The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1009: My task is to help you play a small 3?

"How could it be so powerful? It must be a coincidence. Well, it is definitely a coincidence." Adele's words were a little incoherent. She couldn't believe that things would happen to such a degree that luck could have such a powerful effect. This kind of worldview collapsed.

Looking at Adele trying to persuade herself, Lilith shook her head slightly and said, “I think it’s a coincidence, now I can tell you the answer, because my fiancé Will is such a lucky son, and he also With Golden Dragon’s blessing, his luck has expanded again during this period of time, and various benefits continue to flow in.

"And all I need to do is to cut his peach blossom" Lilith's words are categorical, but Adele has the urge to hit the wall with his head.

"Hehe, doesn't it feel incredible?" Lilith squinted Adele and said, "Don't you realize that you actually care too much about Will. You should know that your meeting time is so short."

"I was just frightened by his abilities and methods. I don't have any other ideas at all." Adele raised his hand and said that his eyelids were not so shallow and he was not so hungry for men.

"This is only the first time you meet. Your relationship with him has changed from a stranger to an acquaintance, and it is a very natural person who can get close. If you are given ten and a half months to get along day and night, you can make sure that you are not right with him. Do you want to know that he is a third-level wizard with all three attributes of shadow, earth, and ocean." Lilith's words shocked Adele. The level of evil of that young man seemed to be beyond his imagination, and he was stunned. How do you feel that you are moving now.

"Take you away, on the one hand, because your talents are really good, and you can do a lot of things for me, such as preventing the half-dragon girl from approaching Vail, letting her put her whole heart on Dragon Island, and don't have other messy thoughts. Although Weier is not in Long Island, it doesn't mean that his peach blossom luck can't affect Long Island. There are people around Yami who blow her air from time to time to ask her to get closer to Weier. "For Yami's parents, Lilith is really speechless. Is it really fun to let my daughter be a concubine?

"On the other hand, you and Andrea are the only people who are qualified to be close to Vale in the entire sixth level. It is slightly dangerous for me to keep you by Vale." Lilith's words left Adele speechless.

"But you still left Andrea, and you gave her very high authority." Adele had just finished speaking and suddenly reacted.

"High authority means great power. With great power, there will be a lot of things. This way, there is no time to get close to your fiancé. Moreover, you seem to accept her as a disciple. If there is a difference in generations, let them I instinctively produced a sense of distance during the contact process. You are amazing.” Adele had to convince Lilith, because the Sea Dragon King’s escape and hiding cannot be escaped, and Lilith can only take away one person. Considering so much, can I do it by myself?

"It's really hard for you. You need to guard against the red apricots inside and outside the door, aren't you tired?" Adele found that the girl opposite to a large extent has similarities with herself. Especially many.

"Hehe, it's better than when more people enter the door, it's better to be uncomfortable." Lilith stretched out and said, "This is one of the reasons why I want to take you out. You are also a smart person. Long Island, Yamei is left to you. I only need to control the overall situation. You control the details. That is the most tiring."

"The last question, since your fiancé is the son of luck, why would he be escaped by the Sea Dragon King? In this way, wouldn't he be inseparable from this world for a while? Something goes wrong." Adele looked at Lilith with piercing eyes.

Lilith waved her hand and said, "This is actually the real good luck, because the benefits he gets by staying in this world far exceed those of leaving now."

Then Lilith told her about the particularity of this space, and the plan of the three-headed **** dragon, and finally made a summary: "This world is a rare treasure for the third-order Consummation master. You can encounter such a place after Consummation. Space is definitely Weier’s luckiest thing. There are still many gaps between the third-order perfection and the demigod. There are also high and low points between perfection and perfection. The sea, storms, thunder and lightning and even the laws of space are very active in this world. It’s a great place to lay a solid foundation."

"Weir himself is actually a little hesitant about whether to stay. He doesn't know if it is a good thing for him to participate in the selection of the half-dragon leader. He has been in a state of hesitation. The flame red dragon, blue dragon, black dragon, white dragon, green The dragon was trying to prevent him from leaving, which made him feel rebellious and wanted to leave, but there was another voice in the dark that did not want him to leave. That's why he hesitated so much, and the sea dragon king's escape was hidden. It directly led to the lack of quota for leaving. Your quota is fixed, and the remaining quota can only be generated between us.

"And he, he chose to give me the place." Lilith showed a faint smile on her face. "Don't think this is a bad thing. My attributes are actually not suitable in this world. He gave me the place, in fact, it is already in disguise. He gave me the right to decide on all matters outside. After I go out, I can represent him with full authority. After all, I am his decent fiancée."

Insert a sentence, I’m using the book a recently, ahuanyuanhenqi, the source of the artifact. There are many sources of books, all the books, and the update is fast.

"Then, after I go out, my task is to help you fight a junior." Adele suddenly felt so sad that he could only do this kind of thing.

"No, your task is to assist Yami to become the true leader of the half-dragons, command the entire half-dragons, and lead the half-dragons to prosperity. This requires a lot of sweat and effort, and it must not delay Yami's cultivation. Her time will become extremely precious, and helping her to plan her schedule and time will also become one of your daily tasks." Lilith said so much, Adele only saw one point in the end.

Try to keep Yamei busy as much as possible, until there is no time to grab her fiance.

Adele seems to have seen the hardships and sorrows of his future life. Although he may be in power, he will never get leisure. This may be what he wants, and it is an arrangement that fits his own personality. If you let yourself choose, you will also Do it, even wishing to do it.

But I don't know why, after being arranged like this by this girl, she was a little bit unwilling.

Adele suddenly thought that Lilith had said before that in this space, only herself and Andrea were threatening her. She accepted Andrea as a student and forcibly reversed her relationship with their young couple. This method was only I'm afraid she has used it before. Then she took her away, but sent herself into the hands of another rival in love, and asked herself to tear her off.

Borrowing a knife to kill people, drive tigers and devour wolves, this girl has a clever calculation, and solved the two rivals in one fell swoop.

Wait, when did I regard myself as the love rival of Saint Lilith, I don’t have such crooked thoughts towards that young man, okay? After all, it’s the first time I met today, even if he is really a little handsome, which suits me. His aesthetics, even if he is strong and capable, and fits his own view of choosing a spouse, even if he

Wait, I can’t count anymore, how come the more you think about it, the more I feel that the young man satisfies all his fantasies about his future husband-in-law.

In addition to being improper

Adele shook his head, put this weird idea behind, and began to think about what he should bring with him this trip.

Although Lilith is her own boss, she doesn't have a little wealth, she always feels unreliable, strength belongs to strength, isn't Longdao still talking about wealth more often?

But in addition to wealth and strength, it seems that spouses are also the focus of their attention. Well, why do I always think in this regard today that this is completely different from myself? Is it really affected by that young man’s **** luck and Golden Dragon’s blessing?

Dragon God is on, I don’t want to be stared at by a woman like Lilith every day, so please be merciful and forgive me.

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