The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 993: New Hope in the House of Rebels

"The troubles of the young wizard (

Unlike the previous underground world, this world has no aboriginals, but only the offspring of passers and passers. The home of the rebels is a small city, a small mountain city with a population of less than five hundred, but it is occupied by the strongest. Sixty percent, among them there are more than 30 second-tier powerhouses, and 20 of them are pass-throughs.

"Welcome to the home of the rebels, well, you can also call this the home of the survivors, the last place for survivors to survive." The white-haired leader is a golden dragon bloodline owner and also A Tier 2 powerhouse who has stayed here for more than 300 years, Tier 2 Sky Knight, and a first-level official wizard.

He became a formal wizard here, so the inheritance of the wizard is not complete, and many things are half-hanging. Even so, he still worked very hard to collect more things from more passers-by, and strive to build this place even more. Complete and powerful, it also trains a group of junior formal wizards and formal knights.

"Child, as your predecessors, the older generation of barriers, I need to give you some reminders, this world is shrouded in green terror, the most terrifying thing is not the beasts, not the green dragon Lython, but everywhere. This is the true meaning of being shrouded in green terror. In this world, toxins are everywhere. It is just a matter of strength and weakness. Children, these two bottles of potions can guarantee that you will not be affected by toxins in the next month. It’s me. A meeting gift for you." Adhering to the kindness and justice of Jinlong, every new person has such benefits.

Little Ville and Lilith held this bottle of inferior methods, which could only be regarded as an entry-level medicine for a formal alchemist pharmacist. They looked at each other and felt a little sad.

"I suddenly understood the reason why that **** Green Dragon was willing to trade the tree of life material with me at ten times the price." Ville shook the potion in his hand, and did not thank him, but first spoke to Lilith, which undoubtedly looked very much. It was impolite, but what they were talking about made the old leader's eyes bright.

The tree of life material, this is the top material that alchemists dream of. If there is such a treasure, the toxins in this world are nothing at all.

Little Ville took out a magical ornament containing the leaves of the Tree of Life and handed it to the old leader, "Thanks for your care, this is an elf magical ornament. Please accept it."

The old leader just wanted to get rid of it, but when he saw the bright green light and the faintly visible outline of the leaves above, he couldn't help but move like that. He stared at Ville with piercing eyes. The latter nodded slightly and said with a smile: " The leaves of the tree, a good thing picked by the high priest of the Elven Temple of the Elves."

"I'm interested, this gift is very precious, but the old man is really hard to refuse." The old leader took the jewelry in his hand and stroked it carefully, a little hesitant to say something.

"While Lilith and I have the blood of the Dragon clan, they also have the blood of the Elf clan. My grandmother is the patriarch of the Star Elf tribe. My own learning is very messy. I am also an official alchemist, alchemist, and formation mage. The home of the rebels exists. For thousands of years, I must have accumulated a lot of knowledge, I want to borrow some, don’t know if it’s OK?" Little Weier offered him a step forward.

"I don't want to take advantage of you in vain. Knowledge is priceless, but life is even more precious. I have a strong blood of black dragons. I can use my ability to help you get rid of some toxins that are not deeply integrated in your body. How about this as a reward?" Well's words moved the old leader even more, and he deeply agreed.

"I take the liberty to ask, the real strength level of the two little friends, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the old man will arrange accommodation for the two according to the strength of the two." The old leader found himself busy for a long time, only knowing the name of each other. Others know too little.

"Tier three." Little Weier smiled slightly: "We are both."

"Knight? Wizard?" The old leader asked tentatively.

"The two of us, both are." Little Ville's words really shocked the old leader. "Then your other wizarding professions?"

"Match the strength."

The spirit of the old leader is a bit trance, what kind of evildoer is this, what level of existence does it match with the third-order holy level? Grandmaster, master of alchemy casting, master of alchemy medicine, master of formation, and looking at the medicine in their hands, the old leader's face suddenly turned red.

When meeting for the first time, I should be the first one to send the drug master a crude drug from the official alchemist pharmacist.

I really want to find a hole to get in.

The embarrassment of the old leader disappeared in a sharp alarm, replaced by a thick terror, muttering to himself: "Advance?!"

What in advance?

The invasion of Green Dragon Lythone was advanced for seven days. Generally speaking, isn't it very lazy and regular?

The old leader rushed out for the first time and saw the orderly formation of troops in the small town to evacuate the people. All the people of the first and lower tiers all hid in the safety pit below. The second-tier masters actively prepared for the battle, and at the same time He took out some of the first-order monsters he had caught, tied them up in a prominent place and threw them there.

"Let the two laugh, the green dragon Lethon comes to us every three months to demonstrate raging, demonstrating his position as an absolute hegemon. There is no need to really kill them, but they maintain an absolute deterrent to us. , If there is a chance, some people will be taken, and if there is no chance, they will leave with the tribute." The old leader pointed to the moaning beasts, and said very helplessly: "The weak will be beaten, the weak and the strong have been like this since ancient times. ."

The green dragon Lython is still far from here. Only a silhouette is shown in the sky. The House of Rebels is already busy, but all passive defensive arrangements. There is almost nothing to counterattack. If there is any, it is ten. A few sky fighters who are preparing to fight, the method is probably vindictive.

"Maybe I can help a little bit, after all, in addition to those mentioned before, I am still a construct wizard." Ville felt that he couldn't watch it. At this time, it is necessary to show his existence.

"Do you have a construction wizard? Does the little friend have the means of long-range attacks? The green dragon Lythone is not a dragon who likes close combat, although it is also very strong in close combat." The old leader's eyes were full of expectation.

"Huh~huh~" The two magic crystal cannons were thrown out, and the old leader's face was shocked, and his words were a little unclear: "This, this is..."

"As you can see, the magic crystal cannon is only, but the quality of these two magic crystal cannons is relatively average, and it is difficult to fire continuously. You need to take a break before you can continue to use it, otherwise it is easy to be scrapped." For Weier, it has little effect and consumes a lot of power. However, in this forbidden air (forbidden to lift into the air with witchcraft vindictive energy), Weier cannot fly freely, and the transformation puppet has a slower speed, and his long-range attack against the air The means are slightly insufficient, and this thing has actually become useful.

It's not that Ville, the magic crystal gun, can't be improved, but he hasn't taken the time to give it and Julian has better ones, but the price is too high.

What's more, this thing consumes a lot of magic stones, and the method of use is rigid and inflexible. In addition to its considerable power, its deterrent effect is far greater than its actual effect.

"Magic crystal cannon, good, yes, the magic crystal cannon consumes a lot of magic stones. I have magic stones here, which is definitely enough to defeat the green dragon Lythone." The old leader rubbed the cold body of the magic crystal cannon. , Suddenly thought of something, and then threw a small group of magic stones.

Little Will put the magic stone away and said cautiously: "The green dragon is a very alert and cunning dragon. At this time, it is better to hide it and not be found by it. The leader will arrange defense and resistance as usual. We will See the opportunity to give it a shot."

"Okay, look at the opportunity to give it a shot. I like this sentence, hahahaha, after being bullied by Lesotho for so long, it's time to teach him a little lesson." The old leader left with a big laugh, but found feeling. Luo helped Xiao Wei and Lili Ribbon Road, and asked Jue Luo to listen to Wei Wei's instructions and not to show off.

"They will be the hope of the home of our rebels." The old leader's words made Jueluo a little surprised, scratching his head and turning around and ran to Ville's side. He really didn't understand. These two looked much smaller than himself. Why can young girls make the old leader so important?

Are they really good?

However, there is no weak person who can break through this level. I think Luo still recognizes this. After all, he also came here, didn't he?

Ville and Lilith put away their sunglasses and cannons, as much as possible to reduce their breath, to prevent the green dragon from feeling dangerous in advance, only then, under the leadership of Jueluo, carefully observed the terrain of the small town of the Rebel House, looking for the best Location of the attack.

There is only one chance, and they should not be careless.

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