The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1059: Warcraft riots, planted and blamed

To say that there is a lot of research in this world. In addition to food, it is space magic. Needless to say, all kinds of space storage magic appliances. The rigid standard of the Samsung Foundry is to be able to create space treasures, a regular one star. The content of the foundry's learning has this part of knowledge, which makes Xiao Weier feel a little incredible.

   Space Teleportation Magic Array has one in almost every big city. As the king’s capital, even every association headquarters has its own teleportation array. Although the distance of teleportation is not that long, it is only a thousand miles at most, but it is the most convenient and quick way to travel.

Space expansion technology here is a must-have ability for a three-star caster. The teleportation magic circle must be proficient in a five-star magician, otherwise it will not be recognized, no matter what kind of magician you are, elemental magician, summoning magician, or refining magic Masters, shaping magicians, phantom magicians, and alchemists are all included in this list.

   It was a bit puzzled at first, but later Xiaowei quickly understood that the so-called patron saint of this world has never given up the idea of ​​escape, and space magic is their research direction. It's just that under their deliberate guidance, these space magics are more inclined to assist than direct lethality, and have more breadth and application, rather than the depth and essence of basic theoretical knowledge.

According to Ville’s investigation, the destruction of the goblin clan was not just a rebellion against the four patron saints, but also that their research was reversed, and more and more biased, even leading more people to bias. the trend of.

As a person who has destroyed and eliminated the goblin forces several times, Ville is very clear about goblin habits. He easily found several hidden goblin laboratories and gained a lot of knowledge, many of which were formed by this space. At the beginning, the knowledge released by the four semi-god powerhouses is now developing very fast, but in terms of depth and comprehensiveness, it is not as good as before, and most of these things have fallen into the hands of Xiaowei.

Order needs to be maintained. The original intention of the four patron saints is to use the power of everyone to find a way out. They are more inclined to summoning and space teleportation, but they are always deviated over time, and they need to stand at this time. Come out to make corrections, and there are many ways to make corrections.

The method of the lava demon is straightforward, and you will fight if you do not obey. The method of the white dragon is also to suppress. The hurricane python directly destroys the deviated people, and only the silver dragon will jump out and clearly support the correct party to suppress the deviated people. , Conveying his meaning clearly and clearly, this is also one of the reasons why Yunwu Nation has a larger number of people than other kingdoms, so there is no need to worry about being destroyed by the patron saint one day.

Little Verza has carefully studied the relationship between the four countries. The relationship between countries is not the same as the relationship between the patron saint and the patron saint. The relationship between the patron saints is also very complicated, and they will communicate with each other. The research was successful, but at the same time, they looked at each other and guarded each other.

At the same time, there is also a little investigation result that makes Weir very concerned that there will be no third-order high-level people in the four countries. Every time such a big master is born, they will soon disappear?   But the spearheads are all directed at overseas without exception. Demigod Lich.

   The four great patron saints are in the light, and the demigod lich is in the dark. They are all the masters of order in the Sifang Continent.

The forest of Warcraft is vast?  The terrain of Warcraft is complex?  Although it is called forest, it is not only forest terrain?  Mountains, rivers, swamps, grasslands, valleys, everything, and even a basin of no size?  The basin extends to one. Huge underground space?   Knowledge is even more dangerous and not suitable for ordinary people to explore.

After hundreds of years of development in the Warcraft Forest?   has formed a relatively mature hunting route?   It’s just that the strong always have something special and have more choices?  As the first hunter regiment in the city?  Marbury chose this time Another shortcut is a shortcut that ordinary people don't dare to take.

"Boom!" Amidst the loud noise, a Tier 2 demon bear fell to the ground, and Ville retracted his fist. Marbury, who was still humming on the ground just now, leaped up?   slashed out with a roar. Tier 2 Demon Bear's throat was cut, and eventually he died in a roar unwillingly.

   Little Weier threw out a seed, and the seed quickly took root and sprouted. The blood of the magic bear was drawn out, and finally seven or eight blood-red fruits the size of an egg were condensed.

  Katie was amazed, and unceremoniously picked a ring and stuffed it into her space ring, "Tsk, you really deserve to be a foundry with the blood of the night elves, this hand of wood magic is really handsome."

"This is definitely a four-star ingredient, and it is also a rare good thing among the four-star ingredients!" Karama received two of them. Of course, Beldi didn’t have one, as punishment for accidentally seeing three beautiful women bathing. , He has to bear the punishment of vigil, miscellaneous and no loot.

His trophy, the ingredients belong to Karama, the monsters belong to Katie, the magic materials belong to Mira, oh, by the way, the cloaked beauty magician Mira, the first illusionist of the Iron City Steel Hunter group, is proficient in spiritual magic , Illusion, is also a first-order warrior.

Don’t underestimate Beldi. Although he has a very average magical talent, he is only a one-star shaping magician. It is indeed a very useful earth shaping magician. It is definitely a good hand to set up a platform and set up a camp on a flat ground. Ville seriously doubts him. Get pitted by the black girl with cat ears and belly by Hello Kitty.

As a wandering chef, Karama didn’t mind giving him a little bit of welfare in order to survive, and Milla subconsciously used illusions to hide herself every time she performed such private behaviors, and Katie’s figure made him look happy. I didn't have any interest, so in the end Beldi was scammed.

But the little Weir that Katie wanted to pit the most was not fooled. Well, how can I say it. I should say that he was not caught. As for whether he was fooled, no one except him knew. After all, no one knew that he was still proficient in shadow witchcraft and could do it. Come out of the doppelganger.

   When Beldi was arrested, he was with Marbury, a straight steel man. A proper alibi, unless you said Marbury also went to peep?

Seeing Marbury happily harvesting all kinds of material on the devil bear, and then arguing with Karama that those are mine and which are yours, Ville couldn't help but a black line, "Marbury, I seriously doubt you. The original intention of asking me to come out, and the choice of your path is absolutely problematic."

   "Ahaha~" Marbury struck a haha, waved his hand and said, "Don't care too much about the details. Those who care about the details are idiots. We are just walking on the right road and the destination is ahead."

Although Katie is very happy to harvest these blood-red fruits, Yalong Beast is her goal. She always feels that she has also become this bastard's thug. It is clear that she is the employer. Okay: "This is your fifth time like this. said."

   faintly resentful eyes and deflated mouth can't conceal the nature of her black belly.

   "Ahaha, is that right?" Marbury liked to play haha ​​when he lied, and was exposed by Katie before he could weave a good reason.

   "This time, one-third of the total value is worth my reward." Katie was very direct.

   "Huh~, obviously we are six people, why do you want to divide one-third?" When it comes to dividing the account, Marbury immediately came to his mind. I am good at this. After all, as the head of the team, I always have to coordinate the relationship.

   "Because I'm the only four-star powerhouse!" Katie's words are righteous, but she just doesn't look at an unlicensed caster.

   "You didn't do anything except release the familiar sentry and look for the trace of the beast." Marbury ruthlessly exposed the inaction of a four-star summoner.

   "It's better than someone who yelled and rushed up, but was slapped to the ground by the beast."

   "I was to attract the attention of Warcraft and create a sneak attack opportunity for Master Star Mountain, otherwise you think..."

  Marbury's words were directly interrupted by Ville: "Does this kind of little thing be knocked down with a punch, do you need any small means?"

   Marbury looked at Little Weir with a bitter look, "Master, shouldn't we steel men belong to the same group? Why, why should we help her?"

   "Probably because, boring. By the way, girl, why do you benefit from the prey I defeated?" Ville turned around and said to the triumphant Katie, and she almost didn't mention it.

   "I found the prey, and my little pet found the Warcraft lair."

"Is it yours who saw it first? I saw this Forest of Warcraft. Is the entire Forest of Warcraft my own? Girl, let me tell you a word, it's your own who grabs the hand." Little Weir said with a heartfelt heart. Tell her not to mix things up wrong.

  Katie nodded and said, "That's why I went up and grabbed a victory. This thing can definitely sell for a good price when I get it to the academy."

   Little Will patted his forehead, how could he have forgotten that this little girl's cheek is not thinner than It is meaningless to educate her like this, so Little Will hit the fist directly.

"The strong can't just look at the surface. The four-star magician is just a layer of skin. For the strong, you need to maintain the respect you deserve, and for the elders, you must be obedient." While playing the brain collapse, Ville educates Katie. Outstanding effect!

   Marbury shivered all over, and immediately ran over. The devil bear skin was offered with both hands. If Master Starshan used this trick to deal with himself, his image of a tough steel man would be ruined.

   If his imagery is known to Xiao Weier, he will definitely tell him that this method is okay to deal with Xiao Lolita, and I feel sick when I use it on you.

While    was fighting, there was a commotion in front of him. A loud drink accompanied the wave of magic, making them immediately alert, Marbury's face changed slightly: "This voice, Warcraft Riot!"

   It has been three days since he went deep into the Forest of Warcraft. The strength of the Warcraft here is very strong. Once a Warcraft riot formed, he did not have the slightest confidence to protect everyone from leaving.

   "Boom~ boom~ boom~", three or five people rushed over in an embarrassing manner. The number of monsters in groups behind them was definitely over one hundred, and most of them were advanced monsters.

   A slender elf hunter brushed past them, and slid a baggage into Beldi's arms, "I've handed it to you, and you must be sure to deliver it to the adult!" The voice just fell ten feet away.

   Beldi hasn't reacted yet, and the group of monsters has swarmed.


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