The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1073: Phylogeny in hand

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Ville is very busy, super busy.

There are more than a dozen layers of mazes underneath the island of the dead, and each layer has a different terrain. There are countless dense skeletons, zombies, and grievances inside. The most annoying thing is that the terrain here is complex and changeable, and it is not suitable for large-scale monsters to gallop. , Otherwise, you can kill a large piece by directly incarnation of a dragon with one breath.

Now, Vil can only summon the gargoyle to crush the undead creatures. In the previous world, Vil killed the crystal dragon. Wicks contributed tens of thousands of goblin puppets to him. These transformed goblin puppets have a wonderful magical power inside them. Crystal, its own strength is not strong, but has achieved a gargoyle, so that the strength of the gargoyle has a qualitative leap.

Hundreds of second-order gargoyles, tens of thousands of first-order gargoyles, this is the main power in the different space in the hands of Little Ville, the remaining goblin crystal puppets are used as nourishment to feed more gargoyles, let them go The potential is great from the beginning.

Crystal puppets have almost no potential at all. They are a one-time-use non-upgradable version. They are far less powerful than gargoyles. They are hard and powerful. The most important thing is that they have simple wisdom and are not pure and inanimate. Mechanical puppets are comparable.

Raiders the underground maze of undead is not for nothing, at least a lot of soul gem fragments have been harvested. This kind of treasure is helpful to wizard apprentices and formal wizards. In addition, the tree of death also likes this thing very much. The soul harvested by Little Ville The gems are casual, most of them are swallowed by the tree of death, and the lesser ones belong to Lilith and Léa.

It’s just that Lilith is more about refining medicines and doing some research, while Leya directly asks the tree of life seedlings to do a simple purification and sell them. The pure soul gem fragments are still very good. The market, especially for the Wizarding Academy and Alchemy Pharmacists.

At the moment of Ville’s advanced appraisal, the good things along the way are completely invisible. Even the wraiths can’t escape from his palm. There are also groups of night civets who are dispatched with the gargoyles, these little guys. After purification and so many years of growth, the strength is quite good. It is easy to deal with resentful spirits and skeletons. Zombies are a little bit troublesome, but the gargoyles are not for watching.

The gargoyle acts as a pioneer meat shield, and the night civet continuously launches soul attacks. Ville collects the spoils behind and pours holy water to purify the power of death around. Well, the roots of the tree of life and the tree of death have passed before this. Again.

Deep underground, there is also this good-foundation mineral. The skeletons who have been in contact with these magical ores for a long time can also strengthen their bones. Such skeletons have also become Ville's trophies, and the ores have been swept away.

The space key is something that can be met but cannot be sought. Ville is very lucky to get a space key after taking the road against the dragon once. He does not think that he can still get the space key of the eighth level and the ninth level. Key, this thing is too precious, and one's own merits and luck may not be able to bear it.

"Boom!" Amid the loud noise, Little Ville's earth magic sent out, and a crack broke on the top of his head. After several times of refracted sunlight, it formed a sun-shrouded place, which was already the twelfth underground. Layer, it is also the 36th day of the little Weir's continuous war.

A simple Dragon Whisper Magic Array took shape quickly, condensing the projected sunlight, and then suddenly scattered, the center of the twelfth floor underground was bright, and the surrounding hundreds of meters were shoveled by Xiaoweier, forming a huge empty space. .

There are three or four floors below, and the space is getting smaller and smaller. It will not take long to get through. Little Weier took a deep breath, and the whole person rose to the sky and quickly returned to the ground, where the meat is rich, seven or eight people. Five-star chefs are busy in one group, and more than 30 four-star chefs can only make complex creations, and constantly deliver the delicious food to the two beauties.

Yes, it is the two-headed beauties, the dragon beauties.

Silver Dragon Linda and White Dragon Dariel lay lazily on the huge magic crystal, and the food in front of them was delivered like flowing water. They swallowed the food in their abdomen with one inhalation, and Little Ville didn’t confirm whether they were genuine or not. Savor the taste of these delicacies carefully.

"Hey, you came back a bit early today, you actually caught up with the meal." The silver dragon beauty Linda lazily greeted her, and naturally there was a chef next to her who set up tables, chairs and benches, and delivered delicious food.

Little Ville sat down unceremoniously, and placed a small box on the table. There were not many magical fluctuations on it. It gave people a very ordinary feeling, but the feeling was creepy. The lifelessness lingers.

"I have a little unexpected gain, I feel I should show it to you." Little Will slid the juicy meat in front of him, and a strong smell of meat bloomed on the tip of his tongue, which was appetizing.

"What can be taken out by you is definitely not simple, what is it?" Linda was too lazy to look at it for herself, and asked directly.

"I look like a Lich's phylactery, but I'm not very sure." Ville's words made Linda and Daryl almost squirt out the food in their mouths, shouting in unison: "The phylactery?!"

"Well, the phylactery you are talking about refers to the phylactery of the Lich? Hals's?" Linda casually moved, and the small box fell into her hands. A familiar aura couldn't be concealed. It was just this box. Very strong, not so easy to open.

"It's actually white bone fine gold. Tsk tsk, Hals is such a big hand. This thing is a good material for making semi-artifacts. It was actually used by him to hold the ashes. It is a waste." Linda flicked, and the small box said, " "Bang bang" sound, but there is no sign of opening.

"Hey, I really don't believe it anymore." Linda clasped her hands suddenly, and the air was trembling slightly. There was a loud "bang~" noise. All the chefs around them trembled, but the small box didn't move.

"If the strength is not enough, then some magic power." Linda still did not give up, and the cold air broke out in an instant, but besides making the small box more crystal clear, there was almost no change.

Linda tossed for a long time without opening or destroying the thing, and then threw it to Darryl: "You also try it, this thing is pretty solid."

Daryl is taciturn, but it doesn't mean that she can't speak. It can even be said that her brain is still very good. With one move, a ray of undead power flew out from the underground cave and was beaten into a small box by her. There was a suction force that instantly swallowed the power of the undead, and then there was no more.

The power of the undead is not good, and the power of the ice is not good. Although Daryl is a frosty white dragon, other magic powers can still be mobilized, such as fire element magic, wind element magic, earth magic, ocean magic, and even light power. , The result was nothing, and the small box remained motionless.

"Frost Domain!" A small domain only covered the box. Daryl instantly iced the small box, but still couldn't destroy it. In the end, she could only shake her head slightly and threw the small box to Ville.

"How are you going to use this thing? To threaten Hals?" Linda doesn't think this clever kid took this thing out as a It really takes a little trick to open this thing. , But it can be used even if it is not opened. "Weir casually talked about several methods, such as: this thing was thrown into the turbulence of space, cutting off its connection with Hals, or setting up a seal to use the absolutely powerful demigod dragon language magic array outside. Suppress.

Although Hals can't be killed directly, but in this way, Hals's road to resurrection is broken, and it is finished if he kills him once.

Of course, "The most direct way is to always take him with him, kill him in front of the lich, let him resurrect from the inside and open the box, and then we will destroy the physique."

Linda waved her hand, and swallowed a half-foot-long piece of meat in one gulp, and said vaguely: "You are thinking too simple. The resurrection of the lich is actually not that simple, and if Hals knows the outside It's dangerous. You can completely let your soul sleep in the phylogeny and wait for the opportunity. We can't keep this thing with us."

"We may be at a loss for this thing, but how about changing to a god-level master?" Little Will waved his hand and said, "The big deal is to take this thing out and hand it over to the god-level master."

"That said, Hals still hopes to get out of trouble, although this method is a little expensive, but it is not impossible to consider." Linda heard the words leaving, a touch of envy flashed across her face, this Sifang continent indeed It is huge, even if the sea is 30,000 miles wide, but for the demigod dragon, this is a cage.

"Are you able to leave here?" Daryl, who has been taciturn, suddenly said, "Can you take us away?"

"This is exactly what I want to say to you today." Little Will did not shy away from others, and gave an affirmative answer.

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