The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1124: Who doesn't have a clone this year

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"You shouldn't have come." On Furnace Island, a tall figure stood proudly on the small pier and looked at the sea quietly, but the roar of the wind couldn't drown his voice.

"But I came anyway." Under the black cloak, a pair of plain eyes couldn't see any emotions, and the surrounding area was flat without any concealment, but this person appeared here without warning, if not staring at it. The back of the tall figure is too straightforward and obvious, he may have overlooked it.

"I didn't expect you to come." The tall figure wore dark yellow armor and did not turn his head back with his hands on his back.

"But you are still waiting here, so who are you waiting for?" The voice of the man in the black cloak was a little erratic. It was obvious that the figure was standing there, but there was no shadow. The voice came from all directions, making it hard to touch. mind.

The tall figure suddenly turned around, and the fierce breath instantly burst out and pressed it down. A shock wave swept across all directions in the dust, and when it approached the black cloaked man, it suddenly became smaller and lost power in a blink of an eye and landed on the ground.

This is a big demon with first born and double horns. The knotted muscles are visible to the naked eye. The faint magic lines on his face are shining with a faint light. A pair of eyes are fixed on the man in the black cloak, "I'm waiting every year, but I have never waited for you to show up. I was already desperate. I didn't expect you to show up this time."

"But the timing of your appearance is really wrong, you shouldn't have come!" With a strong murderous intent on the big devil's face, "The Shadow King, do you know what it means for a king to leave his territory?"

"Any place with a shadow is my territory, have I ever left my territory?" The black cloaked man's voice was full of disdain: "You are still so boring, as a king, you don't have the aura that a king should have. . You are not worthy to be king!"

"Huh! I don't deserve to be king, but it's not your turn to judge, Lord of Shadow. I invited you fifty years ago and you didn't pay attention to me. At that time, if you join forces with me, the world will be equal."

"Thirty years ago, I invited you, and you are equally indifferent. At that time, if we join forces, the King of the Sea of ​​Blood will be removed."

"I invited you ten years ago, and you still haven't responded. If we join hands at that time, the stormy dragon carp will be a thing of the past."

The big devil’s gaze fell on the black cloak man, as if he wanted to see him through, “This time I want you to invite you again, the usual invitation, I didn’t expect you to respond, could it be the lost whale in the sea of ​​mist? Does the king really move you more than other kings?"

The man in the black cloak slowly stretched out his hand, a black magic ball on a scaly arm slowly condensed, and a flat voice came out from the Congdou shed: "Respond to you? Why? Who do you think you are?"

"This king of the earth!" The big devil let out a violent shout, and a seven-foot long knife in his hand quietly appeared, and the long knife plunged into the ground fiercely, a faint light appeared out of thin air, and a huge magic circle was instantly activated.

With a soft sound of "Om~", the rich earth magic quickly swept over, and an earth-yellow barrier quickly formed a three-kilometer radius to cover the two people, and the rich earth magic quickly condensed to form an earth enchantment.

The man in the black cloak raised his right hand high, and then slammed it on the ground, his entire palm pierced into the ground, and a group of pitch-black shadows burst out and quickly formed a shadow domain with a diameter of 100 meters. The power of the earth within a radius of 100 meters was taken by him Pull out from the ground.

"As long as there is a shadow, it is my domain. The sky has a shadow, the ocean has a shadow, and the earth has a shadow!" The man in the black cloak let out a faint sneer: "A clone of you dared to do something to this king, looking down on anyone. "

As soon as the voice fell, the earth trembled violently in a radius of three kilometers, and as the black cloaked man pulled his hands from the earth, wisps of shadows were lifted with the palm of his hand, and the power of the earth instantly lost control and violently conflicted. The barrier was torn apart, the great demon trembled violently, and cracks appeared on his body, making a crackling sound.

After receiving a fatal injury, the great devil stopped his actions and let the powerful magic power back him, with a bright smile on his face: "The King of Shadows is the King of Shadows after all. The existence of the Three Kings is indeed better than mine. Slightly better than the idiot Neptune. Now that you are here, it means that you have been moved by the proposal of this seat."

The man in the black cloak stopped moving, but the magic power of running away still galloped towards the big devil. "The Lost Whale King is indeed my favorite prey, but I am not going to move it before I am absolutely sure. Allow others to touch it."

"As expected to be the King of Shadows, he is still so domineering." A weird smile appeared on the big devil's face: "It's not just that you have a soft spot for the Whale King, but it also treats you differently. Since you are not ready to fight If I join forces to kill the Whale King, then don't blame me and the Whale King for jointly killing you!"

"Just relying on you and the Miyu Whale King, I'm afraid it's too late to kill me." The man in the black cloak sneered coldly: "It's like I don't have the confidence to join hands with you to kill the Miyu Whale King. It’s a long way from killing me."

"Really?" The corners of the big devil's mouth cracked, revealing a slightly sullen smile, "What if it was me and the Miyu Whale King and Sea King who would make a shot together?"

"The King of Shadows, you shouldn't come, when you appear here, your ending is already doomed!" The voice of the great demon was faintly cheerful: "This clone is indeed my proud work, but It is worthwhile to be able to exchange a clone for the life of the Shadow King.

"You have a lot of nonsense. The Sea King and the Whale King are really good, but how much strength can they exert on the earth? Join forces? How do you three join forces? The sea becomes a sacred field, or the land becomes the sea? King, it’s not that people can make a difference. You take it for granted, just like you wanted to join forces with me several times in the past.” The man in the black cloak seemed to be educating a child, so that the big devil didn’t mention it. , Gave him a ferocious look.

"The melting pot island has been transformed by me as early as twenty years ago. The vicissitudes of life have changed only in a single thought, the king of shadows, enjoy the feast prepared for you by this seat. After the feast, the sea king and the lost whale king There is also dessert for you!" A cruel smile appeared on the big devil's face.

In the loud noise of "Boom!", the body of the great demon was torn apart, and the dark yellow armor fell to the ground with a "clanging" sound. It was not destroyed by such a powerful magical impact. The black cloaked man stomped slightly, and the quicksand appeared quietly under the dark yellow armor. Sent it over.

"It's actually a demigod-level equipment. The Lord of the Earth is indeed rich. Hey, he took the entire Furnace Island as a one-time victim. The General of the Furnace said sacrifice and sacrificed. The Lord of the Earth, your heart is cruel, cruel, and merciless. I have really seen it. ."

"But this year, who doesn't have a clone anymore." As soon as the voice of the black cloak fell, the whole person collapsed softly to the ground and turned into a puddle of mud, spatial fluctuations quietly emerged, and the khaki armor disappeared instantly.

"Rumble!" Amid the loud noise, the earth of the furnace island roared, a puff of red smoke rose into the sky, and the volcano erupted!

The Flowing Sky Curtain of Forge Island unfolds automatically, and it can even be said to be full of power, but this time it is not only aimed at the ups and downs of the outside world, the interior is also tightly sealed and locked, and the ability of the demigod master to tear the space has been temporarily imprisoned. , As you said in the black cloak, General Stove has also become a victim.

Far above the sea, two figures stood quietly on the A one-armed great demon in jet-black heavy armor, his eyes fixedly staring at the torn furnace island, expressionless, On the other side, a handsome man wearing a black armor and holding a trident was three points burly bigger than him. His lower body was slightly curled up, but it was a huge snake tail that was more than three feet tall.

"Tsk, the king of the earth, you are ashamed of your courage, a general-level subordinate, who has been born and died for you for a hundred years, just abandoned it?" The corner of Haiwang's mouth cracked slightly, revealing a stubborn tusk. .

If this guy hides the snake's tail and does not open his mouth to speak, he is completely a beautiful man, but now...

"The Shadow King is not a fool. If you want to lie to him, you must first lie to yourself, even if you can't lie to yourself. How can you lie to him and sacrifice a general-level subordinate on an island in exchange for the throne of the Shadow King? A cost-effective deal?" The Lord of the Earth didn't have the slightest expression on his face, but he was secretly worried in his heart.

I'm afraid that after the sacrifices, nothing was gained.

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