.

He saw that Qiao Pinger was looking at his side before he got into the car in a hurry, but Li Chengxiao still didn't understand why Qiao Pinger would act like that!

Li Chengxiao no longer thought about those irrelevant people and things, but suddenly changed the topic, "What happened to the ready-to-wear you designed?"

Xu Luo was a little surprised that Li Chengxiao would ask her this question, after all, in Li Chengxiao's eyes, these should be small things!

Could it be that he was looking for a topic to talk to himself?

Xu Luo suddenly looked at Li Chengxiao with some amusement, "President Li, is this brainstorming to find a topic?"

Li Chengxiao smiled handsomely, "Teacher Xu is so smart!"

Xu Luo thought that Li Chengxiao would refute something, but he didn't expect him to admit it just like that.

Xu Luo shook his head a little helplessly, "Ready-to-wear, the effect of Ping'er after trying it on is not bad!" Although it has been adjusted later, the final result is in line with my original intention of design!

Li Chengxiao nodded, "This is very similar to your style!"

"Then what do you think of my design style,"

Li Chengxiao blurted out, "The original intention of design is the most important!"

Xu Luo smiled with a stunning expression!

After the two casually chatted about some other topics, they slowly held hands and walked home.

After Xu Luo returned home, the children had already fallen asleep, where else was the alliance activity that Xu Zin said!

She knew that Xu Zin was making excuses at that time, if there was really any activity on the alliance side, he estimated that he would not even go out of the house, and where would he remember this when he was downstairs!

Xu Luo turned off the headlights in each child's room, and then turned on the night lights before turning around and going back to his room.


On Monday, the family woke up early, and the children canceled their morning jogging plans for the day!

Instead, after washing, they sat down at the table in advance and waited for the breakfast that their mother prepared for them.

They can finally go to school, and they don't have to stay home all the time anymore.

Although what they can learn in kindergarten is already dispensable for them, even so, the children are very excited about going to school.

Xu Luo, because this is the first day of work after the 'vacation', so after she sent the children to kindergarten, she went directly to the school to report!

Xu Luo had just finished reporting to the teaching director, and as soon as she left the director's office, she received a call from Professor Zhang.

"Hey! Teacher! "

Xu Luo, come to my office."

Professor Zhang hung up the phone after speaking!

When Professor Zhang received the information from the teaching director that Xu Luo reported, he couldn't wait to call Xu Luo.

As soon as Xu Luo pushed open the president's office, he was urged by Professor Zhang to sit down quickly.

"Fall, sit down! I heard that children can go to school today! The kids are okay!

Xu Luo thought that Professor Zhang would ask her about the Internet first! Unexpectedly, he was the first to ask the children!

"The children are fine, but this time at home is a little boring!"

Professor Zhang said with some embarrassment, "Your master and mother are still waiting to see the children, and she urged me again this morning!" You take a moment to sit at home, she is at home now, nagging me every day, you just take the children to distract her!

"I'm sorry teacher, I was negligent in this matter! I should have visited you and Master earlier! Xu

Luo remembered that Professor Zhang and his mother were childhood sweethearts, and after graduation, the two went abroad together and worked together, but later, Professor Zhang's wife, who retired early due to physical reasons, rarely appeared in school again.

So far, as long as campus love is mentioned in the medical university, the students still envy Professor Zhang and the two the most!

When she saw the happy smile on Professor Zhang's face when she was talking about his master and mother nagging him, she knew how much love the two had!

What Xu Luo didn't expect was that the master mother still remembered her, in the past, Xu Luo, as Professor Zhang's proud protégé, would often go to Professor Zhang's house to rub rice, Professor Zhang's wife usually rarely went out, and over time she liked Xu Luo's child more and more!

This time, when she knew that Xu Luo returned to China, she kept urging Professor Zhang to let him tell Xu Luo to come to sit at home, but Professor Zhang stopped him, he actually knew the identity of Xu Luo's designer when he invited Xu Luo to return to China as a lecturer in the school, in order not to fill in trouble for Xu Luo, so Professor Zhang has been pressing this matter until now!

Until the recent turmoil on the Internet, Professor Zhang's wife couldn't sit still, when the old couple were young, for the sake of medical research work, they always ran around to gather less and leave more.

Later, because they were past the age of having children, they finally did not even have a person to take care of them in their old age.

Xu Luo is the first child that both of them like very much, and they have always had the idea of recognizing Xu Luo as a goddaughter, but later Professor Zhang's wife fell ill, and the old couple was embarrassed to bring up this matter! After all, both of them are older, and when they bring it up at this time, they are afraid to scare Xu Luo!

So this matter has been dragged on until now!

Professor Zhang was afraid that Xu Luo would have a psychological burden, and said with relief, "You can go again when you are free from work!" Don't put too much pressure on yourself!

When he learned about Xu Luo's other job, he also deliberately checked the nature of the work of the fashion designer industry on the Internet, according to the Internet, people in this profession usually need to relax their minds to create designs.

He didn't want Xu Luo to be embarrassed for the sake of the old two.

Xu Luo said with a smile, "Teacher, look at what you said, how can I still be stressed when I go to see my master!" It's just that I'm going to go abroad recently, and when I come back, I'll take the children to the house with me, and you tell my master that the food I make now can be served on the table! You can't rush to cook this time!

Professor Zhang smiled heartily, "Good! After your master and mother found out, they must be happy! "

I wanted to go abroad to eat at his house, and every time I rushed to cook, but I was rejected by the old woman in his family, and I ridiculed Xu Luo that I would let her practice for a few more years, and only let her cook after the next time she could serve the table."

Unexpectedly, Xu Luo actually remembered this sentence.

In the next chat, the two tacitly did not mention the things on the Internet a few days ago, Xu Luo did not want Professor Zhang to worry about the ugliness of his native family!

Professor Zhang didn't mention it because he was afraid that Xu Luo still cared about everything that family had done to her.

Professor Zhang had accidentally learned about Xu Luo's family situation, so he would often take Xu Luo to his house to rub rice, he just simply felt that Xu Luo's child was very simple, and he liked her very much in his heart.

Unexpectedly, when Xu Luo was abroad, he often thought about them and talked to them to care about their physical condition!

He didn't understand such a good child! Why would her family dislike her!

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