The Troubles of the Young Wizard

Chapter 1127: The prudent king of the earth

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The king of the earth suddenly cast his gaze into the distance, and his face showed such an expression: "The King of Shadow has escaped from the Forge Island."

Aquaman curled his lips disdainfully: "Isn't your magic circle foolproof? Why now..."

The irony was revealed, and the Lord of the Earth snorted: "Is my magic circle really powerful? Would you like to experience it for yourself? The power of lava on Furnace Island has not fully erupted. You can still go in now. Catch up."

Sea King snorted and changed the subject: "With your character, can you catch up with him without leaving behind him?"

The expression on the face of the king of the earth was a little weird, his eyes began to change, and he gradually cast into the depths of the sea, "He, escaped to the sea of ​​mist."

The sea king’s expression changed slightly, it turned out to be the Misty Sea. You must know that the interface for the Lord of the Earth to trick the Shadow King is to besiege the king of the Misty Sea. He did not expect that he would immediately escape to the Misty Sea after getting out of the trap, from such a powerful magic circle. It is impossible for him to escape without any price. At this time, it is not a good choice to provoke a king beast.

The king of the earth thinks more, his face is a little bit cloudy and uncertain. It is not a secret that the king of shadow wants to hunt down the Whale King in the Misty Sea. It is very difficult for the king to go further, and it is very difficult to hunt the same and similar attributes of the same level. A master is undoubtedly the best method. This is the relationship between the Shadow King and the Lost Whale King in the Misty Sea.

He invited the King of Shadows several times, and he ignored him every time, until he lost his patience and wanted to join forces with others to kill the King of Shadows. It was just an excuse to besieged the Whale King in the Misty Sea. The Shadow King actually took the bait.

This is something that the king of the earth had never thought of before. Sure enough, the king is selfish. He invites him with righteousness. He is indifferent to reason. Whenever he encounters something that is good for him, he will come over and receive it. died.

Moreover, this **** escaped to the Sea of ​​Mist for the first time after breaking through his own trap. His intention was very obvious: to kill someone with a knife!

He didn’t believe that he, Aquaman would join forces with the Whale King of the Misty Sea, so he dared to blatantly even flee to the Misty Sea, where he could exert a stronger strength, but he and the Sea King would know how. Under some influence.

In addition, the two of themselves had to consider the existence of the Whale King in the Misty Sea. The relationship between the three kings and the four kings was not harmonious, and it could even be said to be a deadly enemy. A king rushed in. What will happen to the territory of the king beast?

It is definitely the beginning of the battle of kings, and he is not reasonable.

With the shadow king's stealth ability, it is possible to break contact at any time, making people unable to find him, and the king is not used to it. He is the least offensive among the three kings.

The reason why he is showing his deeds now is because on the one hand because of the marks he left, and on the other hand, he wants to guide the two of himself into the Misty Sea and clash with the Misty Whale King to achieve his Purpose: To besiege the Whale King in the Misty Sea.

Which one is it? The Lord of the Earth wanted to be more cautious. Once he threatened his safety, he would definitely retreat as soon as possible. This time he teamed up with the Sea King and laid a trap again. He didn't even dare to face the King of Shadow in person, but instead used his clone to accomplish his goal. .

"Catch up!" The Lord of the Earth gritted his teeth fiercely. This time he has conspired against the King of Shadow and has already forged a vengeance with him. If this hidden danger cannot be solved, he will suffer endlessly. The King of Shadow is definitely the most proficient in assassination and sneak attacks among the three kings. Yes, if you miss this opportunity, you will never have peace.

The king of the earth directly tore the space, the whole person rushed into it instantly, a hesitant look appeared on the face of the sea king, and finally went with it before the crack in the space closed.

The king of the earth and the sea king did not choose the fugitive figure in front of him, but kept a relatively safe distance, just draped behind him, and constantly analyzed and judged his direction, but the figure in front seemed to be seriously injured. , Not to mention the close distance of the tearing space shift, the frequency does not seem to be very high, and it is completely inconsistent with the strength of the king.

"It seems that your trap is very effective. The Shadow King has been seriously injured, and even has some power to escape." The Sea King is secretly guarding himself. The method of the Earth King seems to really be able to kill the King. This time he is his own. Partner, knowing that he won't be his prey in the future, this guy is not a trustworthy good person.

The Lord of the Earth frowned slightly and shook his head lightly and said: "Sometimes what the eyes see may not be real. The performance of the Shadow Lord is really..."

What is it?

Exaggerated, contrived, untrue, this kind of strength is too far away, not to mention the king, even the Duke level can't be reached, the injured king is also the king, how could it be so weak, there must be fraud!

The alarm bell in the heart of the Lord of the Earth kept ringing, and he refused to approach easily. Instead, he set the monitoring distance farther.

The figure in front tore through the space time and time again, and the distance moved each time was only a few hundred miles, but the direction of advancement was extremely strong, almost in a straight line, so that the king of the earth and the sea king couldn't help but want to run to the front to chase and block. He endured it again and again.

Suddenly, there was a hint of suspicion on the face of Sea King, standing there motionless, his eyes fixed on the king of the earth, the latter was a little inexplicable: "But something has been discovered?"

"Someone sneaked into my Sea King Hall and was found to fight." Sea King's gaze was a little weird, and the Lord of the Earth immediately reacted: "Are you suspicious of me?"

"The strength of the intruder is not strong, otherwise it is impossible to be discovered. The only person who knows that I am not in the Sea King Palace is you." Sea King's meaning is already very obvious. The Lord of the Earth was speechless for a while, and suddenly the figure in front of him tore the space. One head plunged into the sea, and the figure quickly sank to the bottom of the sea, attracting the attention of the two kings.

What's ahead? The powerful mental powers of the two kings extended silently, and the figure in between, holding the token, passed into the lair of a demigod-level beast, and then opened a teleportation formation in the depths of the lair.

"Go!" The two kings tore the space to the monster lair for the first time, but only saw the light flickering on the teleportation array, but the figure had disappeared. The king of the earth threw the monster into the air with a fist, and his eyes were dead. Staring at the teleportation array, his heart sank slightly, and he lost the sense of the mark.

In order to track the King of Shadows, he gave out a demigod-level armor. This is a fine product that he has worked so hard to create. There is no third one on hand. Only this armor is more precious than the entire Furnace Island. .

But it's better now. After losing the battle armor, he didn't leave the Shadow King. Instead, he forged a vengeance.


"Boom!" With a loud noise, the teleportation magic array was torn apart, and the powerful impact force forced the two kings back. This time they wanted to chase them but couldn't chase them.

"Fine, this time we lost, but the Shadow King was injured very seriously, so there is no need to worry about his revenge in a short time." The Earth King could only comfort himself like this, and cast his eyes on the Sea King, who snorted: "Sea King If the temple has something to deal with, I won’t accompany you to waste time here, and don’t ask me for such things in the future.”

"Coward!" Haiwang left three words, and left the space directly.

Seeing the cracks in the space gradually healed, the Lord of the Earth snorted disdainfully: "Be careful to sail the ship for thousands of traveller died of drowning, and the fireman eventually set himself on fire. There is little talent for being cautious. For a long time. Aquaman, you still can’t compare to me and the Shadow King after all!"

The Lord of the Earth shook his figure and rushed out a hundred feet in an instant, and then reached the surface of the sea. Is the Lord of Shadows really running for his life? Was that figure really the King of Shadows just now?

But if it wasn't him, who else? Are there any chess pieces of the Shadow King lurking in the Forge Island? And is it a general-level pawn?

I am afraid I was fooled, and the true King of Shadows may still be in the Forge Island.

No, he should leave after he and the Sea King have left. He would rather sacrifice a general-level chess piece to draw away his two kings. It seems that the Shadow King is not lightly injured.

If this is the case, perhaps it is possible to plan one or two, the king of the earth gradually disappeared into the vast fog, and a huge whale quietly emerged from a far place.

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