The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1027: Incorporating Landis

"I'm very curious." Flying freely in the sky, although invisible, it was still very enjoyable, and Lantis looked at the young man not far away with beautiful eyes.

Really young. Compared with the dragon clan who has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, this little guy in his early thirties is really really young. It can even be described as immature, but his means, abilities, and wisdom may not necessarily be Below oneself, even higher than oneself.

   Planning for a thousand years, and at the same time, with the help of the destiny dzi and the key of space, he can get a little better in the previous level, forcing this little guy to bow his head, but in the end, is it really his own victory? It might not be true, Landis always felt that this little guy actually had a better way to save himself, but he hadn't come up with it for a long time.

The disaster of the swordsman hanging over his head was lifted, and Lantis indulged fiercely and vented fiercely in the ghost place where he had been imprisoned for thousands of years, without thinking too much, but a new level began. After that, Landis' IQ reoccupied the brain and began to think about many questions.

"A problem." Ville cast his gaze downwards, while constantly adjusting the magic weapon map in his hand. This is a map that can record information and an auxiliary magic weapon. Based on Leo's map, he made a lot of fine-tuning. .

   "Three questions." Landis habitually bargained.

   "What do you have to change?" Little Weier is not a person who likes to lose money.

   "Aren't we partners? Break through the barriers together, and face the powerful enemy partners together. You actually talked to me about money?" An incredible expression appeared on Landis's face.

"Actually, I am also very contradictory. Talking about money really hurts feelings, but talking about feelings hurts money, but I just thought about it carefully, do we have feelings between us?” Ville gave Landis a slanted look, and finally cruelly Nodded fiercely and said: "I thought about it, thought about it, and finally came to a conclusion: No. So let's talk about money, after all, we really can't find a topic when we talk about feelings."

Landis couldn't help but got a black line, but she thought about it carefully and found that she and this kid really didn't have any feelings. This partnership was actually robbed by threats and coercion, and it was very difficult for him to cooperate peacefully with her. At least he didn't regard himself as an enemy.

  What is the relationship between himself and him?


   This is my own thought. If you look at it from his standpoint, the word thug is the most appropriate to describe.

If it weren't for himself, this kid should have left the road to Dragon Island by now. Although he will definitely break through the seventh level, he will definitely not be at this time. It seems that this kid still has a good appearance outside. There are territories under his men?  Because of his own relationship, he is isolated from the world?   Not treating myself as an enemy is enough to show the magnanimity of this kid.

  No, it’s not appropriate to use generosity to describe it. The superior cares more about the benefits?  This kid is just a last resort to cooperate with himself, but he has to do it.

   "Am I not pretty?" Landis cast a wink at him.

   Xiaoweier replied very naturally: "Pretty?   Although not as good as my fiancée, and a little bit behind my sister, but still eye-catching."

  Landis couldn't help but get a black line?  But I still only listened to the first two words selectively?  As for the contrast right behind, I didn't hear it.

   "Give you a chance to pursue me." Landis threw a temptation directly?   also showed the look of cheap you.

   "Thank you?  When will I catch up?" Ville waved lazily, and Landis stared at him?   But Ville didn't have any more words.

   "What about below?"


   "Oh, it turns out that someone like you, cut it!" Lantis glared at Little Weir fiercely. This kid really doesn't make money, but he's really really curious.

   "I am a person who eats soft and hard, but I don't like to suffer losses." Xiaoweier's words made Landis a little speechless. If he doesn't like losses, he called eating soft and hard. Could it be that you are eating the benefits of soft and hard?

Landis is more or less interested in this boy and the girls before. Although the white dragon Abu Soren and the bronze dragon Kromi are not as good as him, they are definitely the third-order perfect dragon, and they are so easily caught by them. Beheaded? It seems that she couldn't do it so easily. She had been staring at this young man for three years before, and she knew that he had practiced a thunder technique. This was the secret of his ability to resist the lightning dragon breath of the bronze dragon Kromi. .

  Besides, before he killed the white dragon Absolun, he first consumed Absolun's power, and then used a kind of marvelous flame power to restrain Absolun's ice power, all of which were targeted killings.

  If he is an enemy, how will he deal with himself?

   Thinking of that young man's magic swordsmanship, Lantis suddenly appeared in his mind the golden dragon Lolita's previous reminder, can this young man use that so-called magic swordsmanship to enter the demigod level?

   If this is really the case, then the result of his stubborn resistance is really likely to be killed by the swordsman.

"One question for another question." Lantis shook his head and threw the **** out of the question, then raised his fingers and got the first question: "I'm curious, you get the blood and corpses of those **** demons. Where did it go."

   Xiaoweile gave her a slanted look: "This question is really idiot. If it is taken away, it will naturally be placed in another space."

"Hehe, other spaces? This term is very good, I am very curious, what kind of space do you call other spaces? I don't think you will send these blood and corpses full of **** magic to the previous world, after all That’s how you finally purified the magic of **** and moved on to the right world.” Lantis licked his lips and said with a grin: “In fact, what I’m most curious about is, what exactly did you use to purify those **** magic. "

   The magic of **** is not that it cannot be purified, but it is very difficult. This is the ability of a god-level master, and the secret of this young man is at least god-level.

   and carrying the secret of the **** level, can the test of the demi **** level on the road to the dragon be difficult for him?

   Thinking of this, Landis couldn't help being more excited. The stronger the boy, the greater his hope of escape. At present, they are grasshoppers on a rope.

   "Do you really want to know?" Ville looked at Landis with a slightly weird look, "Know that this is the big secret of my territory. Unless you join my territory, otherwise..."

   "Do you want to sign a contract?" Lantis rolled a cute little eye and said disdainfully: "It's nothing to join the territory, and it's not that you can't leave. Only the contract is the safest insurance."

Haha, this is really bad. Weier once asked Xiaowei tentatively. The contract’s binding ability is indeed very strong, but it is not inevitable. The wisdom gods can do it, but the merits that need to be paid will be compared. That's more.

   And the reason why Lantis believes in the contract is also very simple. Without the strength of the seventh order, the contract constraint ability cannot be broken. This medium-sized world does not have the strength of the sixth order.

A contract is easy to sign, but the conditions are relatively more stringent. After clearing the road to the dragon, Lantis needs to join the Sunshinelands and become one of them. There is no betrayal within 50 years, and the benefits should be proportional to the effort. , The conditions seem rigorous but everything seems very reasonable.

   Insert a sentence, [ Change the source artifact ] Really good, it is worth installing one, after all, you can cache and read books and read them offline!

   Landis is very satisfied and can know some secrets for free.

   Xiaoweier is also very satisfied, because the contract takes effect immediately after signing, which means that taking her through the road to the dragon is also included in the benefits. What do you use to repay this kindness? Neptune Dragon, Neptune Dragon, you will be obedient to be a cow and horse for the young master for the rest of your life and work hard.

   fifty years?

   Hehe, the life-saving grace cannot be repaid even for five hundred years.

   You said it was exchanged for the key of space?

   Haha, after signing the contract, all transactions before that are not counted. This is clearly written in the contract.

"Magic spirit, under the elven island is buried a **** demon leader, a half-step seventh-order existence, the birthplace of the magic spirit derived from his whole body magic and the power of the tree of life, which can continuously give birth to the magic spirit. Spirit, after breaking the magical spirit, you can harvest the crystallization of inheritance."

Little Weir smiled and said: "Although the **** magic power of the **** leader is powerful, it is ultimately just water without roots and trees without roots. As time goes by, there will always be a day of light, so I used some small methods to increase more Infuse the magic of **** to delay this time. Turn the magic of **** into a crystallization of inheritance, from damage to treasure, and it is also a top treasure. This is the destination of the **** magic I extracted."

"Besides here, I also have Hell that have signed a contract to create a small-scale magical place for them. Although it is only incidental, it is still very effective, isn't it? "

   "Magic spirit? Inheritance crystal? Is there any Neptune Dragon?"

   "Even if it is there, it will not help you very much. The inheritance crystal level produced in that place is relatively low, and it is not very helpful to the third-order Consummation. Why? Want? Then get something equivalent."

"Boy, don't underestimate me. How do you say this is the strongest man in the last thousand years of the world, the ruler of the sea, and the real good things are not yet in the turn of Absolun and Kromi, let alone those who break through. Now, the Crystal Palace was built by this one. There are floating islands in the sky. Do you think there are no treasures in the sea?"

   "Heart of the sea, why don't you know about it?" Lantis took out an azure gem the size of a baby's fist, which was beautiful and radiant.

   "Deal!" Little Wil's heart moved, this thing really helped him a lot.

   "Hehe, do you think I'm stupid? I will exchange this kind of good stuff for inheritance." Lantis curled his lips, this kid is really treacherous.

   "Two inheritance crystals."

   "Although it is dark now, it is still early to dream."

   "Three inheritance crystals."

   "Don't say three, even five is not enough."

   "Ten inheritance crystals, if you want it, you can pull it down."


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