Li Chengxiao stared at Xu Luo evilly, "Is there something wrong with me?"

Xu Luo saw that Li Chengxiao had changed into casual clothes at home, and smelled the familiar fragrance on Li Chengxiao's body.

She replied, "You took a shower?"

After Xu Luo asked this sentence, he once again remembered the embarrassing picture from last time!

The crimson on her face instantly extended behind her ears.

When Li Chengxiao saw such a 'beautiful and delicious' Xu Luo, he almost lost his endurance to parry, and even his voice became a little hoarse!

He teased, "Could it be that Teacher Xu came to see me to take a bath?"

Xu Luo quickly explained, "I didn't, I was just a little worried about you, so I came to take a look!"

Li Chengxiao stretched out his arm and wrapped Xu Luo into his arms, his deep eyes looking down at her.

"Fall, can I turn right? Let's get married! Li

Chengxiao's eyes were as bright as the brightest stars in the night sky, and his bright and dazzling eyes looked at Xu Luo expectantly, for fear of missing any of her eyes!

When Xu Luo saw such a Li Chengxiao, he suddenly felt a heat on his face, and his heart jumped uncontrollably.

In fact, she knew in her heart that she had already quietly fallen in love with Li Chengxiao, she was not a procrastinating person emotionally, and to love someone was to act bravely and boldly, not to mention that this person also loved her, and she was still the father of the children, she did not refuse again!

Xu Luo nodded slightly, and before she could speak, her warm lips had already covered...

In the end, until Xu Luo was a little out of breath, Li Chengxiao was willing to let her go!

When Li Chengxiao saw Xu Luo's somewhat red and swollen lips, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up!

After Xu Luo was 'released', when she looked up and saw Li Chengxiao's evil and seductive smile, she was afraid that she would not be able to withstand the temptation of beauty.

Pushed open the door and rushed out!

When Xu Luo left the bedroom, Li Chengxiao turned around and entered the bathroom again!

He couldn't count the first time Xu Luo had fled in front of him, and now he really wanted to see what Xu Luo would have been like if he hadn't escaped?

Now whenever he thought of that situation, his heart was full of joy!

At this time, Xu Luo didn't know at all that after she just responded to her feelings for Li Chengxiao, Li Chengxiao thought about how to stop her next 'deserted escape'!

Xu Luo entered the bathroom on the first floor again, and when she came out again, just like last time, there was still no figure of Li Chengxiao in the living room.

She looked at the time was not too late, in order not to disturb the few people upstairs, she sat directly on the sofa and watched TV!

After a while, when she saw Li Chengxiao again, his hair was wet.

Li Chengxiao sat down next to Xu Luo very casually, as if nothing had happened between the two just now.

Xu Luo asked without thinking, "When you take a bath, didn't you wash your hair?"

This time, Li Chengxiao was a little embarrassed, he suddenly smiled and put his head close to Xu Luo, and whispered: "I went to take a bath again just now!"

Xu Luo looked at Li Chengxiao suspiciously, taking a bath twice a night?


When she found that Li Chengxiao had been looking at herself with a smile, she suddenly realized the other meaning of his words.

She glanced at Li Chengxiao and gave him two words, "Hooligan!"

Li Chengxiao smiled and did not speak again, but wiped his hair a few more times before putting the computer on the coffee table on his curled leg!

Xu Luo knew that Li Chengxiao was going to work, so she planned to go upstairs to save disturbing him.

But as soon as she stood up, she was dragged back by Li Chengxiao!

"It's okay, just some simple video conference from the branch, just a moment!"

Xu Luo suddenly asked in a tricky manner, "Aren't you afraid that I will leak the content of your meeting to others?"

Li Chengxiao looked at Xu Luo intriguingly, Xu Luo thought that Li Chengxiao believed it, and just about to speak, he was kissed her lightly on the lips by Li Chengxiao, and then ridiculed, "It is estimated that no one can spend money to invite you!"

After that, he clicked on the video conference, but his left hand kept holding Xu Luo's hand!

After several struggles, Xu Luo could only let Li Chengxiao lead her like this, because she really couldn't break free!

She didn't know that Li Chengxiao's usually cold person was so clingy!

As soon as Li Chengxiao connected to the video, he said coldly to several people on the computer screen, "A short summary of today's words!" Every

Monday, Li Chengxiao would schedule the summary video conference of the branch until the evening, because it would not delay their normal work! In the evening, they have time to report in more detail.

So as long as it's Monday night, Liyu Group and even the bosses of the branch have no dinner!

Because they are not available.

Moreover, if a branch reports a longer time, they all have to stay up late together! There is not enough rest time, where dare to go to what dinner!

The key is that Li Chengxiao still doesn't stop it? So much so that they all think in their hearts that their president likes to listen to summary reports!

Later, everyone tacitly agreed to make Monday's summary report meticulous and meticulous!

When they first heard the president say that tonight's meeting should be brief, they were all stunned, because they had been preparing for the day and wanted to brush up their presence at this meeting!

Everyone's faces showed a full sense of loss!

"Since you all have opinions, let's do as you prepare!"

Such an extreme sense of gap makes everyone a little unacceptable!

Li Linze, as the vice president of the company, also participated in this meeting, and even he was a little confused this time.

He kept thinking in his heart, what happened to his brother?

After a while, this is not at all like his Li Chengxiao's style!

They knew that Li Chengxiao deliberately said that, just to let Xu Luo stay by his side for a while!

Li Linze finally nodded to everyone, and everyone reported their work according to their original plan.

Xu Luo turned down the volume to watch her TV series!

When she finished watching an episode, she glanced at Li Chengxiao's computer time, he actually had such a long meeting! No wonder her arms are a little numb!

Li Chengxiao felt Xu Luo's movement, let go of Xu Luo's hand and massaged her arm a few times, and then took her hand again.

Xu Luo was really a little speechless for Li Chengxiao's actions!

In addition to the party who was reporting the work, everyone in the computer saw Li Chengxiao's action just now, but they didn't see the person next to them clearly, but they could boldly determine that their president's hand was pinching the arm of the person next to them just now!

It seems to be, massage!

Later, they saw the president, who seemed to be holding people's hands and putting them on the sofa, no wonder they didn't find it at first!

It is worth thinking that their president actually had a girlfriend, but looking at his actions just now, it should not only be as simple as a girlfriend, but like a hostess!

Xu Luo stared at Li Chengxiao after seeing the surprised expressions of everyone on the computer next to him.

She seriously doubted at the moment that Li Chengxiao had done it on purpose just now!

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