The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1005: Bronze Dragon Game

In order to clear the customs and to leave this terrifying world, Adele has been observing the three-headed dragon's every move for ten years, even sneaking into their lair several times, trying again and again, and then looking for opportunities to sneak attack and plot. When it comes to the flesh and blood of the bronze dragon and the sea king dragon, the last thing is the part of the Frost White Dragon that she is least willing to face, but is most concerned about.

The switch for entering and exiting Storm Drifting Island is Frost Dragon's Breath. It is not the first time Adele has entered here, but because of the cautiousness of the white dragon Absolun, each time she goes out is very short, she sneaks in again and again but leaves hastily. It took twenty years to infer Bailong’s route and habits after returning home based on clues.

The newcomer on that refuge island was more useful than he thought. They dragged the white dragon for three days and three nights, and even forced the white dragon into a bitter battle. Adele saw them tear off the white dragon’s flesh and blood. It's just that it doesn't belong to me. If you want to pass the level and get a higher evaluation, you need to do it yourself. His strength is limited, but he has extraordinary wisdom.

Adele knew that he would have enough time this time, but still carefully avoided the warning magic circle arranged by the white dragon according to the plan, and came to the huge courtyard where the white dragon lived, throwing out a piece of witchcraft in his hand, half of which It was a master-level witchcraft purchased from Lilith, and the effect was much stronger than the rough things he had before.

Infiltrating, bypassing the warning, choosing the venue, setting up traps, and cleaning up the traces, at last Adele retreated, and walked away to clean up the traces left by herself. In the end, she didn't want to fall short because of her carelessness. There is only one chance, and the same means cannot have two chances for these cunning dragons.

Summoning clouds and mists to wrap herself up carefully, Adele left the island of the storm and went straight to the sea. The sky above the clouds was clear, and there was a trace of joy on the face of the white dragon that Adele transformed into. Have you watched this clear sky well? Even if she has enough strength to barely protect herself, in order not to cause the dragon's backlash and vigilance, she would rather hide under the sea floor than appreciate the clear sky she likes.

   In this space, the clear sky is exclusive to the bronze dragon Kromi and the white dragon Absolun. Even the Neptune Dragon can only blow and listen to thunder under the clouds.

   Suddenly a thunder blasted in his ears, and Adele felt a sharp pain on his wings, and a tingling sensation filled his whole body.

   I was attacked sneakily, and it was still attacked by lightning? !

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and there are hunters behind the oriole. When the white dragon Abu Solon stormed the refuge island, Adele took the opportunity to sneak into the island of the storm. When she left happily, the bronze dragon gave She came.

"Little bug, you are finally willing to come out. Is the lair of idiot Absolun beautiful? The lair of the white dragon fits your habit." A cold voice came from high above, and the fog was scattered by lightning, bronze dragon Ke Romi's figure appeared in front of Adele.


Because I paid too much attention to this action and the reaction of the white dragon Absolun, Adele ignored the bronze dragon Kromi. In her calculations, the current bronze dragon Kromi should be asleep. Why is it Will suddenly appear here?

   Has it been staring at itself?

Do not! I don't deserve it to care so much, even if I sneak attacked it, there is still a big gap in the strength of the two sides. The bronze dragon Kromi is not concerned about himself, but the white dragon Abu Solen.

   I have used it for decades to get a clear understanding of Bailong's work, rest and some of his preferences. As a partner for thousands of years, would the bronze dragon Cromi not understand Bailong Abu Solun?

   It stared at the other side's lair when Bai Long was out, and his intentions were absolutely bad. However, by accident, he discovered himself who also had an attempt at Bai Long.

The saying that the enemy’s enemy is a friend does not apply to Adele and the bronze dragon Kromi. There is also animosity between them. This time it is no longer the bronze dragon Kromi who was attacked, but the weaker Ah. Del.

It seems to be playing with Adele. The bronze dragon Cromi did not severely inflict Adele, but only reduced her flying speed. Just staring at her a few hundred meters away, an ugly dragon face was full of mockery. The evil smile.

"Little bug, run away hard and please me with your embarrassment and misery!" The bronze dragon Chromie struck down with a flash of lightning. Adele dodged in embarrassment, but still got his tail injured. The bronze dragon Chromie even got hurt. Even her reaction has been calculated. The difference in strength between the two sides is really huge. If Adele is in his heyday, she may be able to barely support it. Now she can only flee in embarrassment.

   "The clouds and mist are coming~" Adele didn't dare to let himself be completely exposed to the enemy's sight.

"Crack~" "Rumble~" Lightning followed, and the clouds and mist were scattered forcibly. What the enemy wants to do must be blocked by himself and blocked by the clouds. How can I appreciate the enemy's embarrassment and misery? It conforms to the violent aesthetics of the bronze dragon Cromi.

   "The clouds and mist are coming~" "The clouds and mist are coming~" "The clouds and mist are coming~"

It seems that compared to being struck by lightning again and again, Adele is more concerned about whether he can hide from the enemy and see him embarrassed. Compared with killing the enemy directly, the bronze dragon Chromie prefers to see the enemy embarrassed. Like, tearing apart Adele's fig leaf again and again, watching her trembling in the Flash, the whole dragon was excited.

   Until, "Kacha~", after the lightning, the cloud and mist were torn apart, and then no white dragon's shadow was seen.

"Oh oh oh oh, after coming out, has it finally changed? That inferior cloud caused me to vomit, let me guess, you are hiding in that cloud." A look of excitement appeared on the bronze dragon Kromi's face, and his huge claws moved forward: "This!"

"Kacha~" The clouds and mist were torn apart during the birth, but there was nothing inside. The bronze dragon Kromi was not disappointed, but let out a roar of excitement: "Oh, oh, see if our clever little white dragon girl can do it," The use of breath interfered with the judgment of the great Lord Kromi, and it became more and more interesting."

   "Well, this one!"

   "Hmm, still no, hey, the fastest one? Ahhhhhhhh, is it still wrong? So..."

The figure of the bronze dragon Kromi suddenly swooped, and his huge claws were smashed. A small figure appeared in its claws, and his face showed excitement and yelled: "Look and see, check out Kromi in the Q&A. What did the lord catch? A little female dragon with broken wings, hahahaha, is so interesting. But..."

"Crack" with a crisp The small figure is torn apart, and it is an ice mirror. "Is the white dragon's mirror image clone? This kind of little method without the slightest lethality is really good for escape. unfortunately..."

"Roar~" The bronze dragon Kromi suddenly opened his mouth, and a powerful airflow suddenly erupted with countless lightning. The clouds and mists hundreds of meters in front of him instantly disappeared, and two white girls appeared in its sight. He was hit by lightning and torn apart.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, where is your true body Lord Chromie caught you."

A flash of lightning went upstream, followed by a screaming scream. Adele, who tried to fly upwards, fell straight down like a bird with folded wings. Compared with the real dragon, her strength was far worse. But when the small tricks were seen through, she suffered another heavy blow, who lacked defense in order to sneak.

   "The game is over, let me have a taste of what the white dragon is." The sharp claws danced horizontally, breaking up the ice crystals that Adele released hastily, and straightly grabbed her body.

Suddenly a strong sense of crisis hit, the bronze dragon Kromi's movements paused slightly, his huge body dodged abruptly, his wings flapped quickly, a golden figure passed by it, and the dragon scales shattered and blood spilled into the sky. The blond girl with a spear soared into the sky and came to Adele's side in an instant.

   "Outsider?" Adele looked at the blond girl in front of him, and finally fainted unsupported.

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