The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1068: Whose calculation, space transmission

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A high roar of the dragon shook the earth, and all the beasts in the entire iron clamp city rushed to the ground. Little Weier stood with a sword and looked up at the sky. A huge projection covered the sky and the earth, and it was a silver dragon.

The slender body is elegant and dignified, the shiny silver scales are shining, the mercury-like pupils reflect a faint light, and the powerful aura shows its unbeautiful mood right now.

Is this the dragon power of the demigod level?

Little Weier closed his eyes tightly and realized that this half-god Longwei was slightly different from his own half-god Longwei, and there seemed to be a little fundamental difference in it.

what is it?

Is there a difference between a giant dragon and a half dragon?

No, it should be the difference between the third-order Consummation and the true demigod. I have encountered a lot of dragons before, especially the first few levels of the road to the dragon, the forest green dragon, sea king dragon, bronze dragon, white dragon and The crystal dragons have been in close contact with each other, and the feeling they bring to themselves is very different even if it is the dragon that goes all out.

What, you said that the crystal dragon and later the sea king dragon Landis are also demigod dragons?

Haha, the demigod Ville without a domain would not admit that they were demigods, and he did not have the slightest fear or respect for them, and treated them as the same level.

The dragon in front of me is different. This is a real demi-god-level dragon, forming a demi-god-level dragon in the domain. The silver dragon's body is really huge, and it will definitely collapse a large area when it falls on the city lord. The larger and larger projections fell down, thirty to fifty meters above the ground, and the huge projection instantly disappeared, replaced by a slim figure of silver-haired beauty.

"Bang!" It's not a silent landing, but it's definitely not loud, and it's not even as loud as Little Will's previous landing, but all the beasts on the ground are crawling on the ground and dare not get up, and there is a groan in their mouths. Screaming, as if telling something.

In the entire city lord’s mansion, there are only Xiao Weier and the silver dragon beauty. The snow-white jade body is slightly plump, and a pair of crystal eyes are inlaid on the face of the country and the city, and three thousand silver wires follow. The fluttering wind brings a faint fragrance.

Well, Xiao Weier suddenly rubbed her nose. Why did she suddenly feel that there was a trace of food in the aroma? Wouldn't she just eat good food somewhere before?

I have to say that Ville is the truth.

The five demi-god masters in the Sifang Continent, the lava demon are the best to find, followed by the hurricane python and the lich. The lava demon is a full-fledged otaku, and the hurricane python sleeps in the swamp at other times except hunting, the residence of the lich It is also very fixed, but it is difficult for foreigners to get involved.

The two dragons that are really hard to find are the silver dragon and the white dragon. The silver dragon’s lair is easy to find. The highest peak of the Warcraft Forest is surrounded by clouds, but it is often not at home, wandering around looking for delicious food, and it is still human It’s difficult for people who don’t know to discover its true identity, and the white dragon’s lair is located deep underground without sunlight all year round, making it even more difficult to find. Bailong often goes out hunting, and prefers to sneak in the dark, even more so. Not easy to find.

The beauty of Yinlong frowned. She was proficient in animal language and was able to easily communicate with Warcraft. She immediately knew what had happened, but she could smell a strong conspiracy from it, and the ingredients in the surrounding air were also It made her feel something wrong, and she couldn't help but turn her gaze to the only person standing.

"Huh~" Why is this kid still closing his eyes?

Wait, the breath on his body is actually that of a giant dragon, and it is also a black dragon. In addition to himself and that protein dragon, are there other pure dragons in this world? The blood on his body is really pure and rich.

"Interesting little things." There was a faint smile on the beauty of Yinlong. It is not wrong that she is the patron saint of Yunwu Country, and it is not wrong that she is kind and helpful, but these are just some small hobbies, and it is far better to discover new ones. The same clan is important, but the strength of the same clan is a little weaker.

"Om~" Before she went up to say hello, a powerful breath instantly enveloped the entire City Lord's Mansion, and a fiery red light swept across.

"Flame Field, Lava Demon Theo!" The beauty of Yinlong wrinkled her brows, and her white fist suddenly flew out with a white light and hit the fiery red barrier with a violent shock, but she could not break it. It opened, but a faint ripple appeared and then abruptly withstood it.

"Haha, it is Theo's honor to be remembered by Miss Darlene. I don't know if Theo is honored to invite beautiful Miss Linda to stay in a place for a few days?" A red glow quietly emerged on the ground. Accompanied by the slight trembling of the ground, a huge head slowly emerged. In a blink of an eye, a two-foot-tall fiery red rock giant appeared in the city lord’s mansion. He grabbed it with his hand, and the powerful pressure appeared instantly. The monster on the ground Suddenly it fell apart and turned into a pool of flesh and blood.

The silver dragon beauty Linda frowned, and just about to take a move, she saw a trace of powerful power flashing past Vier, she forcibly turned the attack of the lava demon Theo into invisible, her face suddenly showed peace of mind. Focusing on the lava demon, his aura began to rise.

"If you want to please me, I'm afraid it won't work just by relying on you. Theo, how much strength can you exert after leaving the lava volcano? This is the cloud country, not the flame country, so you are not afraid..." Silver Long beauty Linda did not finish her words, but the meaning was very obvious.

The demigod powerhouse is very powerful, far from something a Tier 3 master can deal with, but two demi-god powerhouses who are equal to each other are facing each other. If there are multiple Tier 3 masters with good strength to help out on one side, the help is still Some, which is why they rarely cross borders with each other, do not want to be besieged.

"Hehe, beautiful Miss Linda, don't you think this is your home court? Or, I alone dare to trouble you, I am the king of lava devil, and I never fight insecure battles. !" As soon as the lava demon Theo's voice fell, layers of magic lines suddenly appeared on the ground, and the entire city lord mansion issued a powerful attraction. Countless blood flew over from all directions, and in a blink of an eye the city lord mansion was stained blood red.

"Cloud Domain!" The Silver Dragon Beauty still knows something about this cunning lava demon, and naturally she will not be passively beaten. She immediately activates her domain to compete with him, but the two of them are half a catastrophe, and the lava demon Theo takes the initiative. , The flame field was opened first, naturally occupying the dominant position, and forcibly compressed the cloud field of the silver dragon beauty Linda to less than ten meters, but this suppression was also a great burden for the lava demon.

Danger, danger, extreme danger!

The Yinlong beauty instinctively sensed that it was wrong, and her whole person's momentum broke out in an instant, and she flew up quickly against the cloud and mist domain.

"Want to go, late! Flame field, no air!" Lava demon is indeed very powerful, especially in lava volcanoes, but some are lost. Lava demon has a very big flaw, that is, the ability to fly. The lack of, before reaching Tier 5, there is no flying ability, even the demigod lava demons, they can run the treaty, but can not fly, this is also a major factor restricting the expansion of the flame nation, the lava demons are more than aggressive Insufficient, the sky and speed are very deadly.

However, there are losses and gains. The lava demon cannot fly by itself. At the level of the fourth-order demigod, the flame field formed has a strong ability to forbid the air. Leaving aside, it is possible to restrict the flight of the masters of the same level. The silver dragon beauty Linda was immediately suppressed, blood on the ground grew more and more, and a looming magic circle took shape quickly.

The expression on the silver dragon beauty Linda's face changed slightly, her whole body shone, and she was about to transform into a dragon to fight with her body. The huge body of the dragon is the advantage. This is not a lava volcano. The lava demon is not dominant. As long as it transforms into a giant dragon, it will soon gain the upper hand, and the most important thing is that it can freeze the blood here with a mouthful of the cold dragon's breath.

Suddenly, a black light struck like lightning in the city lord’s mansion, forcibly passing through the cloud and falling on the silver dragon beauty. The silver dragon beauty finally changed a lot: "Freezing technique, Lich Hals!"

The two semi-god powerhouses attacked her. This was definitely a planned action, but what disturbed her most was the magic circle under her feet. The white and tender fists slammed down, and the ground suddenly seemed to become a soft dough. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com abruptly let her fist return without success.

"Linda, the ending is doomed when you land, welcome to the island of the dead, the portal of the portal, open!" Along with the sound of steel friction, a huge portal projection flashed under the foot of the silver dragon beauty quickly took shape. growing.

The beautiful silver dragon dodged hurriedly to the side, but was blocked by the lava demon Theo with punches and kicks, and the roar was endless. In a blink of an eye, she arrived in front of Little Will, and the beautiful silver dragon carried him in her hand and quickly fled to the distance.

"Haha, Linda, you were fooled!" When the voice sounded, the beauty of the silver dragon plunged into an invisible portal, and the phantom on the ground gradually disappeared into nothingness.

"Damn it, it's really a portal!" A feeling of dizziness filled the whole body, surrounded by a seven-color light, and a thick gray mist on the outside. The powerful tearing force pushed them forward, and Ville's heart moved. The roots of the long tree of life were fully activated, and the blood in the city lord mansion of Tiejia City quickly disappeared.

"Damn it, what's the matter?!" The Lich Hals's face changed drastically, and his magic power was absorbed by the magic circle without money. The blood on the ground quickly faded, and he couldn't help him more.

"The blood's power is insufficient, Theo, chase after it immediately, otherwise it will be too late! Bastard, how could this happen?!"

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the looming portal shattered, and the broken power affected the portal space channel, constantly chasing the lava demon Theo who had just entered, and the latter dared to chase forward and face him. The huge block of ice hit his head fiercely, causing him to pause slightly, and let out a desperate exclamation: "No! Flame field, lava transforms!"

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