The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1038: Goblin insurrection, Garry Island Rebellion

Wicks looked at the stern Destiny Dzi in his hand wrapped in blood-red light. The last golden light on it had been completely covered up, with a hideous look on his face, "Sure enough, the stronger the existence wants to predict and pay. The greater the cost, the greater the consumption."

Coming out of the crystal bottle, Wicks looked at the Destiny Dzi Bead in his hand, and paused for a moment when he reached out and put it back, and finally took the Destiny Dzi Bead into his arms. For two days, he used it intermittently. The Destiny Dzi Bead more than a dozen times, first observe a certain goblin under him, and after he encounters misfortune in the goblin airship, he observes a certain chess piece in the sea king dragon.

Wicks did not directly observe the crystal dragon. The difference between a demigod master and a third-order holy master is still very large. If you accidentally get drained and become a corpse, this situation has been hanging from the beams of the past dynasties. One or two can be seen in the controllers, most of them were killed by the vitality drawn by the Destiny Dzi Beads.

   At the last moment of the Destiny Dzi Bead, after the Neptune Dragon returned to the island in the early stage of the third-order, Wicks could not help but look at the fate of the third-order Complete Neptune Dragon, and then saw the scene of her fighting the crystal dragon.

"It turns out that Tier 4 is not so far away from Tier 3, so you are not invincible!" Wicks muttered to himself as if to cheer himself up. After all, the crystal dragon is invincible in the eyes of Gary Island and the goblin clan. Great master, when a slogan has been chanted for hundreds of years, even a false one will become true.

  Ambition, most of the goblin clan have, but the courage to fight the crystal dragon is not owned by all goblins.

Wicks saw that the crystal dragon in human form was actually crushed and beaten by the blue-haired beauty. Finally, he had to incarnate into the crystal dragon and engage in the most primitive physical combat with the blue-haired beauty. At this time, the fierce collision between the crystal dragons took the upper hand, and at the same time, Wicks saw the scars on the abdomen of the crystal dragon that had not healed for hundreds of years.

The trump card in his hand possesses all the combat power possessed by the current crystal dragon. In other words, the crystal dragon is at the same level as himself. Wicks can’t help but feel refreshed. After a bottle of potion is poured, Wicks has been In hiding his strength, in addition to the sky knight, he is also an alchemist and apothecary, and he is only one step away from the master.

   The perfect combination of night elves and goblin bloodlines makes Wicks superior to the ordinary goblin clan in all aspects. He is the night elves in goblin skin.

   The time has come, and the dawn of the goblin clan is about to bloom on Gary Island. Wicks knows that it is time for him to take action. The opportunity is fleeting and he does not allow him to hesitate. Fate is not static.

   "Boom rumbling~" in the loud noise?  The earth was trembling slightly, and the earth cracked with a sound of "Boom!" A huge blue movement rose from the ground to the sky, making a loud and cheerful roar?  There was chaos under the crystal mountain.

"what happened?!"

  "The enemy invaded?  It is the Neptune Dragon!"

   "Everyone hides as soon as possible, the enemy is Neptune Dragon!"

   "The forced Neptune Dragon led away Lord Crystal Dragon and attacked Gary Island. Everyone expelled the enemy!"

   "Hurry up and start the defensive formation, where are the goblin chariot troops?"

   "Goblin's Marines are dispatched?  Don't panic everyone!"

   "Hey~~, the Neptune Dragon did not attack?   Wait?  What's the situation?"

   "Hurry up and hide everyone?  The goblin clan has rebelled!"

Kobolds, gray dwarves, and night elves are in a mess, and the 20,000 goblin tribe’s army?  Thousands of densely packed steel puppets and biological puppets outside the chariots are dispatched together?   The whole group is surrounded by groups, and the sea king dragon in the sky makes a familiar sound. "Surrender, under the arrangement of fate?  Master Crystal Dragon was beheaded by the Sea King Dragon?  This world will eventually become the property of the goblin clan."

   Adriana looked up at the Neptune Dragon in the sky?   There was a horror on her face, but she immediately recovered her calm, "Wicks, is that you?"

"Adriana, the dark age of the crystal dragon rule is coming to an end. The glorious era belonging to the goblin clan is about to come. I will give you a chance to become the princess of the goblin clan, surrender to me, and the night elves will become the noblest outside the goblins. Race." Wicks looked at the night elf below, his face full of enthusiasm.

A faint anger appeared on the face of the night elf beauty Adriana, "Wicks, don’t you want us to surrender with the blood of the night elf flowing in your body, you are just a lowly half-elf and half-goblin, great Your Royal Highness Crystal Dragon is invincible, don't you really think that you can do whatever you want with a sea king dragon creature puppet?"

Wicks was furious when he heard that, and the huge claws were very hard to grasp. The night elf beauty dodged a hundred meters away through the shadow in an instant. The claws of the crystal dragon fell heavily on the ground, and the house collapsed and rubble flew. The other goblins, gray dwarves, and kobolds in the surrounding area suffered one after another.

   Sure enough, you can't get too close to watch the excitement, or hold your thighs too close, otherwise you will be hit by the pond fish.

The Crystal Dragon is not there. The strongest person on the entire island of Gary is Adriana, the night elf leader, and the core members of the kobolds and gray dwarves who can live in this core area are more aware of Adriana’s strength. But I didn't expect the enemy to be so powerful. You must know that in addition to the envy and hatred of the goblin clan, there is also a trace of contempt in their hearts.

   "Boom!" The giant tail of the Neptune Dragon swept across, and it was turned into ruins within a hundred meters, and the screams were endless, and the kobolds, gray dwarfs and even the affected goblin clan members were wailing and torn apart.

Adriana's figure appeared hundreds of meters away, her figure kept shaking and quickly fled to the distance, Wicks, sitting in the crystal bottle on the back of the Neptune Dragon, showed a grim smile at the corner of his mouth: "Adriana, You can't escape!"

The wings of the Neptune Dragon, strengthened by steel, swung abruptly, slowly lifted into the air in the gust of wind, and then a stream of air from the tail burst out suddenly, and the Neptune dragon rushed towards Adriana like an arrow from the string, and the ground crashed wherever it passed. The house collapsed, leaving a deep scar, a scar on the city.

Adriana seemed to feel the strong crisis behind her. She shook her body and rose to the sky in an instant, and then a violent wind passed under her feet, causing the second-order night elf to be almost caught in it, but she staggered in the air because of this. Rolled a few times, and finally staggered to the ground.

   There was a deep crack in the front, and the huge figure of the Neptune Dragon appeared hundreds of meters in front, but it looked quite embarrassed and still plunged headlong into the ruins.

  Wicks is very strange to the manipulation of this puppet? How could this biological puppet be so powerful? Could it be...

   When will you wait if you don’t leave at this time? Adriana is not an idiot, she disappeared without a trace in a cloak of invisibility.

The dizzy Wicks shook his head, manipulating the body of the Neptune Dragon to crawl out of the ruins, but his habit of using human form on dragon-shaped puppets was more or less unaccustomed, and he had very little physical body in order to keep a low profile. Flying is not proficient in flying combat ~ ~ let alone controlling the fourth-order dragon in air combat.


However, apart from air combat, he is also unfamiliar with the operation of sea king dragon combat on land and sea. Wicks found himself overly optimistic. If it weren't for the **** night elf woman who refused to obey, she angered herself and made herself discover her own weakness. , Rushing to fight with the fourth-order crystal dragon, he estimated that he would die miserably.

Use unfamiliar power to crush the second-order night elves, Adriana, but facing the fourth-order crystal dragon, any weakness and mistakes are fatal. You must become familiar with the feeling of controlling the sea king dragon as soon as possible. Time is running out. Up.

   "Boom~" "Wow~"

The other two Tier 3 Sea King dragon puppets flew out from the ground, and more goblin warriors and even miners wielded weapons and rushed into the gathering area of ​​gray dwarves, kobolds, and night elves. Now it’s time for the goblin clan to relax. , This is the promise of the great Wicks chief, what he grabs is his own money, treasures, and women!

"Start scanning, look for Adriana, the characteristics have been entered!" Wicks controlled the Neptune Dragon ascending into the sky, a pair of huge eyes shot deep light downward, carrying goblin chariots in remote corners that he hadn't noticed. The night elves came to the beach, and quickly started a wooden boat to set sail.

Adriana, who was driving the wooden boat, cast her eyes on Crystal Mountain, with a complex expression on her face: "I hope you can escape, my shadow, thank you, my family. As long as I'm still here, the night elves will not perish! "

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