The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1065: For restoration

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"Swish~wish~wish~" More than a dozen tightly wrapped men in black surrounded them, armed with knives, guns and staff, full of murderous aura, it was not a good way to see them.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!" The headed man was tall and burly, with sharp eyes, and admired as he applauded: "It's worthy of being the first genius summoner of the Royal Capital Academy of Magic, worthy of being the No. 1 Hunter Group in Iron Jiacheng. Commander, we really didn’t expect to defeat the Yalong Monster head-on. You guys, it’s great, it’s a pity!"

"Who are you? It seems to know us very well." Marbury directly stood in front of Katie. The magician is always easy to be targeted, especially since the two monsters were summoned just now, Katie has a lot of magic loss. It will definitely be targeted first.

"There are a few people who live in Tiejia City who don’t know the straight steel man Marbury of the Iron Hunter group." The black man in the head pointed a long sword in his hand and said coldly: "If the entire Iron Hunter group We have to be afraid of three-pointers when we are dispatched, but now..."

"Oh, I didn't expect my reputation to be so loud, but how did you know the identity of my guest? I don't remember to introduce the identity of this guest to other people, including my brothers." Marbury A big smile appeared on his face: "You guys, did you follow my guest? No, it should be. You deliberately lured my guest."

Although it was a guessing tone, Marbury was very confident in his inference, “Don’t tell me, you are a native of Iron Jiacheng, and you happen to be studying at the Kingdom’s Royal Academy of Magic. Out of the guest."

"Sa, who knows." The black-clothed leader waved his hand indifferently and said, "Obviously surrender or be beheaded by us, you choose one."

"It's your people who steal the beast eggs along the way and trigger the pursuit of the beasts, are you guys, you want to trigger a large-scale wave of beasts to attack the Iron Jiacheng?" Xiaowei suddenly said, and the moment he opened his mouth, it was a big inference. Marbury was shocked, Mira, Klama, and Beldi looked at each other in amazement, only Katie was quietly playing with the thorns and the dragon.

"Hey, I did not expect that there is still a smart person in your team, but if this is the case, you really can't let you leave. Miss Summoner over there, your preparations are almost done, if you give you some more Time, we are really a bit difficult to successfully contract the dragon on the thorns." The leader in black said distressedly: "We spent more than 20 years investigating the powerful monsters in the forest of Warcraft for hundreds of miles. They are clear, and they have deployed medicines to make them concentrate on estrus and conception, concentrate on laying eggs, and then concentrate on stealing monster eggs to cause them to riot.

"The big action planned for more than 20 years is about to be completed, but it can't be destroyed by you." The words of the leader in black really scared Marbury this time. He never knew there was still such a thing in Ironjacket. The big forces, except...

"Hunter Guild!" Marbury's voice was chilly.

"Ah, what are you talking about, how come I don't understand." The voice of the leader in black was a little weird, "What does our action have to do with the Hunter's Union?"

Ville waved his hand to interrupt Marbury's continued questioning, "Don't guess, they are not members of the Ironjacket Hunters' Guild, nor are they from the Cloud King Capital. They are not even from the Cloud Nation. Don't worry. Talking about the information of the Warcraft Forest, isn't it easy to buy that thing as long as you have money? Twenty years of action is not a joke, they don't need to stay in the Warcraft Forest or the Iron City all the time."

"If you want further information, you just need to torture them after catching them, and if they have really started it, it doesn't make much sense to continue to delay time." Little Ville's words made Marbury suddenly realize, with a long sword in his hand. Unsheathed.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!" The leader in black couldn't help applauding and exclaimed: "I didn't expect to actually meet a smart person, but you don't seem to see the situation clearly, our side..."

"It's you who didn't see the situation clearly." Ville's voice sounded behind him, and the black-clothed leader became stiff. Although he has been attracting them and secretly poisoning them to try to win without fighting, he is always there. Be careful, after all, it is a team that can defeat the second-tier high-level thorns and dragons.

However, the strength of this person who had been hiding in the tree before not taking part in the action really exceeded his expectations. Is this speed that ordinary people can have?

"The first one!" Ville's voice is very soft, but it can be heard clearly by everyone. The black-clothed leader feels soft, and the whole person is actually three points shorter, and he fell to the ground with a "plop~" , A pair of calves were at the knees and broke off, and the whole body was instantly dissipated.

"the second."

"The third."


"The tenth."

Little Ville’s voice was very soft, but it fell into the ears of these black-clothed people as if thunder. No matter what they prepared, even back-to-back defense was still being picked up by Ville from behind. When the tenth man fell, the few people left immediately Fleeing everywhere, but the speed of Little Weier is really not comparable to these first- and second-order little guys.


"the twelfth."


"the last one."

There were five or six men in black. From the beginning to the time when they were brought down, the farthest one did not run 50 meters. Ville’s strength and brutality made Marbury tremble all over, Kramar, Mila, and Beldi. Surprised, Katie also stopped her movements.

"That's it, it's over?" Katie couldn't believe her eyes. Each of the dozen or so people had the ability to enter the ranks. There were even three or five people who were still above Marbury. Can she escape her heyday The birth day is still two, this guy actually took it all lightly.

Little Ville rolled his eyes, curled his lips and said, "How could it be, if it is really that simple, it would be nice, little guy in the woods, your companions have been arrested, don't you plan to come out? Or, Do you want to escape alone on that magic eagle?"

In the voice of Xi Xi Suo Suo, a slender figure walked out slowly. Under a black cloak, he could not see any and useful information. The fat and thin faces were completely obscured. Even the voice was dull without any emotion or characteristics. , Even with a trace of deliberate hoarseness.

"If the adults are not there, I have many ways to leave, but in your hands, I can't think of a way to escape. If I dare to escape, whether it is to escape from the woods or from the sky, the end will be exactly the same as them." The cloak man slowed down. Step by step, covering himself tightly.

Little Ville looked at the figure in front of him with interest, and a faint arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "If I'm not there, they will be arrested as hard as possible. What you must do is not to escape but to save ~ The man in the cloak shook his body slightly, but he didn't say anything, he was tacitly acquiesced.

"So, do you have anything you want to say?" Little Ville looked at the man in the cloak with a grin. The latter shook his head and said in a low voice: "In front of you, my lord, I have nothing to say. With your wisdom, I said it. The more you expose, the more things you expose, even if it's just a lie."

"Interesting, little guy, it seems that you are also a smart person. Then, I will use your appearance to strangle the advanced beasts. How about suppressing this wave of beasts with great fanfare?" A devilish arc appeared in the corner of Xiaoweier's mouth, letting The man in the cloak shook his whole body and suddenly raised his head and fixed his eyes on Little Weil.

"Hey, it's you, um, what's your name." Katie, who had been watching them, was suddenly surprised, but suddenly couldn't remember his name.

The man in the cloak showed such an expression on his face, "Holden, Holden Tamick, your childhood sweetheart, a friend who has known each other for more than ten years and meets at least thirty or fifty times a year."

"Hey, by the way, it's Holden, little Holden, how could you..." Katie is not a fool, and she understands a lot of things at once. He is indispensable for being here. Even the information seemed to be leaked out "inadvertently" by him.

"Tamik family, descendants of the Lord Destroyer?" Marbury nodded suddenly, but his face was a bit ugly: "Your Tuck country has been destroyed for hundreds of years, and the Tamic family has been Completely integrated into the Cloud Nation, why do you still want to do this kind of thing?"

"The plan has been launched, and my identity has been exposed. It doesn't make much sense to conceal it." Horton Tamick's waist was clenched, and the inexplicable aura on his body instantly broke out and said, "To restore the country!" Rejuvenate the Duchy of Tucker!"

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