The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1110: On 3 Wang Qiancheng

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"Speaking of the king of the earth is actually quite pitiful." A word from Ville made Linda's head full of question marks. One of the three kings of this world, the king of the earth who proactively stretched his claws to the sea.

If the demigod high-ranking land king, one of the three kings of the ninth level, is considered a poor man, then what is the demi-god middle-level silver dragon, one of the four patron saints of the eighth level?

"Don't be fooled by the current reputation and strength of the Lord of the Earth and his various small methods on the sea. The reason why he did this is to go further. His path is almost cut off in this world, and he has to pass other Small means to improve and make up." Little Weier sighed faintly, and the hateful person is also pitiful.

Silver Dragon Linda felt that her mind couldn't turn around a bit, but she quickly grasped the point of the problem: the road ahead for the Lord of the Earth was cut off!

As one of the four great patron saints in the eighth level, her path was cut off in the eighth level. That is the limit of the world. When it comes to this world, her strength has begun to increase rapidly, especially in the so-called personality and The combined force of the inverse dragon pattern and the fast speed of improvement shocked her herself.

There are seven strongest people in this world. The three kings of the demons: the sea king, the earth king, and the shadow king. Finally, there are the four monster kings. Are they the pinnacle of this world? Did they touch the ceiling?

Linda herself was a little uncertain about this question, but she was very sure that these seven were all high-ranking demigods, who were slightly better than the self in front of them.

"Quantitative change causes qualitative change to a certain extent. This world is a world dominated by personality. If the chain of laws owned by the world is calculated according to a fixed number and fixed intensity, the ocean attribute is absolutely the highest, and the storm attribute is the first. Second, the earth attribute and the shadow attribute are almost tied for third, and other attributes such as thunder, life, death, etc. are second, while the flame and light attributes are in a very weak position in this world."

Little Weir broke his fingers and began to count: "Among the three kings, the sea king has the attribute of the sea, and the three of the four big monster kings have the attribute of the sea. This shows that the potential and total amount of the attribute of the sea are very powerful. This is from the vastness and resources of the sea. Richness can also tell one or two."

"The storm ranks second, but it is relatively scattered. Part of it is concentrated in the ocean of storms, and some are on the violent dragon carp and the snow rock eagle. The combination of violent winds, they occupy the chain of the high rules of the storm, so that the Demon Race does not have the King of Storm."

"The Misty Whale King in the Misty Sea is a collection of ocean and light attributes, while the Deep Sea Devil of the Blood Sea is a combination of ocean and death attributes. They all occupy part of the high-end ocean attributes. Are you a master of ocean attributes? As long as the sea king recovers a part of his personality, his strength can increase by leaps and bounds. If all of them are recovered, it may not be impossible to advance to the **** level."

Little Ville’s words shocked Linda, but it makes sense to think about it carefully. There are weird personality rules in this weird world. Under this rule, if all the chains of high-level ocean attribute laws are collected, Is it really impossible to accumulate a Tier 5 master? This is a collection of four demigods.

"It can be said that the potential of Aquaman is unique among the three kings. He does not need to ask for it, but only needs to be diligent. However, although this path is clear and clear, it is also fiercely competitive. There are other competitors. Two of the seven generals are ocean attributes, including General Ice and Snow Rose."

"Hehe" Linda couldn't help but smile. When did the general rank become the chaser of the king? Isn't it just the four-public level that is qualified?

But think about it carefully. It seems that the strong four do not have a pure ocean attribute, and the coral is only a combination of the ocean and the earth, and it seems that the combination is not successful, and there is already a tendency to self-destruct, seemingly gorgeous and attacking. The force is very powerful, but the defense is insufficient and it cannot be sustained. It is completely a deterrent weapon.

The other three males are storm, thunder, and shadow attributes. They are not pure ocean attributes. The pressure of competition is actually not that big, and the Neptune is really blessed.

In comparison, the king of the earth is much worse. Although he dominates the earth, the area of ​​the earth is less than one-twentieth of the sea, not to mention, the resources cannot be compared with the sea, and various laws are not active on the earth. As a result, the number of strong people on the earth is scarce, lagging behind the sea.

Although there are dangers on the sea, there are also strong people in large numbers. Many of the kings of the earth are collected from the sea, or cultivated from the sea.

As for whether they are voluntary, does this matter? Isn’t strength respected?

"The King of the Earth has pushed the attributes of the earth to a very high level. It can be said that he occupies most of the earth attributes of this world. The other small part is in the Snow Rock Eagle King, and the others are not considered high-end. Strong is not easy to deal with, even if it is taken, the collected earth attribute law chain may not be able to bring him to a higher level. After all, the Xueyan Eagle King is not a complete earth attribute king."

"After all, the earth attributes of this world are very weak. The king of the earth wants to go further and can only develop to adjacent attributes that can be integrated with each other. Among them, the fire attribute is the first choice. The fusion of the earth and the flame is relatively easy, but he should not be related Corresponding to the god-level exercises, this creates the top-level exercises and continuously deduces and experiments, so there are lava fire dragon steel, flint warriors and furnace generals." Xiao Weier's words shocked Linda.

This king of the earth has such great courage and great patience. If he is his own, can he do this step?

Silver Dragon Linda thought about it carefully, and finally came to a conclusion: With this leisure time, I might as well go shopping to find better food, as long as I have the inheritance of the Silver Dragon clan.

"Wait, the earth and the fire are more commensurate, and the earth and the ocean are mutually restrained. What's the situation with me?" Yinlong Linda pointed to herself, "I am the perfect combination of the attributes of the earth and the ocean."

"No, your attribute is the combination of the earth and the clouds and ice, and furthermore, it is the combination of gravity and the clouds and ice." Littleville shrugged and said: "The earth, the ocean, the shadow, the wind, the thunder, the light, the flame Attributes such as light, life, death, etc. are just general extreme terms. In fact, such extreme attributes are more difficult to exist. Existence is reasonable. In your situation, you are naturally a combination of multiple attributes, but more stable. "

There is a word that Xiaoweier did not say. The multi-attribute combination is very reasonable, but it is also very troublesome to understand, and the future may be very limited. The higher the end, the weaker the potential, but it is not as promising as the pure attribute.

"Speaking of the ocean and the What about the King of Shadows?" Linda stared at Ville with curious eyes, who was speechless for a while, please, you are also a strong man of the mid-level peak of a demigod. No need to look like this, you don’t think of it, but you don’t bother to think about it.

"The shadow attribute in this world is similar to the earth attribute, but shadow and light, ice, clouds and other attributes are more easily combined. The best way for the shadow king is to swallow the entire misty sea and integrate the rules of the lost whale king. , By then you will be able to become the strongest in the world, breaking the balance of three kings and four beasts." Little Weier silently added a sentence in his heart: This is not easy.

Because the current king who really controls the Misty Sea is precisely the Misty Whale King.

"Then what are the prospects of the two of us in this world?" Suddenly Linda stared at Little Will with piercing eyes, hoping to get a satisfactory answer.

"The Whale King of the Misty Sea is your first choice. If you seize the law of personality that it masters, you can become an existence on an equal footing with the Three Kings." As for himself, Ville didn't say much. There is nothing to say, but he is the earth. , Ocean, storm, shadow, and thunder have all-round development of the five attributes. If you want to collect all these five attributes, how many kings need to be killed and plundered?

Combine their mighty strength and one body, how strong will you be?

Ville's face suddenly collapsed, but the demigod-level plug-in of the Code of Creation is very powerful, but it has its limits after all. He is still just a pseudo-demigod in nature, or a half-step demigod, and leapfrogging is also There are limits, each attribute can reach the limit before Linda enters the ninth level.

Linda: Was I weak before? Your kid didn't reach the third level before entering, and now you actually dislike the demigod mid-level not strong enough?

The way you are now, you really owe you a beating.

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